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    TwinStar team

Let's be a home for all ED refugees! (aka Common Effort for Kronos)


Nov 21, 2014
All former/current Feenix players, but everyone willing can (should) help.

As most of you know, the Feenix-hosted realm Emerald Dream (launched at 13:37 on 25 August 2012), is no more. For a long time the most successful and populated blizzlike-vanilla realm, has had its plug pulled once and for all and now just doesn't exist anymore. [A minute's silence.] Finally, after several months of lies, bad decision making and outright inactivity, the proud Feenix admins must have thought they could do better than shooting themselves in the foot and turned the gun to their head instead, forcing all players from their other 1.12.1 realms (Al'Akir and indeed ED) onto Warsong, and... turning it into a TBC realm just a few days later. I let you imagine the outcry on their forums.

This seems like the perfect chance for us to join our efforts and try offering our disillusioned and forsaken vanilla friends a new home, before they start looking around and turn to the competition (Nost). The final goal is of course to help Kronos population grow and advertising it at the same time.

Sort through all of Feenix forums, searching for all disappointed users who've been thrown outboard their 1.12.1 realms, and discreetly contact them via PM to inform them about their options (you can use the model I made available under Message, further down this post). Each and every user showing disagreement with the recent turn of events, rage posters, and everyone who likes their posts: all of them are potential Kronos new players. This isn't poaching: we don't want to steal members from another project, we're simply providing objective and unbiased information to fellow players who have suddenly found themselves homeless, letting them decide for what's in their best interests. Unbiased I said, because our competition too has to be mentioned for the sake of transparency.

Feenix have set strict limitations to PMs, in order to hinder spammers and poachers on their site. As far as I know (with a newly created account at least), you can only start a conversation via PM every 10 minutes, and up to a maximum of 10 conversations in a 24-hour span.

All those of you who don't mind risking their forum accounts on Feenix (in fact the risk is very relative, as you can imagine, since PMs aren't monitored), and those willing to create a new account from scratch to join this recruitment campaign, could help making our numbers go past the aforesaid limitation and thus reaching a larger audience.

Everything that's posted on Feenix website, be it forum posts or PMs, is heavily filtered for spam words. I've therefore prepared a message which contains a lot of information, using redirect links and images to make it look nicer and completely bypass all filters. All you have to do, is copy the source code under the spoiler here...

