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    TwinStar team

Strafe Animations

I see the gifs and I don't understand the difference. Could you explain please?

Is it the foot placement? I think in the first video if you start strafing depening on the direction the first step is always done with the same foot. On the second video however the foot that is placed when you start strafing depends on your current foot placement which makes it look more fluent and natural.

It's hard to spot though, so I might be completely wrong :biggrin:
Yes please implement this. My game experience is drastically dampened by the lack of a strafe animation that didn't exist in vanilla.
Try strafing in game and you'll notice that when the character model goes back to its original "moving forward" position, there is no frame transition in between, resulting in a very instantaneous change. I just suggested this cause, well why not?
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