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    TwinStar team

Priest Healing Priest Pre-Raid BiS list


New Member
It is a valid point you have :), but I guess it largely depends on the gear of the raid overall and how many healers you use in the raid (Ressing ppl takes longer time than drinking anyways).


New Member
On MC trash you can have 4-5 healers healing while the rest drinks in the background heh. No need for mana breaks.


Gardash, your logic for DCBM is faulty because it assumes that during the proc you will continuously heal (thus not gain out of 5 second rule mana regen). The problem is, that the tank might not take damage durign the period you cast your heal (1) and that the heals you do cast (hots) are only overhealing (2). Efficient healing wise DCBM is often very lacking precisely for this reason. Not to mention the RNG basis which may mean it would either proc too many times or too few times during a boss fight.
You mgiht say: less mana breaks. Problem, you don't cast continously even when speedrunning. So that logic also fails. Hence, shard is often better (and DM trinket is better in case of renewing if that's your assignment).


I agree with you Jindo, that is why I increase the "changeover" point from 1 to 1.5. I have arbitrarily selected 1.5. I don't know how to reliably account for precisely what you've identified. 1.5 instead of 1 might be too little or it might be too much.

I think that Shard of the Scale is probably better than the Blue Dragon until you're in tier 3.

In case you missed it in my wall of text:

This math however assumes a few things that are not realistic. First of all, it assumes chain casting your spells so that you never leave the 5 second rule and waste no time between casts. Secondly, it does not account for double procs where a cast you make within the proc of blue dragon re-procs blue dragon. Thirdly, it assumes only using 2.5s cast spells when priests (and druids) will almost always be using a mix of 2.5s, 1.5s, and instant (GCD 1.5s) cast spells, and druids will sometimes use longer cast time spells.

In order to account for this disparity between idealized assumptions and impossible to reliably quantify real world usage, we can fudge the numbers a bit. Instead of a final value of 1 being the changeover from SotS to DCBD, we will arbitrarily use 1.5 and hope that it sufficiently accounts for the difference. If anyone has a better idea, I would love to hear it.

A priest in my guild thinks that it's a good idea to spam cast rank 1 renew at all times when not casting a proper heal. Rank 1 renew costs 27 mana. In my current gear (full pre-raid BIS with a few raid items like tier 2 pants and Benediction) I currently regen 28 mana every tick (2 seconds) meaning that spam casting renew rank 1 is free. This should increase the chances that the Blue Dragon will proc, but seems a bit silly to constantly keep yourself inside the 5 second rule so that your trinket might proc and get you out of the 5sr.
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Yeah, didn't see all of that. That rank 1 renew trick is a bit foolish tho. The chance that you have a wait a GCD when there is actually damage that needs to be healed aside, it wastes more mana than you gain in return of DCBM. Also, it's worse on horde cuz RIP Kings.


I've heard rumours that the proc rate of the Blue Dragon on Kronos 2 is not correct and that it procs way more often than it should. I've also heard this said about procs in general on the server, including Crusader.

I have not tested it, but I have heard that the proc rate might be as high as 20% instead of 2% and that "it's always up."

If this is true, then DCBD is the ultimate healing trinket on this server for priests and druids and might actually be the best dps trinket for mana based dps as well. When I get my hands on an Ace of Beasts, I'll try it out.

Can anyone who currently uses a Blue Dragon let us know about the proc rate?


On Kronos 1 it seemed to be working correctly in the testing I did this weekend, at least. I'll try it on visc later tonight, but I'm pretty sure that without heavy luck or spirit gear it's worse than many of the alternatives.


Blue Dragon proccs perfectly fine at 2%, since the latest changes it also proccs on instant casts like it is supposed to.

And as to worse than alternatives - what alternatives are there? In a fight where you might go OOM otherwise, Blue Dragon is the best Trinket in the Game (worth 30-40 MP/5 depending on gear). On short fights, sure you can chose an on-use trinket or a Rejuvenating Gem and Seal of Eldre'thalas combo, but other than that there is no alternative.


Also played priest on ED in t2 content and I was very happy with blue dragon, especially if because it was possible to extend the duration with the 3minute free cast talent from discipline. Also innervate together with blue dragon was superb on healing intense parts (like big flash heals on nef skeleton phase) or fast greater heals with zg shoulder + trinket combo (that was before I had rejuv gem).
All the other trinkets are also okay, but if you have mana intense fights, blue dragon is the way to go.


Blue Dragon proccs perfectly fine at 2%, since the latest changes it also proccs on instant casts like it is supposed to.

And as to worse than alternatives - what alternatives are there? In a fight where you might go OOM otherwise, Blue Dragon is the best Trinket in the Game (worth 30-40 MP/5 depending on gear). On short fights, sure you can chose an on-use trinket or a Rejuvenating Gem and Seal of Eldre'thalas combo, but other than that there is no alternative.

Shard of the Scale is superior to Blue Dragon unless the difference between your in 5 second rule mana per tick and out of 5 second rule mana per tick is somewhere around 80.