You probably don't know me. This is pure information to your own advantage no-one else is gonna share with you, straight from vanilla enthusiasts to others, so take it as such. We've taken ourselves the time to put these few lines together to make our experience and knowledge on the matter available to those vanilla players still on Feenix that should feel forsaken after the recent turn of events, hoping it will help them out of the current, understandable state of uncertainty.
After years confronted with the same old bugs (did we mention corrupted admins too? See [URL="http://tinyurl.com/p2738m2"]here[/URL] if you want to learn the backstory none has ever told you) we finally migrated to a quality-oriented project and are now prospering and having a blast there.
Now, if you're looking for [B]serious [/B]alternatives, the vanilla scene is currently dominated by two rival teams (both with [B]no gear/money rewards[/B] on their realms, [B]all rates 1x[/B]):
[URL="http://tinyurl.com/pf85l3o"]Main Website[/URL] | [URL="http://tinyurl.com/ohjumsu"]Realm Website[/URL]
A Czech Rep.-based, professionally-run, multi-realm network (they offer a realm for each expansion: [B]Vanilla[/B], [B]TBC[/B], [B]WotLK[/B], [B]Cataclysm[/B]) dating back to 2009. Their vanilla realm, [img=http://i.imgur.com/ShvHgwc.png], is very young (launched on 28 March 2015), and its population still only matches low-medium standards (with peaks of nearly [B]1000 players[/B], you can see actual real-time data [URL="http://tinyurl.com/zvogbs5"]here[/URL]), nevertheless it's really a jewel when it boils down to the stunning quality of content and refined scripting, certainly the most polished private realm to date. Most things that are bugged/not scripted on the other private projects work exactly like vanilla retail here, even mini-events, mobs' special skills and [I]merely cosmetic stuff[/I]. The community is far less toxic and the GM team is renowned for the readiness they show toward answering your ingame tickets. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]If you're in for the sheer quality of content, community and staff, this realm is your best choice[/COLOR][/B].
For a first glimpse: [URL="http://tinyurl.com/nvjpy38"]Release Trailer[/URL] | [URL="http://tinyurl.com/z9ocdj6"]BWL Trailer[/URL] | [URL="http://tinyurl.com/pqk2nug"]Video Review[/URL] | [URL="http://tinyurl.com/glqgsce"]Bugtracker[/URL] | [URL="http://tinyurl.com/zsrr4ch"]Database[/URL] | [URL="http://tinyurl.com/nvedjv2"]Armory[/URL]
[URL="http://tinyurl.com/llb9qvv"]Main Website[/URL]
A France-based, two-server project launched on 28 February 2015 (the day which marked the death blow to ED), currently hosting two realms: a PvP one and, newly released, a PvE one (both running under the [B]1.12.1 client version[/B]). The PvP realm is overcrowded, with all the pros and cons related to overpopulation. This one has indeed a peak player base of [B]9000+ characters[/B] (here is the [URL="http://tinyurl.com/hoxnf9d"]thread from their forum[/URL] dedicated to population data), although with problems pertaining resource nodes, lag, ganking, reduced visual range - note that original retail vanilla realms were tuned for and only allowed a maximum online population of [B]2500 players[/B] - and many of the bugs we've seen on the Feenix servers before. However, finding groups for dungeons, participating in world PvP and Battlegrounds is made more simple here. [COLOR=#ff0000][B]If you're in for the sheer number of players, this realm is your best choice[/B][/COLOR].
For a first glimpse: [URL="http://tinyurl.com/j3g6tsw"]Release Trailer (PvP)[/URL] | [URL="http://tinyurl.com/pt8u333"]Release Trailer (PvE)[/URL] | [URL="http://tinyurl.com/gnw7rbh"]Video Review[/URL] | [URL="http://tinyurl.com/gwrf73y"]Bugtracker[/URL]
As long as vanilla WoW is concerned, Feenix has had its day.
It's no surprise they're scrapping it altogether, seeing the level of the competition, resorting to TBC - and possibly later expacs, if they're ever gonna make it that far. Our advice is to [B]leave this place behind and never look back[/B]. You'd better check out those brand new, shiny projects instead. If you want to have a deeper insight to what each realm has to offer, its strengths and flaws, it is highly recommended the [URL="http://tinyurl.com/nwru8gh"]in-depth comparative review[/URL] of both (beware: it's a wall of text). After all, if you plan to invest the time vanilla WoW requires, maybe it is well worth a read.
All in all, [img=http://i.imgur.com/dRbNhKI.png] distinguishes itself for the huge number of players (almost four full retail vanilla realms in one), clearly and arguably [B]the largest vanilla WoW community of the world[/B]; whereas [img=http://i.imgur.com/ShvHgwc.png] is remarkable for the level of organization and top-notch professionalism shown by its crew and ingame staff, which reflects on [B]the unmatched quality of the game world[/B] and the peculiar services their web platform provides (Database + Armory, to name a few).
We would recommend the first option, going for the better quality and the more blizzlike population realm, which also has room to further develop. In the end, however, the choice is entirely yours. Hopefully we've shed some light and made it easier for you.
Thanks for reading, and good luck!

...paste it in the message form on Feenix site, hit the BBCode switch twice to have it formatted...


...and send it.

Let's take action now while we can. Similar occasions don't happen everyday.
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Great idea! I've sent out a few messages. Is it best to have Nostalrius first? The giant 'Nostarlius' graphic might be enough to make people stop reading ha
Isn't the server now based in Sweden?
No offense, but for most uneducated Western European: CZ= eastern europe = Russia = Cancer.
The ads may not work well then...

