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    TwinStar team

To Chero and all of Kronos - for a brighter future to all


Nov 21, 2014
Alright, I've had yet another idea that might help Kronos a lot.

As you possibly know, a friend of mine and a former guild member back on Emerald Dream set up www.kronos-census.com following my specific request when I moved our guild here, after he created and maintained the ED counterpart for more than 2 years. Now that Feenix has decided to shut two of its dead vanilla servers (Al'Akir and indeed Emerald Dream) and force their population on Warsong before turning it into a TBC realm shortly - smart move wouldn't you say? I let you imagine the mess on their forums now, they even had to close the announcement topic just a day later when they said it was meant to stay open :lol: - I thought I'd ask him to relocate the virtual machines that he was using for ED censuses and have them monitoring Nostalrius instead, in order to provide 24/7 census data for it just as www.kronos-census.com has been doing for us for nearly as long as Kronos has existed.

Why this, and how could this be pivotal to Kronos' ultimate success?

Simply, I'm suggesting him to link the two pages, providing a brief description and overview of both servers, depicting Nost as the hi-pop realm while Kronos as the hi-quality one, thus increasing our visibility among Nost players, which would in turn give us all a subtle yet effective advertisement. Many Kronos players are aware of such site already and use to check it on a regular base. Imagine if the shitload of Nost players would be drawn there for the same purpose (they certainly would), and noticed a Kronos tab. It is my knowledge that the great majority of Nost players are simply unaware of Kronos' very existence. Maybe this, and possibly a link to this comparative review of mine between the two realms, could arouse things and turn them to our favor. In the end, if our respective player bases (Kronos' and Nostalrius') evened out, both realms would end up benefitting from it, as many of us have always wished.

What can Kronos players do?

Now here it is where all of you come into play: would you agree to support such a site with donations, if needed to convince him to set up this site and maintaining it over time? I myself certainly would. If we come together and sustain this project concretely (so not only with words, but also throwing a few bucks at it), we would win the right to also have Kronos trailers added to our tab, and grow quite some hype around us - and trust me, after 3 years in the scene I came to the conclusion that hype is all for a successful project that is so bent on audience.

What could Kronos administration do?

Chero, I'm mostly addressing this to you as the project leader. Shift your devs' efforts a bit and have them focus on those quests and chains that are more complex, harder to fix, trigger mini-events where refined scripting is necessary, and that are usually overlooked on other projects (i.e. the Rumbleshot quest & related event) because they only add cosmetic value. Those are rather the keystone, because they don't work at all anywhere. Rather than prioritizing mechanics and endgame-related things just like our competitors - the % of people in the leveling bracket is much larger than 60s after all, always will be... and think of those who'll never ever make it to 60 anyway - let's turn to a non-conventional approach, and get all those things to work that dev teams from rival projects would never bother themselves with. We're already known as the highest quality vanilla realm, we must push ourselves along this road even further, putting the stress on what differentiates Kronos from all the competition. In a word, focus on everything that can be effectively showcased in a video, like the aforesaid events. Why? Because then, the next step would be hiring Hurricane and have him make a grand video of his - one on par with the quality all of us have gotten used to expect from him - portraying all things that work here and aren't even scripted elsewhere. This video would go on our census page and deliver a devastating blow on our rivals. Have you ever met a girl who's clueless as to how to dress and make herself up, and only frequents semidesert pubs, thinking that she would look absolutely stunning with proper clothing and make-up? This resembles with enough accuracy the Kronos' present state. Kronos is a potential beauty, we need to dress that girl up, make her up and put her under the spotlights of fashionable circles. Then you'll see what happens.


I've pondered this over quite a lot, and have considered the possible downsides to this idea. While Nost players would see Kronos census and its numbers, Kronos players would similarly see Nost numbers, and feel overwhelmed by them, perhaps deciding to switch over. In the end however, I strongly believe there is more to gain for us than there is to lose, simply because we are outnumbered already. Especially so if we could arrange solutions like the ones I've just suggested, we would end up gaining the upper hand in much shorter terms. Everyone, however, should do their part and contribute, at all levels.

Bottom line

For now this is nothing but a work in progress until I hear from my friend, whose willingness plays the biggest role in this strategy plan.

