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    TwinStar team

Stepping up the Trade Auction game to another level!


New Member
May 29, 2016
As I spoke to a GM earlier about some altercations, I randomly came up with an idea he considered being very good and should be written down here.
As I am one of the frequent traders on the site, I felt something was missing, pretty much what I mean is:
We should get some sort of Personal Message feature to the one putting up their trade, 'cause most of the time, either the person waits out their 4 days of auctioning while your character is in there but hoping for something better, which means you are practically without a character for 4 days. AND/OR for further information ,as we have alot of "jews" as people call them, picking up the gold and bags with their characters while you leave yours etc.

Shortly said: A PM feature for both Classic and Trade Auction would be a huge game changer.

Xoxo. Ciley
Just a question, why isn't it allowed / why isn't there any feature that allows people to trade characters from K1 to K2 and vice versa?
K1 to K2 are not at the same state of progression, transferring characters would mess with the natural progression of K2. Imagine buying a T2 geared tank for BWL progression, not to mention AQ gear.
K1 to K2 are not at the same state of progression, transferring characters would mess with the natural progression of K2. Imagine buying a T2 geared tank for BWL progression, not to mention AQ gear.
He's talking about trading though. For example I could trade my paladin for a kronos 2 char, he would get to play my paladin on k1 while I farm bwl for another 2 years on kronos 2. (fun!!!1 .....:/)

People on kronos 1 could trade some of their alts away to kronos 2 people who want to play here (giving a bit more playerbase potentially) while we can spare one of our alts to have some fun on k2 by trading it for a character there.

As you can see the weather on my holiday location is quite horrible :(
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