But for me Bohemia will always be one of the greatest Kingdom.
I must admit I haven't quite understood the whole server location thing. I think of a server as a physical machine inside a room, hence I can't see how it (and the team behind it) can simply be moved to hundreds kilometers away. In fact, I don't even know where Chero himself is from.
I'm one of many disappointed players migrating from Feenix right now, and I received Aurignon's PM in the middle of searching for a new server the other day. By then I was trying to decide whether to try out Nost PvP or PvE server but after reading his comparing post of Nost and Kronos on your forums I decided to re-roll here.
It's a sad story indeed that Feenix after all of these years are ruining their reputation by neglecting the majority of its users for personal(?) gain. I have been playing there since their beta version before their first vanilla server.
However your main objective should be "a home for all Warsong refugees" as the majority of players played there ;) Just saying. ED and Al'Akir got merged into the bigger realm.
I'm very thankful that a place like Kronos exist and I myself are trying to bring my old Feenix friends to come here. (All very good people I assure you) So far I only got my bf Enses to level with ^^

Hope to see you all in game!
However your main objective should be "a home for all Warsong refugees" as the majority of players played there ;) Just saying. ED and Al'Akir got merged into the bigger realm.

True, but ED was the 1x realm whereas Warsong is (was) 12x and Al'Akir instant 60, so I'm guessing ED player base is the portion we're most likely to cater to and, above all, the realm so many of us come from and are familiar with. I don't think Warsong would ring as many bells :wink:
True, but ED was the 1x realm whereas Warsong is (was) 12x and Al'Akir instant 60

Also true. The two most Blizzlike vanilla realms on Feenix died with the merge. But they were never very populated due to the speed of things on Warsong which I guess made it more popular.
Here's to moving on to a more genuine vanilla experience! :thumbup:
Moradin, I just want to say that the whole server really appreciates your huge efforts to make this place successful. Without you we would have been in much more of a tighter spot. Thanks for everything
^ +1

I am currently innactive, but I like to go through the forums just to see how it is going. But heck, Moradin, if I have understood correctly, you don't even play? You are level 20 and yet you still dedicate so much time and effort and even money into this and your guild...I admire you, even though I do not quite understand you :)
I appreciate your effort as well.

About the server location background. It was hosted in CZ but was moved to sweden to provide better connectivity for "western" players. So now, Kronos is international server hosted in Sweden with international development and GM team shielded by largest wow private server project on CZ/SK scene.
^ +1

I am currently innactive, but I like to go through the forums just to see how it is going. But heck, Moradin, if I have understood correctly, you don't even play? You are level 20 and yet you still dedicate so much time and effort and even money into this and your guild...I admire you, even though I do not quite understand you :)

Different people find different reasons to play. I spent months on a lvl 1 before finally 'playing' the game in a traditional sense.

For Moradin, clearly the role of guild master / manager is what he enjoys most in this game and not the running around in the wild , slaying monsters.
You're all welcome :biggrin:

Yeah I've come to love the managing/organizing part as much as the gameplay... if not more. I don't know why, I'd assume there's a bunch of reasons... I'm 31 year old now, been playing games since I was 3 or 4 I believe, starting on the very simple ones you had back in the second half of the 80's, most of them were pretty much about killing things (whether you call it Prince of Persia or R-Type). Around 10 I needed something fresh already, and fell in love with the strategy genre - e.g. WarCraft I, 1994 - then management games - e.g. Dungeon Keeper, 1997 maybe? - then again RPGs and finally any fantasy-themed stuff. So WoW is the perfect mixture of some of the games I've enjoyed the most - especially when looking at it from a GM perspective - plus it's my first (and only) MMO ever... after, like, two decades of singleplayer titles. That got me hooked.

Well, in fact it's the first multiplayer game I ever got to play, given that playing with brothers and friends in the same room can't be called "multiplaying" in my book. Here it's not about leading a party of few preset toons like in Baldur's Gate (1998), nor is it anything like being the dungeon master for few real-life friends over pen & paper, D&D games (not like I ever tried either). Here you can have literally hundreds of people that can get in touch with each other, help one another, impact the way they "feel" the community. Possibly, have them enjoy the actual game even more because of that. It's a big responsibility to me.

Moreover, communities - aka guilds - is what can really make a realm thrive, or rise up from the shadows (as I believe is the case with Kronos). It's a thing if a level 11 logs ingame while guildless, in a low-level area with a dozen few other players around and no-one talking in General; it's totally another story if they find dozens guildies online, with an active gchat. They won't feel lonely and will therefore be more likely to hang around and stay. That helps the realm a huge lot I reckon, although in an extremely subtle way (another reason why I never poached nor whispered people who were guilded already).

