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    TwinStar team

This is a thread pointed to the devs.


New Member
Feb 27, 2015
The point is not to start a debate between the players, it is just a very important question to the devs.

Have you considered to copy either the characters or account from Nostalrius to here?

I mean, you are the greatest project of vanilla wow atm, if you ever did this, im sure hundreds of people among me will play in your server for very very long.

If not... then thank you for answering, and good luck!
Not sure we need more players.
We're already over the "Blizzlike" population from what I read.

What was the Blizzlike population back in 2004/2005 on high population server? I remember playing on a low to mid pop pvp server and we were struggling getting a good group for any 5 men instances at lvl 60 or for UBRS. Always lacking of healers...

And some zones such as Swamp of Sorrows were almost empty all the time (was playing horde). Ungoro Crater had maybe 5 to 12 players max on one side. Undercity/TB was always almost empy until they added AH in all cities. Even then, there was barely more than 10 players online on both cities. The major one was always Orgrimmar. No idea for alliance side.

Just throwing out some memories of that time.

On Nost, all zones were having more than 50 players all the time loll.... minus Darnassus lol (was playing alliance there). But at the very end, it backfired right in our face. The distance view was reduced to such a point it was not enjoyable to play. I could barely see another player until I was almost right at him. No sure how is distance view on Kronos (hopefully Blizzlike) , but on Nost it was disgusting at the end. 11k online was just too much and devs never should had allowed it at first place.

In the first 4 months when Nost released, 3,8k was a high peak of online players in the late evening on North America and it was great. at 7k it was becoming a problem. at 11k for peak hours at EU it was a very big issue. So no, we really don't need such a population.

''queue in line! everyone will have their turn at killing the boar. Just be patient''

Also, you can always use the Kronos donation shop to get a higher lvl character so you don't start from lvl 1.
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What was the Blizzlike population back in 2004/2005 on high population server?
2500 players was the population cap back then. From what I understand we're already at 6-7k peak times and around 3k downtime.

People like to say that having a ridiculous high pop makes the server feel a lot more ''alive'', yes but at what cost? Having only just x2 blizzlike pop already bring in its share of problems and issues and we're almost at x3 now.. Being able to form parties for anything at any giving times does seem nice but it really doesn't out balance the cons of having a non-blizzlike pop. I'll never be able to understand it and it leads me to believe that most who are happy with crazy pops probably never experienced playing on a comfy vanilla blizzlike pop server in the first place.
... I mean, you are the greatest project of vanilla wow atm, ...

I lol'd on that part... For many of us, who played on Kronos pretty much from beginning (I joined last year less than a month after release) Kronos was already the greatest vanilla project...

So, please:

Here's what I'm noticing:
Server crashes, gold spam/whispers, draw distance decreases and a general increase of community toxicity.

All in all I don't see this as a good trade off for just being able to get dungeon groups faster.

I was actually fine with the server population even before the x7 event, so this is all making me rather uncomfortable.
I've seen some footage and screenshots of huge crowd gathered during Nost's final hours, I'm not sure you actually had to be at melee distance in order to see someone.

yeah I see what you mean. I wasn't playing much at the end, but when I quested a bit in the Badlands, it was very low distance. Maybe the Devs had to do it temporarely to fix an issue or something. No idea on this but I assumed it was due to massive population causing a lot of stress on their server.

As for pop, I totally agree with you Zanz on this. It feels alive, specially in cities it is fun to see all those players. But in the wild, it takes from you the feeling of being alone in the wild, if you know what I mean. Plus all the other issues related to questing or gathering herbs/ores.

But we are still far from Nost. Just by looking at AH, I look at 2H swords from lvl 40 to 60 and there is almost no rare or epics while there was easily 10x the number of those swords on AH. And price were obviously much reduced. Hopefully it will stay as it is now. This is still very well playable.
Have you considered to copy either the characters or account from Nostalrius to here?

No, we haven't. If we would have considered it, we would have made it possible many months ago to allow players "easy access" to transfer over to Kronos.
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