What are your thoughts on this? As usual, all feedback is appreciated.
I am definitely behind this idea financially or otherwise. Why not try anything we can to bring more attention to Kronos? Let's get our name out there!

p.s. I really liked your analogy of the girl going out to the pubs :tongue:
Nothing too powerful at all, it would seem. Anyway I think we have this thing on its way :smile:
Whats the requirements to run such a VPS?

Not sure if you're asking abut the VM's or hosting... The VM's are Ubuntu running on an old'ish iMac. This is probably the least optimal set-up for virtualized gaming possible, but I'm lazy and the iMac wasn't being used for anything.

For hosting I use Hostbudget's $1/month hosting. I've had a few issues where they broke stuff (once they disabled the mysqli PHP extension... and last week every request was redirecting to a cpanel login); but the support is surprisingly good/responsive. Also, the Feenix site's (RIP) load times were getting pretty awful after 2.5 years of data piling up. Kronos' isn't too bad yet.
As a pass feenix player I took a look on their forum and clearly their 1.12.1 players are on a sinking boat. I would expect quite a few of them would be willing to jump ships, not to mention whole guilds, it's just a matter of showcasing Kronos in a way they can see it. Feenix guild forums? I'd be all for helping new players level by making Alta myself.
Sadly they finally found my updated original post in my guild's recruitment thread, where I would say how many players left ED because of our guild's migration here and many other nice things... they deleted it and closed my forum account. I'd suggest you prepare a standard post and PM it to everyone who would be skeptical over the 1.12.1 future on Feenix. Link to official teaser trailers, screenshots of the bugtracker page, the database (TwinHead) and our own armory could also be put into it to show them how professional the environment here is. I've done that myself for as long as I could, and actually managed to win several people over.
It can be challenging putting together any type of post because of blocked words, yet just reading the threads over there shows how many people are quite upset about what's happening to their project.

Not to add I don't know or think it's a positive idea to spam people, not that I care if my forum account gets blocked there or not.
I used to use tinyURLs and images to bypass their stalinist/hyper-paranoid filters and persecution complex. Because Kronos can be filtered,
cannot. By no mean. Link to them the BWL trailer, a screen of the Armory and the bugtracker, and they'll be hooked. You're not spamming them, you're offering them a solution when they're left with none.
It's not, they turned off both that and ED. Anyway I'm having a new forum account in order to PM as much users as possible who post within the Introduction section.
It's not, they turned off both that and ED. Anyway I'm having a new forum account in order to PM as much users as possible who post within the Introduction section.

Apparently, the moderators condone this kind of activity that I have described as "slimey and sleazy" in a post that was moderated out. In that post I pointed out that, quite frequently, these tactics have the opposite effect of that intended and generally harm a server's reputation. If you think this is not so, look no further than how the people here have reacted to similar tactics being used right here in these forums by members of another server. Numerous insults have been hurled at both the perpetrator and the associated project!

I will suggest, again, that those involved cease and desist before they harm the server more than they already have!
Apparently, the moderators condone this kind of activity that I have described as "slimey and sleazy" in a post that was moderated out. In that post I pointed out that, quite frequently, these tactics have the opposite effect of that intended and generally harm a server's reputation. If you think this is not so, look no further than how the people here have reacted to similar tactics being used right here in these forums by members of another server. Numerous insults have been hurled at both the perpetrator and the associated project!

I will suggest, again, that those involved cease and desist before they harm the server more than they already have!

I would submit that most of these arguments about "reputation" and feelings, have very little in the way of actual practical consequences. They can be ignored. Furthermore, to act upon them is to cater to the subjective whims of individuals (a departure from Kantian universality), and more often than not (barring blind luck) will lead to disastrous decisions. All that really matters is simple math, incentive, appealing to people's individual desires, and taking advantage of group behavior/herd mentality. It is vital to be cutthroat to truly get ahead. To think otherwise is naive.
You might want to try reddit. That site reach very wide audiences. However, be careful that..
  • Some of the more aggressive Nostalrius people are also there
  • head moderator of r/wowserver reddit doesn't like seeing people post solely down side of any server. Regardless of being trace-able facts or not, doing it extensively would likely receive banning. But he prefer that people provide both pros and con sides when criticizing.

Hope that help.
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