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    TwinStar team

29 Twinking and ranking


May 3, 2016
Hey everyone.

I'm looking into making a Horde twink for the 29 bracket later down the road after I made a little more gold and such.

I had a 19 twink on the good old Emerald Dream server and was Rank 3 (Sergeant) there and was never able to push for Rank 4.

Does anyone know how hard it is for a 29 twink to push for Rank 4? I am sure there will be a lot of HK grinding involved, but does anyone know anything roughly?

Thanks and can't wait to get twinking!
Saw r8 l19 rogue on valkyrie wow (called Beefcake if curious)
was ranked by some guy carrying sand and giving to his twink
ranking system works kinda blizzlike there doe
Saw r8 l19 rogue on valkyrie wow

Well, this is as much "blizzlike" as x20 rates.
There was 29 hunter on Nostalrius with over 50k hks - more then most r14s at 60. He never went over rank 3
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Schmuck!!! Where you at? I heard you've gone horde side? I take it, it was insanity?
I think I'm about to start playing again, I logged to check out how things were going and saw a fair few names so possibly. :wink:
Worth it, I reckon, games are just getting busier. Bounga has come ally, then there is nuriell, lustrous, kurtblome, pepper, barbielol to name a few. All on kronos 1 not sure if anyone is on kronos 2.
Just got a Pathfinder Hat of the Monkey with 9/9 Agi/Sta on AH!

Pretty much only need Mantle of Thieves, leveling and doing the quests for gear, then I am good to go. :)
Damn, been waiting for a 9/9 monkey helm for ages! You ally or horde lehto? If your on kronos 1 and ally come join our guild - warsong cowriders!
I'm on K1 yes, but I am Horde. :)

Haven't finished leveling/making my twink yet as I am finishing my main first.
But I got all gear down except shoulders + I have all enchant mats. :)
Hey, guys! I will join you in 29 soon - so I want the horde to man up, so there would be some challange for us. ;P
Let´s make 29 exciting and challanging again! :3

Lova ya,

damn you guys on K1.. i joined kronos recently but went K2.. i was in Boungas twink guild on Nost.. was wondering if people came here and asked in /world but nobody replied :(

damn.. i really regret rolling K2 but i aint with so high morale right now with grinding levels so i just stick here and watch the twink scene on this side. too much spend time here alredy :( maybe some day i come check out you guys again..
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