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    TwinStar team

Too much transparency?


Dec 21, 2014
Is the staff giving too much away?

I'm talking about explaining the timers for world dragon respawns as an example. 7-10 days. Would it be more exciting to keep this info away from players and let us try to figure it out for ourselves?

Another example is the abililty to see enemy resistance with a macro. Can be quite helpful when deciding the optimal gear-selection for one thing.
But players in vanilla did not have access to a macro like this. If it did exist in the game, it was not available to player-characters. There are many old forum posts where the community was talking back and forth for ages, speculating about how the mechanics actually worked, what resistances the mobs had.

Then we have also the example of being able to see exact values of monsters health. In actual vanilla people could only detect the monsters health by dropping it 1% health and then go through the combat-log to determine how much health was lost to produce that 1% difference. They had addons for this obviously, but it's still the reason why you can find boss videos where the raid wipes on 1% - and they don't know if the boss had 1.000 health left, or 30.000 health left when this happened. Because it only updates the current value everytime 1% of its maximum health has been taken away.

So just an open question, is too much being given away? Should Kronos try to keep the cards abit more hidden for us players? Or is this the sign of a hard working team who believes in transparency - so you're never in doubt about what to expect?
I understand your concern, and I agree with it to a certain degree. However, most information we release isn't "real news". The game is over 10 years old, and most of this basic information is easily found online (mob health, spawn cool downs etc..).

Things we can control such as what time we could release the world dragons at the first time are within our powers to control. It was debated on whether to announce the times or not, but in this case we decided to do it for a few reasons (one of which will be released at a later time).

We try our best to "keep the magic" without revealing too much from behind the curtain. It's a delicate fine line to walk.
It's not magic. Addons were always part of a game. Players just didn't use them as much as today and there was no option to see health of your target in game.

Vanilla is an old game and there are now more addons (and people who can make them - it was harder to understand programming addons back in vanilla days) that make you think the transparency of the game is revealed.
I could agree on everything cept the HP part.

I picked Kronos cuz of it's approach to vanilla content. These guys fixed those tiny annoying things that original vanilla had.
I like being able to see mob's hp without using some addons. Why postponing the inevitable, we all know how much hp each mob has by now... if you don't, it's easily found out by few clicks.

Kronos does vanilla wow on a best way possible imo.
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