Don't know really, all in all I'd say I'm in love of things that grow (hobbit-esque snag, beg pardon), whether it is your own toon in singleplayer RPGs or your entourage/guild in a MMO (I suspect not having children of my own yet plays a part in it eheh). I started playing WoW on ED when I didn't even know what a guild was, and here is what that has come to... I only wanted to say 'thanks', and it ended up in a wall of text instead :lol:
Isn't the server now based in Sweden?
No offense, but for most uneducated Western European: CZ= eastern europe = Russia = Cancer.
The ads may not work well then...

But for me Bohemia will always be one of the greatest Kingdom.

I must admit I haven't quite understood the whole server location thing. I think of a server as a physical machine inside a room, hence I can't see how it (and the team behind it) can simply be moved to hundreds kilometers away. In fact, I don't even know where Chero himself is from.

We have moved to Sweden mostly because of connectivity and data limits.

As Kronos was growing, we were having issues with huge data traffic and provider was asking more and more for extra data.

We have got amazing offer to get connected to one of the best lines available ( Telia etc.) with amazing speed to the rest of the world and no data limit.

Voila :)

Hail to the ED players!

Aurigon - we are planning releasing a lot of news in next weeks, because we want to wake up from the winter sleep and spin up the wheel again in full power. Ya might be interested in of them, because I really like and appretiate all the work you do!

Stay tuned

Spread the word!
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Thanks a lot chief! Hopefully more people will join in this as I can only send 10 PMs a day over there, and thus the word is spread very slowly for just one person. I'm thinking about using another account to double up the volume of the advertisement, but I'm afraid that could draw some attention from Feenix and have my IP inhibited altogether.

It's great news for Kronos that more is on the horizon for it, it's currently the most serious vanilla realm on the planet and it deserves much more players than it currently boasts. Needless to say I would be honoured and eager to help out the best I can. Actually Chero has already contacted me, it's late now but hopefully I'm gonna catch him on the IRC tomorrow. :wink:
Please!! Kronos take all of the ED players, in fact, take half our players as well. 2x XP or give them stars or something!

Nos is so overpopulated I can barely take it anymore. :crying:
Please!! Kronos take all of the ED players, in fact, take half our players as well. 2x XP or give them stars or something!

Nos is so overpopulated I can barely take it anymore. :crying:
It's not like we can force them, people @Nost should be as interested in splitting the population as are we. We can't just waltz on Nost forums and start making topics "Come to Kronos". It is not about "we have more people, hence we are a better server" for Nost anymore. Both servers would greatly benefit from it not only in terms of community and gameplay, but even in terms of competitivness of the realms. Nothing good has ever come from a monopoly.

Heck you should migrate too, but I can see how the time investment can be a turn off.
Please!! Kronos take all of the ED players, in fact, take half our players as well. 2x XP or give them stars or something!

Nos is so overpopulated I can barely take it anymore. :crying:

Ask Viper (Nost admin) to remove Kronos from their spam word list, tell him to make an announcement himself or disable account creation on Nost PvP until the situation gets better. We can't cure their cancer if they aren't willing to go through some therapy.
Ask Viper (Nost admin) to remove Kronos from their spam word list, tell him to make an announcement himself or disable account creation on Nost PvP until the situation gets better. We can't cure their cancer if they aren't willing to go through some therapy.

They should block account creation an put a link to Kronos instead :D
That may sound borderline trolling, but it would actually be the best thing for all parts involved. I have little faith in it though :biggrin:
I'd say that people determined to play on Nost will probably roll on the PvE server if they find the situation on the PvP server unbearable, but there is always hope.
I think the thread is getting derailed a bit but if anything, I find it nice that Kronos is a bit quieter, and that most of the people playing here want to play a "more complete" version of the game. Oh, and because they actually like the game, not because it's cool somehow.

Shameless plug for Moradin's guild. It was my best decision to join it. Half of you are nuts though, I swear :p
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