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    TwinStar team



Nov 29, 2012
I remember this beeing suggested somewhere already, but I couldn't find the topic...

For the XP boost prio to the war effort, please consider changing the /who to reflect both factions summed up unless someone does distinct queries.

/who -> both factions combined
/who c-60 war warsong -> locks and warriors in warsong for your faction
I support this.

Lots of people are blinded by high numbers as seen on the other server.
Most people don't even know that you only should see the numbers of players of your own faction.

Changing this will help the propaganda of Kronos.

Can still be changed later if people are crying about blizzlike again.
I've met people who come from Nos and think that our numbers are the overall of the server, or other even think that the overall that Nos shows is only depending on the faction.

Would be a nice addition.
Would be nice to add into the MOTD To say how many current players are online :)

*Players Logins in*
"Welcome to Vanilla Kronos! There is currently 200 players online"
do this now rather than later before the new people coming over think it shows server wide pop.
Sure, but personally would still like to retain the ability to see how many are on-line of just your own faction as well.
Another option could be to display only your own faction but clarify it, for example:
300 people found on Alliance side

Or show both, but seperated:
300 people found on Alliance side
280 people found on Horde side
Another option could be to display only your own faction but clarify it, for example:
300 people found on Alliance side

Or show both, but seperated:
300 people found on Alliance side
280 people found on Horde side
I would prefer that. It would have both the advantage of showing a bigger population, and of keeping the honesty.

Problem is, I don't know if it's at all possible (it depends on what is server-side and what is client-side in the informations and the display).
"/who c-warrior 60"
"/who c-paladin 60 warsong"

already works
thought all knew that?..

let me know if you want even more commands of anything..
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Is it possible to alter the way the who command works like this:

/who f-alliance c-warrior

Would show only warriors that are online on alliance side.
Only a blank /who would give you overall pop. Everything else will just be your factions of course.

Probably late, but there's still hope...

Most of the Nost players don't know about the Kronos /who functionality. If we want them, we should adapt our /who list to their well-known version.
Show pop for both factions + Keep sayin it's just for one faction. ( hehe) ... Or dont show pop at all. But seriously, do something quickly and don't repeat the same mistake as before.
Show pop for both factions + Keep sayin it's just for one faction. ( hehe) ... Or dont show pop at all. But seriously, do something quickly and don't repeat the same mistake as before.

Agree, should have been done before the event. So many confused new players.
Or you could just have the log in info include "Btw, /who only shows your own faction's population." It's a bit of a Jerry-rigged solution but it would be very quick and easy to do, and you can just delete it after the month is over.
Still no news about this? Does Kronos team take in account this feature? We should try it at least for one month. Let the /who show pop for both factions. I dont like that either but I think it could help us increase the pop even more.
It would be FAR more useful to just add a total online number to the kronos-wow.com frontpage. There's no reason to acquiesce to childish players.
I suppose because it's common bug from other servers. And also because it is weird to be able to search for other faction characters in /who.
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