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    TwinStar team

Suggestion: Auto Hearth all non 60's during these issues :)


New Member
May 7, 2016
Hey this is just a suggestion, borne of ignorance of how easy it would be to achieve, but I'm sure quite a lot of the levelling population of Kronos are anxious to log in if only to hearth to an inn or city to bank up rested experience while the devs sort out what they can.

I don't know how popular an idea this is; but would anyone else be happier waiting if they knew their toon wasn't out in the world wherever you DC'd last time, and instead was at your most recent hearth location. Then if it does indeed take 2 weeks for things to "return to normal" we'll all get a nice couple of levels worth of rested experience to "catch up" with ourselves, so to speak.

I'll wait patiently, but if its a simple fix, it would certainly get my vote. After all the issues, I don't think many people can begrudge being returned to wherever they are hearthed I'm sure we've all lost more than enough time to make a journey across the world seem immaterial...

What do people think?
The thing is that there are some characters that players want to have in certain spots outside of an inn even though they aint 60.
Hell it would be nice for this to occur to accounts suspected of gold farming. Perhaps actual players of the game could finally get limited vendor recipes instead of farmers buying them up the instant they return.
Don't think such a thing is possible with vanilla server software.

Considering that this is like the third consecutive day of DDoS downtime, I'd rather the admins give us a short 2x or 3x exp event to make up for the lost play time.
Off the top of my head, this would be just a simple (simple being relative) SQL script that would set your location and whether or not rest bonus is active. I think it's the characters table, and refer to the characters_homebind table for the toon's HS, that is as long as they use a version of the getMaNGOS or cmangos database or any other mangos based core.

So that you only perform this for certain toons, the best way would be to do it via the player's account login, then they can choose which toons HS. This part will of course require adding new functionality to their account.

In the end though, it's probably not worth doing, but it would make for a nice little project :)
I think it would be a better alternative to, once this is sorted, run the server with +X% leveling speed for a time. (For example +7% for 2 weeks for each day of heavy DDoSing.)

It sucks that we have bottom-feeders DDoSing the server and making us unable to play. We can counteract the delay in leveling they are causing for the many players rerolling right now. Not saying that they have to do this, just that it would be a nice way to counteract at least one of the negative effects from the attacks.
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Just no, I as a horde player am in Wetlands to level my mining. Don't want to HS'ed to TB. Just wait
This really works? :O I was doing the SM prequest at desolace. I finished it and just a few yards before the inn, got DCed. I don't know if I want to go back to my HS place which is in the other continent. Unless I know that the server will be down for several days, I am not interested in doing it. But we don't get this kind of info :(
omg... you won t play for few days, so what... its not like you have to be at the login scren and press login all day
I guess my personal reason is because I want to have reached at least level 51 if not higher before the next AV weekend; I'm not a hardcore power leveller by any means, been enjoying the slow pace; it's just that was a target I was aiming for :p
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