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    TwinStar team

[Beta] What will you do?


New Member
Oct 29, 2014
What will you do during the beta?

Now, I don't know a lot about what has been fine and what has been borked in older realms but if I did know rest assured that I would be testing them.

If you do know about that kinda stuff, what will you be going for?
If not, why will you be here? Are you going to check it out, waste time or something else.

While I do not know exactly how to help I will try. Ima equip lots of armor and weapons and add screenshots of them to their vanilla twinhead pages. It's the [CR]least[/CR]most I can do :p
probably not going to play the beta so i can achieve maximum hype for the actual release. i want to do all the stuff for the first time on kronos with a character i can keep.

respek for helping the twinhead page though, wish there was comment discussion on items as well.
I will equip the best gear that im allowed to and i will do all the ****est and most pointless quests to check they are working! :D Would be really cool to have T3 for testing purposes like soloing dungeons if there is no one to help or its just convenient for you.
Won't bother with beta. I don't need to test Kronos, because I know where I'm going to play (hint: it's here) and I'd rather use my free time for better things.

But maybe I'll afk in Mulgore, just to help boost online population :)
Not knowledgeable enough to test specific things so will most likely test my ping (and subsequently cry violently...) and start a char to see the starter areas/combat basics.
We should plan a time to do MASSIVE raids on eachothers cities (Proof of stress test and post a video of it before nostalrius releases the next day)
I wont play beta. I hope Kronos comes after the 7th. because I have relatives in town until then FUCK MY COONTER
well honestly i might make a hero and see if i set everything up properly... And probably just run around a bit then quit and wait for release... I don't want my nostalgia getting spoiled with open beta! :)
I'll make characters of 3-4 different classes that I care about and then I'll kill several days testing abilities. I will record combat logs, reference 2005-2006 sources, and I will be a complete jerk about nit picking things that are off and posting the things I find with quick references to proof I'm drawing information from. Okay, I won't be a complete jerk but I am so, SO tired of being told by other private server coders "we can't fix that" when I'm going to be on a server where things CAN be fixed.

I have yet to have found a private server that handles the Blackout proc for Priests correctly, excluding one older server that is long gone. That sort of thing.

I'll explore zones, check out NPC's, and bug report anything that's visually fishy too with screenshots and references. Go play on Valkyrie or other servers and check out the midget sized Tauren guards in the Barrens. That's the sort of thing I'm talking about.

Somewhere down the line I'll test harder quests, especially escort quests, that are broken on other private servers and take screenshots and report on problems I find. Off the top of my head, the "Get me out of here!" goblin girl rescue in Desolace comes to mind, along with saving Ringo in Un'goro along with the robot ape, and the Night Elf in the demon cultist den in Felwood. There are tons of quests like this that are touchy, and I'm eager to kill hours looking into them. I'm weird like that.

In short, I want to test tons of shit that's always broken in other places and report it because I'd rather have a shot of doing it now as opposed to being surprised with a bug later while I level. I mean, I'm going to find bugs regardless, but what the hell. I'd have fun doing it anyway.
Just going to log in, test ping, pathing and maybe prepare some UI to copy over for the next day's nost release. Coming back when Kronos is released I should think :)
1 - Testing Quests that are broken on ED.
2 - Testing Mind Control.
3 - Testing Low Level Dungeons.

I hope I get more ideas for testing.
In short, I want to test tons of shit that's always broken in other places and report it because I'd rather have a shot of doing it now as opposed to being surprised with a bug later while I level. I mean, I'm going to find bugs regardless, but what the hell. I'd have fun doing it anyway.

Exactly! :biggrin:

I'm already spoiling time on other project's bugtrackers and stuff just to come up with a list what to test out first.
It's really a bum if the quest you're on for X hours turns out buggy.
IMO the Beta is a great chance to check out the 'We can't fix that quest' scripts and show other project's its quite possible:biggrin:

We have to flood the web with clips and screenshots as soon as the beta goes off - guerrilla marketing! :cool2:
I'd like to use this time given to us by recording dungeon groups as a 6th person.

Well if you need any to partake in the group. I am more then happy to help. Trying to get the guild to sort out some pre-made party configurations. Alas not head way yet. :(
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