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    TwinStar team

Shaman Hey guys,


New Member
Hey guys, I'm planning on playing on this server after it launches as a Enhancement shaman. I'm also trying to get my bro to join me, he says he may play a arms warrior(WF FTW). We'll be mainly PvP but I hope to get into some PvE maybe, not sure if I want to try to get into a raid as a enhancement shaman :shifty: so I may try to level a second character for that.

Kronos is the only vanilla WoW server I've played so far and I'm looking forward to it opening up again. I do have a question though, is Stormstrike still bugged? Last time I played it wouldn't proc Windfury, I think it would show the WF animation but it wouldn't do damage.


enha in raids is simply no. so low dmg, and any healer shaman can put totem to other groups. Its because enhacement have very low dmg. You can be tolerated in raids or 5man groups,where dmg isnt needed but you should never count with this spot :wink:


Its not even tryharding. You spare your members 40 minutes of raiding per day if you do not allow retarded specs.


New Member
I highly doubt I'll be raiding enhancement, like I said before, mainly gonna PvP. Last time I raided a little as a warlock so I might do that again. If I PvE it would be nice to play a class that does a lot of damage. Will be looking forward to playing with you guys! :smile:


New Member
did you noticed, the nightfall proc debuff is overwrited by all class debuffs on target ? in raids you have no use for this axe :)

Dunno what you are speaking about my raiding guild during retail vanilla was using one to full extent.
In properly organised raid all 16 debuff slots are sorted out and accounted. There shouldn't be voluntary dots on bosses anyway. Out of my head, some ppl may correct me on that, here comes the list of important debuffs.

Sunder Armor
Curse of Recklessness
Curse of Elements
Curse of Shadow
Demo shout
Hunter's mark
Fairy Fire
Judgement of Wisdom/Light (doesn't exist for Horde)
Spell Vulnerability (from Nightfall)
Frost Vulnerability (mage talent Winter Chill, shouldn't be beyond BWL)
Shadow Vulnerability (from shadow weaving)
Shadow Vulnerability (from improved shadowbolt)
Gift of Arthas
Fire Vulnerability (from improved scorch, not needed till AQ)
Ignite (not needed till AQ)
Vampiric Embrace

Considering fire and frost are mutually exclusive, you can't taunt some bosses etc etc, it's totally ok to cope with 16 debuff slots.
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Debuff priority was introduced with 1.11 (afaik). Someone told me that this system is also in place here. I haven't checked it myself though.
Since nightfall has medium priority it is not likely to get pushed off.


New Member
Sounds like a good reason to bring someone that can use a two handed axe, although I'm still not sure if I want to try raiding as enhancement. Especially since a off tank could use Nightfall.
I figure if nothing else I'll just respec resto whenever a raid starts, I don't mind healing and won't have to try to come up with 100g every raid just for respec costs.


New Member
Not gonna lie, I know enha is a sweet as spec to play, you have big weapons, high crits, one shoots on casters etc. But it is really luck dependant. Your dps will suck, no matter what you do if you go as pure melee. As elemental your mana will be drained much too fast and as flametongue relying shaman, you wont be able to raid molten core and blackwing lair due to high fire resist of the mobs. The luck dependance of enha is pvp only, there it is strong if played correctly (enha/ele mix, high hp, high mana, high spell power AND attack power, Nature swiftness etc).

Also in raids there will always be off tanks, which arent needed so no need for an additional nightfall shaman. Furthermore, also a modified restoration shaman can have the improved melee totems (windfury, Grace of Air) and still have bigger utily than you, so in my opinion no top guild, which raids all content will ever take an enhancement shaman with them :(.

But hey.. respecc cap at 10 gold? Thats litterarely nothing, go ahead and become the #1 pve healer and you will be praised with off spec loot to pvp on any day which is not raid day :D.