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    TwinStar team

5 Minute disconnect grace period

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Honestly I think the only true solution that is realistic, is Twinstar opening another realm, in order to spread out the population. Every other solution is only temporary or unrealistic. I mean, Twinstar has 4 realms already, it's not far-fetched they are considering a 2nd vanilla realm.
I've said it in other threads, but the thing I'm concerned about the most is Blizzard itself. Even if Twinstar is able to open a 2nd vanilla realm and things finally calm down and stabilize, the Blizzard boogyman could ruin everything anyways.
Re: Getting punished for Dcing

Not possible with current session handling system. New one is in development for some time, but release date is unknown. It's very complex problem.

> Complex problem


Should I write it for you? 5 minutes would be plenty.
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Re: Fix the queue system

My stance on the matter is that you had plenty of time to prepare your own 60 during the x7 event - of which you evidently didn't make use of. Now, you come here complaining yada yada yada we heard the story a hundred times by now.

At least I'm not an arrogant self-righteous prick like you, who complains about Kronos Staff not patching up the problems that *you* created by coming here to begin with.

I'm gonna drop you a tiny hint.

  1. The maximum amount of players who can be online at any given point in time is capped.
  2. Accounts with lvl 60 characters bypass the queue.

No, mate, you precisely are an arrogant, entitled, self righteous prick. Your biased opinion is not needed here.

I am fine with 60s skipping the queue.

I am fine with the queue.

But what I'm not fine with is the absence of a grace period due to sporadic disconnects that are not anyone's fault at all.

Many MMOS and even the infamous retail have a grace period for people who disconnected. There is no debate here, no possible reasoning to support the opposite view that it should not be implemented.

It absolutely should, and in my opinion it should be a priority, as one can hardly play with a very real, unpredictable, likely and frequent possibility of getting disconnected.

If, of course, implementing such a thing is possible. If not, its going to be a bummer alright.
Re: Fix the queue system

No, mate, you precisely are an arrogant, entitled, self righteous prick. Your biased opinion is not needed here.

I am fine with 60s skipping the queue.

I am fine with the queue.

But what I'm not fine with is the absence of a grace period due to sporadic disconnects that are not anyone's fault at all.

Many MMOS and even the infamous retail have a grace period for people who disconnected. There is no debate here, no possible reasoning to support the opposite view that it should not be implemented.

It absolutely should, and in my opinion it should be a priority, as one can hardly play with a very real, unpredictable, likely and frequent possibility of getting disconnected.

If, of course, implementing such a thing is possible. If not, its going to be a bummer alright.

And that's coming from somebody is an in-between of the two factions here (long time players and new players).
I started here nearly a year ago, but at 45, due to various life circumstances I had to take a break, but it was always clear that if I were to reach and do vanilla WoW endgame, it would be here.
One of my accounts doesn't have a 60 on it, and it doesn't get randomly dc'd. What does that tell you?

Do you think you're some kind of genius programmer who needs to share his knowledge with everyone, just like the other thousand people who cry every day in threads such as this one?
Do you think Chero is retarded?
Do you think he's lazy?
Do you think he's not trying his best to make it work decently for everyone?
Do you think he's not aware of what is happening currently?

There is only so much that the Kronos staff can do, facing this enormous wave of new players. Thank god I'm not bound by chains of professionalism like they are and can express my thoughts with freedom.

I agree with you that not having this grace period really, really sucks! But what can we players do besides wait?
It's just one thread. As long as it doesn't spread like a wildfire and clutters whole boards, where's the issue?
It's just one thread. As long as it doesn't spread like a wildfire and clutters whole boards, where's the issue?

Are you blind? there are dozens of threads very similar in nature to this one all across the board, infesting it like locusts ravage a cornfield.
I personally haven't said anything against the Kronos staff or made this issue to be a result of their incompetency. By calling you arrogant and entitled (and as such a massive hypocrite as well) I did not necessarily agree with whoever was throwing mud at Kronos staff.

I am merely raising attention and a request about the issue. If nobody, and I mean nobody were to do so, abiding by some carebear principle acknowledging that the devs' hands are full, the issue would likely not be noticed or would not be a priority. Doing so does not meet the criteria of "crying" to me. Its only that in that entitled little head of yours.

This is a relatively new issue, as the queues before were very mild. I think the server is facing yet another influx as PlayTBC has proven to be a land of false promises, and news of Kronos' popularity and quality are, perhaps sadly - rising.

