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    TwinStar team

5 Minute disconnect grace period

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New Member
Dec 19, 2015
On retail/other servers there is a certain grace period after a disconnect where you can log straight back in and jump the queue. I think it would be great if that was implemented here.
Yes, this absolutely needs to happen. I just disconnected from the server for a second which wasn't on my end since the 5 other things I was doing/streaming from the internet all kept working fine and now I get to wait 15 minutes... not fun.
It will be possible when new, blizzlike, session handling system is implemented, but It's quite complicated so it is in state of development.
Wish it was longer

No grace period please, we don't want 6000 players...

Oh come on, 2 weeks ago it was like the final nail in the coffin was about to be hammered in, now the server is full of life. Be grateful.
Oh come on, 2 weeks ago it was like the final nail in the coffin was about to be hammered in, now the server is full of life. Be grateful.

LoL! It was not, it was absolutely fine - Blizzlike medium server population is "final nail in the coffin"? For some may be, but for most of us it was fine.
LoL! It was not, it was absolutely fine - Blizzlike medium server population is "final nail in the coffin"? For some may be, but for most of us it was fine.

yep, a few hundred more dedicated players during peak and offpeak and we would have been perfect
Getting punished for Dcing

Can we have a 2 min safe to reconnect before getting into the queue ? i was running to meet my sfk group and got a random dc try to connect right back and there is this 500 people queue in front of me ...
Re: Getting punished for Dcing

Same. Not to speak about the rollbacks :d

Edit - That queue goes fast as hell lol. The DC Gods must be pleased.
Re: Getting punished for Dcing

Wait 30 minutes:
Get in, yaaaaay.
Disconnect when finished loading.
Log back in, back in the queue.

Re: Getting punished for Dcing

Not possible with current session handling system. New one is in development for some time, but release date is unknown. It's very complex problem.
Fix the queue system

Queueing for an hour, then getting disconnected and having to queue for another hour is not an acceptable system. Imagine if raid's main tank gets a disconnect and the entire raid has to wait 30-60 minutes for that person to be able to log back in. There is a reason Blizzard has built their queue system to account for this.

Please add a 5-minute buffer to the queue system similar to what exists on retail. If you get disconnected, you should have some amount of time to log back in before being placed at the back of the queue again.
Re: Fix the queue system

Imagine if raid's main tank gets a disconnect and the entire raid has to wait 30-60 minutes for that person to be able to log back in.

What are you talking about. Accounts with lv 60 characters bypass the queue entirely.

I'm ingame right now.

On 3 accounts.
Re: Fix the queue system

I never complain about queues on private servers... but I just sat through a 2400 person queue, it popped, and I was disconnected at the character selection screen. Owie. Do what I do, and just watch a movie or something while you wait.
Re: Fix the queue system

I also was just disconnected randomly, only to be greeted with a 2500 queue. It's not a big deal if i'm logging in for the first time today, but after only playing for 20 minutes it's pretty frustrating to have to wait a half hour to get back in.

Is there a possibility of assigning queue priorities to accounts which have been active within the last 5 minutes? I think this would give plenty of time for people who were disconnected to reconnect, and is not enough time for people to abuse and make the queues longer. Maybe even make it 2 minutes? I don't think you should be required to have a lvl60 (of which many people had the pleasure of x7 exp rates) to log back in after a disconnect during peak times.
Re: Fix the queue system

I don't think you should be required to have a lvl60 (of which many people had the pleasure of x7 exp rates) to log back in after a disconnect during peak times.

And these kinds of statements are the reason why I am logged in - with three accounts concurrently - not doing anything at all aside from moving every few minutes to not get disconnected.
Re: Fix the queue system

And these kinds of statements are the reason why I am logged in - with three accounts concurrently - not doing anything at all aside from moving every few minutes to not get disconnected.

And why is that? I understand that lvl60s SHOULD have a priority, for raiding purposes of course. However, waiting 30-40mins to login for the first time today and only playing for 20 minutes before being disconnected and placed in another 30-40min queue is not encouraging for new players at all. Your reply implies that you're trolling. Why? Because you disagree with my sentiment? People like you are a problem for this server and queue times.
Re: Fix the queue system

And why is that? I understand that lvl60s SHOULD have a priority, for raiding purposes of course. However, waiting 30-40mins to login for the first time today and only playing for 20 minutes before being disconnected and placed in another 30-40min queue is not encouraging for new players at all. Your reply implies that you're trolling. Why? Because you disagree with my sentiment? People like you are a problem for this server and queue times.

