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    TwinStar team

Rogue Pick Pocket vs Group loot table.


New Member
May 20, 2015
My experience in retail vanilla in regards to the Rogue class was 1-19 for a twink.

Please explain to me if this is a correct assumption.

If you are a rogue and you pick pocket a mob prior to killing it. That does not impact the loot it drops after it dies?

I have been rattling this around in my brain all weekend. If I remember correctly a long time ago i had read somewhere on the blizzard forums that the loot a mob will drop is rolled at the creation of the mob and not when it is killed.

IDK if this rule applies on Kronos. I certainly have come to question it. I have seen where I am grinding mobs for quest items. I kill a mob. My group mate loots the corpse, I try to loot the corpse. Then about 5 seconds later the quest item is then loot table. This could all just be latency.

Anyway getting back to my concern with pick pocket.

Friend and I were in Stone Talon mountains doing quest in windshear crag. Killing the loggers and the operators.

We found that if I pick pocket the mob. They will drop no loot for either of us. It even went as far as not dropping the quest object.

Obviously I would have to re roll to test this theory before submitting a report. I know we killed about 8-10 operators prior to both getting the drop for the schematics, but the previous kills all were when I pick pocketed the mob. (How can I resist an extra 1.3silver per mob when I am poor)

This only really stuck out to us since we had ran this quest on our warrior just last weekend and it dropped on the first mob and they all had loot, that we can recall.

Please inform me. If you pick pocket does it wipe the loot table from the group and will the mob then drop nothing on death. Or is this actually a bug?

Pickpocket have separate loot table and pickpocketing mobs should not affect their regular loot. However, after recent pickpocket fixes, it seems that it's buged now and pickpocketing actualy makes mobs drop no loot.
It is a bug and quite a few pickpocketing bugs have been reported


The link above is related specifically to your issue. Others include:


As you can see they have been seen to and need a server update and retests to make sure they work properly. If you would be kind enough to retest after the update and let the dev's know the issues are fixed. That would be much appreciated!
At least I know I am not crazy. Although, I am not certain if it is happening to all mobs. In the same play session I was pocketing other mobs in another zone (Darkshore) and do not recall this behavior.

Seems quite busted then. I mean I can't pretend to know how it works, but how would engaging 1 loot table completely prevent another separate table from being looted. Again I am assuming that both of these tables were already rolled when the mob spawned, not when it was killed.

Thanks for the speedy response.

Okay, I see that now, I swear I even went into twinhead and looked at all the reports for that spell prior to posting. I must have missed that one about Hogger. Maybe it was all the bitching about fail rates that just did me in.

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Update: After playing this weekend I was able to pick pocket a mob as well as not break the loot table for the mob after a kill. It seems like Chero has implemented a fix that resolves the initial issue.

The extra coin and cool stuff that drops is really a great way to experience the rogue class. I feel ashamed that I missed this back in retail.

Thanks all,
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