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    TwinStar team

Rogue vs Holy Priest survivability in BGs


Feb 2, 2016

Which class will more readily survive BGs? (without consumables (because time constraints))

This will be on K2 Alliance. I generally play near a teammate or two. Not trying to get kills or see huge numbers, just fight and survive

Decent keybinds (probably not ranking down), no addons except error message remover (links?), couple dozen days /played healing BGs and 2s as F2P Priest/Paladin (cata+), minimal rogue exp
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If you're not going to downrank various abilities, don't play priest.

To answer your question, priest by virtue has more general survivability through various heals, absorb and so on. However, they lack control which rogues have a lot of. Once you get good at rogue movement and decision making, you can live through situations you wouldn't make it out of as a priest.
Priests become more and more squishy as we move further along the timeline. Their defensive abilities just simply don't scale well; most importantly Power Word: Shield. It's now at the stage where rogues are killing priests in a stun lock frequently and I have even been dropped by Minoan in an intercept stun on a couple of occasions. All of this is with Fortitude, Inner Fire, Power Word: Shield and so forth up.

It doesn't happen all the time and the class is by no means unplayable, you just need to be prepared for it if you choose to go down that route.
Strange classes to compare.

A (healing) Priest has pretty low survivability on its own, but when playing with teammates that actually peel they become much harder to kill. For Shadow you have insane survivability in any scenario. A true faceroll build.

For Rogues it's pretty much the opposite, as they need to have a target locked down to survive and they get insta-gibbed as soon as they pop out of stealth in group PvP.
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