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[Suggestion] Quest items lootable for everyone in the group.


New Member
May 27, 2016
Every quest where you have to kill something to get x amount of something is always tedious and slow if you are in a group with other people.

This makes people wanna solo them instead making people less likely of grouping up when questing in general.

If we made all non tradeable quest items lootable by everyone in the group like the named quest mobs are it would make questing together with friends and guildies alot more enjoyable.

This is ofcourse not vanilla like but since there is other elements in the game that is also not vanilla like im guessing this wouldnt be that bad to implement.

Hope im not the only one who feel this would be a great addition to the game.
I strongly disagree! The drop chance is even super high. Make it 0.000001% so we can enjoy vanilla and spend lifetime questing in Desolace, plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Everyone who play WoD who liked vanilla complained that its anti social and ruined the community. What i suggest is to make a change that will make people be more social and group up together.
And this is not wanted ?

Implement this and lower drop rates for quest items. It will still promote group play but wont be easier than it is now.

Or if possible make a system that lowers drop rate depending on how many people are in the group.
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I think though that group loot is bugged, especially when it comes to quest items more than one group member has to get. I am under the impression that it not only takes longer for everybody to get the needed amount of quest items, but usally one member of the group gets the majority of all those items until that player is done.

See also: https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?issue=5096
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