In a nutshell, threads ought to pop up and the issue known, and then its up to the devs to handle it as they see fit. You are the only one thinking that somehow talking about this is an issue in itself. There is a difference between being ungrateful and noting problems.
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If you seriously believe that the staff isn't "aware" of a change they intentionally implemented themselves, leading to this "problem" then I don't know what to tell you.
Are you blind? there are dozens of threads very similar in nature to this one all across the board, infesting it like locusts ravage a cornfield.
I just see one other one in the suggestion forum and it's not getting any replies due to how poorly it is worded and for not being constructive at all (as it should).
Precisely, I suspect they might not be aware, hence all this.

As you yourself said, the staff's hands are full. It is not their duty to go on hunting for obscure faulty byproducts of the system.

They implemented the queues, yes, but the queues up until recently seemed to work as intended without massive issues. Its only with the massive influx that frequent disconnects have begun affecting players adversely, whereas with tiny queues that, even if they did happen, were quite negligable.

And I don't know why you facepalmed to what he said. He's basically right, the threads are few, but rest assured the forums are going to get flooded with them only now.

You need to be aware of concepts such as prevalence and incidence which are the main two factors that decide how an issue is responded to. Its both our self interest and our duty to report and raise awareness of issues such as this. Thats what communities of any game anywhere do and should continue to do, as it, believe it or not, helps the developers.
Not there really is.
Could you talk to me like a normal person instead of trying to bully me with that epic "facepalm" feature not accessible to everyone?
Well, a new realm is opening.

This is exciting, and hopefully will circumvent the issue.

I'm concerned as to what this means for a server already getting tons of publicity, but the staff chose to do so in spite of what happened to Nost, I hope that means they're confident and secure.

I wouldn't be surprised if both servers end up having a queue after a few months. But yeah, this is offtopic-ish now.
Re: Fix the queue system

Queueing for an hour, then getting disconnected and having to queue for another hour is not an acceptable system. Imagine if raid's main tank gets a disconnect and the entire raid has to wait 30-60 minutes for that person to be able to log back in. There is a reason Blizzard has built their queue system to account for this.

Please add a 5-minute buffer to the queue system similar to what exists on retail. If you get disconnected, you should have some amount of time to log back in before being placed at the back of the queue again.

Have you readed what I sayed? When you are ingame and disconnects, your session is deleted and when you try to reconnect, new session is created. That is how mangos works. Changing it to proper Retail system means to rewrite whole session and packets system which is very complex thing. Basicaly it means to rewrite half of the core that Chero was developing for 5 years. So, yes, they can implement it, just wait ~2 years.
60 seconds grace period would be sufficient as you gotta consider during the grace you still hold a spot in que so players who shutdown their client fast would be reserving a spot while offline so a low 60 is fine.

However as it is mangos stated above i understand how this request/suggestion cannot happen.
Re: Fix the queue system

Have you readed what I sayed? When you are ingame and disconnects, your session is deleted and when you try to reconnect, new session is created. That is how mangos works. Changing it to proper Retail system means to rewrite whole session and packets system which is very complex thing. Basicaly it means to rewrite half of the core that Chero was developing for 5 years. So, yes, they can implement it, just wait ~2 years.
I'm no programmer, but is there really no way to attach a "check" to when an account logs on, to see if it did something (or its characters did something) within a recent time period? You say session data is deleted, but is there really no record of account activity with timestamps? They track gold selling somehow.

But yeahhh that's a shame if it's really not something doable. It would definitely be nice.....however Kronos II might fix the route of the problem.
Yes, there is a log of activities, probably with acc id and timestamp. The problem with it is that it is file with string content of billions lines... You don't want to search through it for certain characters.
It's okay. I got a lvl 39 alt waiting in STV to delay the inevitable by ganking the living hell out of leveling people.


You seem like somewhat of a dweeb, you get bullied in high school or what? If so I apologize, I know people who usually can't handle themselves in the real world are more than likely to become menstruating assholes in fantasy. Keep up the good work it looks like your self confidence is rising! Maybe someday you'll ask a girl without warts on her face out.
Horo you're such an idiet, its more sad than funny

anyway, around 40 players of my guild from Nost will be hitting 60 before next weekend so no more queue for us! But a grace period would be nice seeing as the queue is getting close to 3 hours now
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