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    TwinStar team

"Spam" in chat prevention is pointless and annoying


Dec 11, 2012
I personally like using "/whisper" chat when looking someone for an instance or group quest copying same message to multiple people. It's very effective method that allows to form a group really fast. On Kronos it's impossible to use this method since there's pointless "spam" prevention that will mute you after you send same message in short period of time. Please, remove it.
It's not pointless, its to lower the amount of gold spam and world chat cancer.
You can have world chat open in separate window or you can just leave it when it gets ridiculous. Once you find a guild with nice people I don't know a reason to sit on world chat.

Gold farmers will always find a way to advertise their shit and people who are that desperate for gold will look for such offers on Google anyway.

One more annoying thing is /who list limitation on Kronos. I mean things like "/who "c"-classname" don't work on Kronos and that's not cool as well when you want to invite certain class into your group.
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