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    TwinStar team

Thinking deeper about being in a world-wide server


Feb 4, 2016
Stormwind City
Hello everyone, I was reading L'Étranger (The Outsider, Albert Camus) this afternoon and suddenly I had a doubt about a word from the book. Firstly I tried to find my answers on google/translate/web, but since I'm at a very early stage of learning french I had no success. Suddenly I had an idea: why not ask for some help on the world chat? And in a few seconds someone from Belgium popped up in my whisper chat window and we had a little chat while he solved my french doubts.

And that put me into thinking: what else can we get from this unique experience of being into a virtual world with people from many different cultures? And I must also add that being in this game adds a lot to the environment, because people are usually friendly and they're not busy (otherwise they wouldn't be there) so they are very open to random chatting in general.

So let's list some ideas up:

We can get some help to learn new languages

I've already mentioned it: there is a HUGE educational potential in the game for the language field. You can take me as an example: I've learned English through gaming, my native language is actually portuguese.

We can get a different perspective on the world news

Anyone following the world news might have heard that Brazil is passing through a tense political transition (our president is might be getting a impeachment soon). So if you're interested in politics/sociology and want to get a different perspective from the international media, you can actually talk to normal citizens that will have a internal perspective (it can also be less intimidating than reading a 3 page article on the newspaper).

Touristic information from people that don't care about your money

Sometimes travel agencies can be very greedy and point you to expansive places while there are cheaper alternatives. Natives usually know their cities/country quite well and can provide free tips to help out in a travel plan. For instance: let's say I'm going to visit the Czech Republic - I just call for some Czech player on world chat and ask for some advices about where is worth visiting and where it is not.

Cultural tips

There is a very famous Brazilian book called The Alchemist, that I've even seen some cerebrites (like Will Smith) commenting around about it on talk shows/tv. What if I told you that most of my literature teachers here dislike that book? In a nutshell: natives are the best to indicate what book/movie/bands from their country are worth reading/watching/listening to. And sometimes a little chat can attune what a specific person would enjoy the most - again: free chats 24/7

Do you guys any other ideas around this? Please share them!
I've used the "touristic information" part twice here. Once it was even useful (another trip never happened).

So yea, guys, XXI century is freaking amazing for someone who can be amazed.
We did this with Magic the Gathering 20 years ago as teenagers... Travel to foreign countries, playing tournaments and there were always locals to help you out with cheap options for accommodation, sometimes you would be invited to stay with people you never met before, but you had been emailing with them about deck lists for weeks....

often I had to sell cards to be able to pay for my next dinner....

good times....
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