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    TwinStar team

Suggestion on how to handle the new player influx and generate income.


Apr 22, 2016
I know a lot of people are are asking for a second realm, I don't think a second realm as-is would be the ideal solution. I'd like to propose a couple things.

So players have an ideal experience, Kronos should open a US realm. The current one is EU, so this would allow people to play with lower latency and in the same time-frame as the people around them. A US and EU server could solve a part of the population issue.

Next I was thinking about a way to earn donations for better server hardware each month, and I'm not a fan of the game-play altering transactions so I thought about the following which could generate some income.
Offer paid VIP/Supporter status at 6$/month which gives players Queue-bypass, GM support 'priority' and unlimited character slots (more to that in a moment).
Beyond that, you guys should offer 2-4$ paid services like character transfer, rename, cosmetic changes and etc., maybe also vanity pets.
I mentioned character slots, and I think it wouldn't be a bad idea if free-accounts where limited to 1 character, you could buy more character slots at 3$ each or be a VIP/Supporter and have unlimited access.

These are some simple ideas that would require some implementation work behind the scenes, but I think it would be work it in the long run.
No queue for donators

I would gladly pay for a no-queue feature. In a way you are buying your own place on the server, since with money they can improve the server specs.
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