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    TwinStar team

[Suggestion] Warsong Gulch Marks for Loses under 10 minutes


New Member
May 9, 2015
So currently if you are in a normal WSG game that is won by either party in under 10 minutes, the losing party doesn't receive a Mark. This was at one point reported as a bug and found to be working as intended: https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?issue=6238&highlight=warsong gulch and was implemented to be like this in Patch 1.8.4 as per WoWWiki

What I am proposing here is that Kronos go against what is "Blizzlike" in this instance for the betterment of the server. Kronos has already shown on multiple occasions that they are willing to do this if they think it will benefit the server more than it will detract from the "Blizzlike experience". Examples of this include: the recent 7x Experience event and the level requirement on the target of a Warlocks Summon.

In my time pvping the #1 reason that queue's will die out is because of the fact that the losing party doesn't get a mark for 2 games in a row, that faction will stop queuing altogether and just not bother with pvp for a while. If its late enough at night pvp will be done for the night. It has gotten to the point where most people who pvp regularly will simply just sit in the flag room waiting it out until 10 minutes in order to allow the other team to get a mark to prevent pvp from dying. In my opinion it shouldn't be up to the community to just simply wait it out in order to keep pvp going, particularly when there is some new player who doesn't know what is going on charges in and picks up flag. Therefore, the other person who was politely waiting will just run ahead an cap rather than deal with having to track down an Enemy Flag Carrier for a game that they have already essentially won.

If you want Kronos to have a better PvP environment, I think this will help provide a more steady WSG queue, despite being not blizzlike I don't think it will have any adverse effects on the atmosphere Kronos is striving to maintain.

Sorry that was a bit long winded, but I am interested to see if anyone else agrees with me on that. I'd love to see Kronos to develop a larger PvP base.

Thanks for listening!
I give 0 "damns" about loosing team getting that mark after loss. Be it under 10mins or more, I just don't care.

I'm speaking from my experience on my ex realm, as I'm still leveling here.

This sounds good to me.
If that is what stops players from pvping when they face some superstrong "gonna win in under 10mins" premade or just quality pug, lets do it...

Blizzlike isn't always the best. In fact, I think vanilla has so many flaws that it hurts.
I always liked vanilla gameplay but some of new expansions really FIXED those "omg why is this like this" moments. I still prefer vanilla over any other, but if we could tweak some of the flaws, like this one, it would make the great game even better.

Kronos staff has already done much to improve vanilla wow as game and tbh, if they do this most ppl won't even notice it's done. Not many people know about it at all...

EDIT: @ Horo - wintrading is easily tracked and exposed. If ppl want banhammer to get some work, let them try.
No, it's not easily tracked.
People have to put in work to expose it. It's easy for you to claim this - out of ignorance - because you have no idea how much time is required to do so.
People need to put work to report "faggot" "fuck you" "omg you are afk noob" too, yet it's done on daily basis.

Ofc it needs work and effort but its not that hard to report a wintrading team.
It's so easy to spot it that barely anyone is gonna try it.
You refuse to understand that there is a big difference between the kronos staff performing work and the playerbase.
who ever said staff is gonna spend their time monitoring bgs 24/7 ?

They already know your every step. When you queue bg they know it, when you leave it early they know it too... They know basically everything.

If you suspect on someone wintrading just file the report.
Staff can easily check what happened.

I've been trough wintrading stuff as reporter of such idiocy. Staff cleared that in less than 2h after report.

You are right about one thing though, it's gonna get even more "drama" which is already present in this community of crybabies. More drama means more reports, more reports mean more gm time.

Imo, Kronos team did mistake by allowing such things as "Blacklist" forum section, in first place.
Things like this suggestion might suffer just because of people who will report literally everything they might find "touching their sensitive nature".
Ifreet goes from ...

I'd rather say "Thank you Twinstar!"

This company / team is so badass.

Cata realm - check
WotLK realm - check
TBC realm - check
Vanilla realm - check

Cata database - check
WotLK database - check
TBC database - check
Vanilla database - check

Feature rich forum for every realm - check
Separate staff for each realm - check
Non-gamebreakng donation system - check
No disconnects during gameplay - check
Lagg-free gameplay - check

Promising and stable future - check

Fkn badass...

You have my deepest respect Twinstar!
Thanks for Kronos realm. More than anything thanks for removing those silly flaws vanilla had and turning it into YOUR game rather than just another fancy advertised private server.


You are right about one thing though, it's gonna get even more "drama" which is already present in this community of crybabies. More drama means more reports, more reports mean more gm time.

Imo, Kronos team did mistake by allowing such things as "Blacklist" forum section, in first place.
Things like this suggestion might suffer just because of people who will report literally everything they might find "touching their sensitive nature".

Dude is one of the most confused posters I've ever seen.

Moving back to the topic, WSG seems to pop pretty often for the level 60 crowd even into the later NA hours. It's AB and AV that require more attention to get people to play them, if we're bothering with tossing around suggestions to stimulate the BG's.
Moving back to the topic, WSG seems to pop pretty often for the level 60 crowd even into the later NA hours. It's AB and AV that require more attention to get people to play them, if we're bothering with tossing around suggestions to stimulate the BG's.

As far as concerns for the playerbase, NA always seems to be a second-class citizen, NA still needs a lot more stimulation as far as BGs go. It's hard to play against the same two (if you're lucky) teams match after match, one is a pug of 7xer and the other is a t2 clad premade. You either are the one nailing or getting nailed, its incredibly boring.

Having wsgs giving you a mark under 10 minutes seems like it would just lead to terrible drama, r14 would become a race to who lucks out on the pug they are facing over and over again; if they are completely docile and let you get 3 caps as fast as possible vs a "non-optimal" situation where the other team is actually trying to win.

The fact that some premades are actually turbo-nerd enough to not let games last 10 minutes is hilarious in its own right.
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@ UltraStoat

What does Twinstar has to do with community ?

You literally said oranges are same shit as apples...
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