My stance on the matter is that you had plenty of time to prepare your own 60 during the x7 event - of which you evidently didn't make use of. Now, you come here complaining yada yada yada we heard the story a hundred times by now.

At least I'm not an arrogant self-righteous prick like you, who complains about Kronos Staff not patching up the problems that *you* created by coming here to begin with.

I'm gonna drop you a tiny hint.

  1. The maximum amount of players who can be online at any given point in time is capped.
  2. Accounts with lvl 60 characters bypass the queue.
Re: Fix the queue system

My stance on the matter is that you had plenty of time to prepare your own 60 during the x7 event - of which you evidently didn't make use of. Now, you come here complaining yada yada yada we heard the story a hundred times by now.

At least I'm not an arrogant self-righteous prick like you, who complains about Kronos Staff not patching up the problems that *you* created by coming here to begin with.

I'm gonna drop you a tiny hint.

  1. The maximum amount of players who can be online at any given point in time is capped.
  2. Accounts with lvl 60 characters bypass the queue.

Your ignorance here is astonishing buddy. So here let us break this down..

First, I am well aware that there is a population cap and that lvl60's bypass this queue, as I demonstrated in my first post.

Second, the assumption that I had plenty of time to prepare my own 60 during the x7 exp event is a falliable one, since I was NOT on this server at that time. Hence my expressing my position that the people who DID profit from this event, have an advantage for skipping queues over newer players.

Third, you call ME a self-righteous prick, yet all of your arguments were assumptions.
That's the best part. And you further express your ignorance by saying I am the cause of the server cap. Not, you know, the whole fiasco with Nostalrius (which I was not even a part of).

You literally made 0​ valid points. And your opinions are moot. Good day sir.
Re: Fix the queue system

Your ignorance here is astonishing buddy. So here let us break this down.
First, I am well aware that there is a population cap and that lvl60's bypass this queue, as I demonstrated in my first post.

Good. Then how is it that you can't make the connection between your problem and the way the devs decided to handle the situation?

Second, the assumption that I had plenty of time to prepare my own 60 during the x7 exp event is a falliable one, since I was NOT on this server at that time. Hence my expressing my position that the people who DID profit from this event, have an advantage for skipping queues over newer players.

Of course you did, everyone did. The opportunity to take advantage of the x7 event, that is. You actively did choose to not participate during this event. So you have no rights to complain about other people having an advantage over you for making a different choice.

Third, you call ME a self-righteous prick, yet all of your arguments were assumptions.
That's the best part. And you further express your ignorance by saying I am the cause of the server cap. Not, you know, the whole fiasco with Nostalrius (which I was not even a part of).

The only thing I assume is that people who miss an opportunity because they didn't do their research have no rights to come up to and complain to other people who did.

You literally made 0​ valid points. And your opinions are moot. Good day sir.

My opinion is as moot as yours, with the exception that you throw a temper tantrum over it because you're mad at yourself for not discovering Kronos sooner than you did, while I'm simply pointing this out.
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Now I'm not taking any sides in this, as I don't have any answers. I do have a question though; what is going to happen when the million new players hit 60? And there are thousands of new 60s? I'm honestly curious what will happen. Think about it: If there is a limit to the amount of players that can be online, but there are *more* 60s than that trying to log on at once, what will happen? 60s skip the queue, but if there are more 60s trying to log on than the player cap allows, will they just get an error message? Will there be a new queue for 60s because there are so many 60s? This is just an honest question, I'm not trying to start a fight with anyone. Basically, right now, the "60s skip the queue" thing works temporarily because there are so few 60s. I'm wondering what will happen when there are LOTS of 60s, more 60s than the server cap will allow.

This is where I step in and make them ragequit by doing my thing on the forums.


On a serious note. I believe that the Kronos Team is currently overloaded with work to keep the realm running at all. They're probably waiting for some kind of confirmation/validation by Twinstar to make further adjustments for/in the future. Figuring out how to solve this problem isn't exactly easy. If it was, we wouldn't be having these issues to begin with.
The devs and GMs are doing a great job, and I appreciate all their hard work. It's a wonder this place hasn't burned to the ground by now, and is still as functional as it is. The measures taken so far have been only temporary solutions though, so I was just wondering what will happen in the long run. 5000 Lv60s trying to log on at once on a 3000 capacity realm is a reality that is fast approaching (idk the actual cap but you see what I mean).
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