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    TwinStar team

[Beta] What will you do?

First thought was, oh cool pvp

Second was, it'd be mean and counter productive to go out ganking testers haha

So I guess just test the ping, make a troll spazz clone & a warlock and run bgs.
examine the average age and the influence of low IQ on raids
equal halves people leave because nobody would come and blizlike not played them too hard, kill them mob with AI at level 10 and logout.
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If u want to get a sense for what won't being fixed here, check -> Won't Fix
I'm wondering why the hell those spells and quests won't be fixed... I mean come on o_O
spoke too soon... saw comments in those "won't fix" and there really is nothing to be fixed. It's either mechanics that are working as intended or it's stuff that's pre 1.12...
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Dev won't set stuff to "won't fix" for no reason :)
I think "not a bug" would be better suited most of the time.

On topic:
Abuse my powers
I'm wondering why the hell those spells and quests won't be fixed... I mean come on o_O

There is one quest marked Won't fix and the reason, as stated by Chero, is that the quest is only bugged on twinhead. Twinhead shows that the quest gives 65 exp, while in reality it gives 650 exp which isn't a bug.

As for spells:
Scorpid sting debuff showing incorrect number, probably not bugged anymore, feel free to retest.
Cheap shot, they were unable to confirm the bug, feel free to retest and find out how to reproduce it.
Ice block, just a visual glitch. With the amount of more important stuff to do, it's understandable that they moved this one to the bottom of the To do list.
Fire blast, 2+ years old report about a global ManGOS bug with rounding up of numbers. Pretty minor + wouldn't surprise me if it's been fixed by now. Feel free to retest.
Multi-shot, incorrectly labeled as Won't fix, when it probably should be Not a bug.
The issue with some of the spells are related to animation. They work correctly...the casting animation it just slightly wrong. This is harder to fix then people realise so Chero decided to focus on things that werent broken and deal with issues to do with animations and the like at a later date.

In other cases like that chest or Silithis Gyser, it won't be fixed because it has been decided the way they are now works better for the server then if they were truly fixed ;).

Read the bug reports they will generally provide you with a good reason why they aren't being fixed ;)
As i see u get what i wanted to point out!

At least for the english ones, there are always good reason why the won't be fixed, most times the are not even a bug, just a false report or single-time issues that couldn't be reproduced.
In the end they are never like other server-projects where the devs are to lazy to fix it, and mark them as non-fixable. (Exept the Iceblock animation, hrhr :D )
Benediction/Anathema quest.
Face melting.
DMG coefficients (via face melting)

It would be interesting to see if enchants stick when switching between Benediction/Anathema as I was hoping to test that.

I mainly want to test the quests up to level 20 then compare to n-word.
BTW: Maybe when u get a level 60 character on the testrealm, you can upgrade your forum account and then you become able to vote for issues. this would be another great thing i guess.
([EN] Authorized user)
([CZ/SK] Authorized user)
Probably test some addons to see if and how well they work. Pretty sure Grid and Clique exist in some form for this patch.
Azula if u check feenix forum there grid-enhanced, and classicmousover, do both what u mentioned. And are developed for 1.12 have fun.
At least some of the addons they posted and developed at feenix are pretty nice.
Dunno for sure. I want to run ZF & Ulda, would like to make a clip, but too lazy for it. Maybe we'll try to raid a little with our guild, to test the guild itself... I'm a bit confused, to be honest. I'm hyped about Kronos, believe the testers team and rather noob, that's why I have a very little hope that I'll be able to help with bugfinding. And I don't wanna test my favorite quest chains so they'll be more like achievement when I'll complete them on real Kronos. So... I don't know what to do :)

Thus I hope for a very short test session... Another reason is that I have bet on 6 March release :D
I may stream a few hours of gameplay.. will probs get mass flames, reports n ban requests just like nostrils test =(
First thing I do is make a character

Now I don't know anymore after this, embrace the world I guess? :huh:
Probably going to try and get a group of like minded people together to test every dungeon progressively. IE starting with RFC then using the commands to level up to do WC, SFK etc until we've done all of them.
Get a group and test as many instances as possible. Also, I am going to test some characteristic bugs of each class that every vanilla server has seemed to have so far.
Get a group and test as many instances as possible. Also, I am going to test some characteristic bugs of each class that every vanilla server has seemed to have so far.

Will you also be videoing these tests?

I think there should be a community team of testers that will start pushing out quality videos of their tests. Each video should have the same format and editing to look professional.
I will definetly try to put groups for several instances together right on the first night. If possible even a raid. This mostly fails due to the lack of communication so if you are up for some test raiding you better DL TS3 right now :tongue:
I will join some dungeon test groups at friday [CR]and at saturday, i'm going to one week vacation without PC or internet. And then, i'll try to complete my thesis work before server launches [/CR]
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