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Will AQ on K1 be released soonish?


Aug 26, 2014
War Effort is 94% done, and it's soon to end. Will AQ be released right after this, in a few days? I'm asking because - well, it's War Effort, huge event aimed to prepare both sides to the big war, and it's a shame when the war actually never starts for months (like on infamous p-server V).
When war effort is completed, it takes 7 days to 'move' the supplies to silithus, then, players can ring the gong. AQ is finished and we just need to bang the gong for it to open. You will have a 7 day warning for when exactly it opens.
Horde need to hurry the fuck up and farm some firebloom. Its only been going up 500 a week. Howabout a horde raiding guild or two step up and ask their members for 10g/week or something and firebloom(our biggest chokepoint) will be done incredibly fast. Aren't yall tired of BWL yet?
Horde need to hurry the fuck up and farm some firebloom. Its only been going up 500 a week. Howabout a horde raiding guild or two step up and ask their members for 10g/week or something and firebloom(our biggest chokepoint) will be done incredibly fast. Aren't yall tired of BWL yet?

I am boycotting the war effort until the plight of ThunderCats is given the proper attention it deserves.
Horde need to hurry the fuck up and farm some firebloom. Its only been going up 500 a week. Howabout a horde raiding guild or two step up and ask their members for 10g/week or something and firebloom(our biggest chokepoint) will be done incredibly fast. Aren't yall tired of BWL yet?

How about you acknowledge it has been the raiding guilds that has probably taken the war effort to where it is now. Compared to some of my guildmates I havent even spent that much, and I spent A LOT of gold on this. So STFU and do your own part instead
Let's make it a special event and complete the effort @ 4am server time. I would love get pizzas and do some night-raiding.
5 days time period of transfering the war effort material to Silithus started exactly at the time war effort was completed (18:30ish). After these 5 days you will be able to bang the gong starting the 10h event. After the event is done AQ raids will be available. US players rejoice!
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