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RP / Fan-Fiction / Art Forum Wanted


New Member
May 14, 2015
I think we could use a place where fellow Twin-heads may convene to share their WoW fan-fictions, fan art, and the like.

I think this would be a nice addition to the forums, while I don't roleplay much in game I do love fan fiction and moderate roleplay in general.
Hello, sorry for the delay, i was super-busy at work and forgot to fulfill this request :innocent:

Anyway ... section created, right now it is on bottom but if there will be enough interest we can move it a bit up :]
Hello, sorry for the delay, i was super-busy at work and forgot to fulfill this request :innocent:

Anyway ... section created, right now it is on bottom but if there will be enough interest we can move it a bit up :]

Thanks a lot for creating a RP section for our forums!! As a roleplayer, I'm very happy to see this around. But can I suggest you to change the name from "RP / Fan-fiction / Art" to "Roleplay & Fan-Art"? It's just a small change, but I think that not everyone is used to RP term and "Fan-fiction / Art" can be simply put as "Fan-Art".

Thanks again for adding it up!!
This seem really interesting! How does it work? I mean how can we use this section of the forums? We can post our own novels, visual arts or even in-game events?
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