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    TwinStar team

A few Comments on Kronos so far


Oct 19, 2016
tl;dr Had some downtime so I decided to list some of my general comments/criticisms about the server after being here for over a year.

-Making Changes to the Server without an update of the change being implemented
As a player changes are always welcome but without announcements changes are incredibly obnoxious when you expect mechanics to behave as they always have.
For example changing Broodlord's aggro radius is a welcome change back to a blizzlike state BUT if i recall correctly there was no announcement about this change it was changed one day randomly. It wasn't a big deal to adjust our strategy accordingly but why not tell us beforehand that this was changed.
Changing the black lotus spawns was an interesting change that would have been better implemented ages ago before the "Black Lotus Mafia" had taken up their claims over all the lotus spawns for months. However my gripe isn't about the change it is that there was no announcement for this change. It was simply added and players were left to find out for themselves.
My last example was the update to summoned minions. Previously minions summoned would only attack the person they initially were aggro'd upon no matter what threat was generated by other players. The minion fix changed this and made them follow threat tables. I actually liked this change but again there was no announcement. It isn't difficult to adjust the strategy accordingly but knowing that a change was implemented beforehand is just proper communication with your community.
There are examples of mechanics that were announced prior to the change such as warlock summoning nerf, warlock soulstone nerf, silithus sand summoning and honor nerf, scheduled maintenance, and raid patch releases but just the inconsistent updating is annoying.

-GM response time on KI recently
Two prime examples for this is my guild didn't have C'thun loot drop and it took 1 week for the ticket to get responded to and then another week for us to receive loot. I would consider not getting loot from a high tier raids final boss as a priority to respond to. I could understand waiting a week but two weeks? Just a tad excessive.
The second example is I know RMB was raiding through AQ40 and their gate to twin emps was closed. After initially trying to get a GM through KIs ticket system and failed they moved on to KII and were able to get a GM to open their gate. This shouldn't be necessary especially again on the high tier raiding instances of the server.
The obvious response to this is the GMs are doing so much work that it takes time to reach our concerns which is true but I am telling you as a player it feels shitty when what I consider a higher end ticket either doesnt get responded to in a timely manner or needs to go through to the KII GM system.

-Status of KI(Or rather Kronos PTR)
I don't believe KI will ever truly die however I don't enjoy seeing KI going toward a server of a bunch of raidloggers waiting for Naxx. Part of my enjoyment in playing in vanilla is playing with newer players through pre raid dungeons, wpvp, and battlegrounds. This may be a personally thing but seeing a lively server of players is just part of the vanilla experience and I am sure other players feel the same way. There is no easy solution to this its simply an observation. Would I like to see a merge? Sure why not sounds fun but I can see it being a reason to quit for players on both realms as well. My opinion on it is the original purpose of KII was to be able to absorb all the Nostalrius players over flooding KI. This was implemented ages ago and that problem is no longer present between the servers. I have no input on what is the fairest way of going about merging the servers just simply from the standpoint that we have two servers of moderate population instead of one large server. I don't plan on ever raidlogging but sitting around in IF or Org isn't much of an improvement. Also the slowly dying and merging of guilds on both Alliance and Horde is disheartening. I will personally add here the death of Coral was a bummer. Having competition with guilds also adds to the experience and improves the raiding environment overall of the server. Of course this is on specific guild and doesn't indicate a problem but they aren't the only guild to have fallen since AQ40 release.(Thundercats and Serenity have fallen although I will add Thundercats is attempting to reform).
Examples for this is the lack of queue pops and players running around the world compared to before but I will concede that this is an older server so when I was leveling it made sense for there to be more players in the world and BG pops.

-KI feels neglected
The lack of GMs on KI make it feel neglected. You may interpret this as just bitching but I know the level of care that the GMs have for this server from the past and for a while now I don't feel that care at all. I know you still care but newer players don't and I can understand and see their frustrations. As I said I will be here until the end of this server its already been a long tough but fun road however I can see newer players leaving KI because of this. Why join a server when trolls in world say it's dying because of their frustrations with the server and constant gold spam instead of casual banter and juicy guild drama.

Warlock summoning was changed to only be able to summon players 15 levels above you which is ok BUT the 7x event made it easy to obtain level 45 warlocks(I would argue easier than even just leveling them to 20 at 1x). This gives older guilds here before 7x a distinct advantage in world bosses than newer guilds because they were able to level many 45 warlock alts in 7x at a rate that could never be achieved on 1x. Just saying.
This is a minor request and yes I know this should probably be placed in a different forum but you've been nerfing warlock abilities for awhile but how about addressing one tiny one. Summon doomguard doesn't actually sacrifice a random member when the summoning is complete as it did in vanilla. This doesn't impact the game at all but its just part of the experience.

-Final Comments
I'm sure there is a couple more things that I don't remember atm. Overall I will personally keep playing and sucking it up when it comes to the server such as dealing with RNG ossyrian crystal spawns or my pet still not able to get on boats but i'm just disheartened overall with the communication between GMs and the player base. I know you're there silently watching and i'll be here playing on the server as I always have.

Amoonir <Risen>
About GM response time:
2-3 months ago, we were doing BWL on Wednesday. We pulled Vael and the server crashed. When the servers came back up, no one could interact with Vael. We put in tickets, got on IRC, messaged Davros and Gurky on Reddit (where they had been posting constantly), the whole 9 yards. It took until Monday for a GM to open the door. It's really hard not to lose faith in K1 when shit like that happens.
A few notes:

- While most changes are listed in the patch notes for the updated patch, there are times a change or two is not added to the patch notes based on the admin (chero's discretion). I agree that better communication can be had with changes, and we continue to work towards this

- GM response time on K1 was recently addressed in this post https://forum.twinstar.cz/showthrea...-Ticket-wait-times-amp-changes-to-loot-issues And since this post the wait times have greatly improved. The volunteer GMs have tickets down to a low number and most tickets are resolved in a matter of hours (at most). When it comes to loot issues, those can be a bit more complicated since only 2 GMs (Gurky and myself) can currently handle those. In the case you used as an example (no loot from C'thun), the fact the boss dropped no loot at all was a concerning bug that we noticed with a couple of other guilds reporting it. In cases where a boss drops no loot, we can't just create loot and distribute since this requires investigating why it happened and how to prevent it moving forward. To fix and get loot we need to do this first on the internal PTR. While this sounds like it can be all done quickly, with other high priority issues that the head gms and admins deal with loot issues (handled in a first come first serve basis) can sometimes be a lower priority (example: server crash issues). Since the new rules we have greatly decreased the backlog of case issues, and that is likely to get better as we move forward. As for your comment that K1 feels neglected and needs more GMs, over 85% of incoming tickets are resolved within the first few hours of being created. Head GM tickets are tickets that will always take longer to resolve, though we do try our best to resolve these as quickly as we can.

- There has been no talk in changing lock summoning at our team meetings recently. It's possible it could be brought up at a future meeting.
Regarding k1 pop:

It's not about to change. This isn't a PTE project, it's a vanilla project. For PvE theres only one tier of raiding left until the server is "done". You'd be mad to start at a server that is already so close to the end of its journey. For PvP population is the only thing that matters. And k2 has better pop, thus will attract more pvpers.

Yes, it's a shame, but its the way its gotta be. Nothing is going to change that at this point.

A merge is an option, but a merge would also rub a LOT of players the wrong way. There's no guarantee that after a couple of months a k1+2 server would have a higher pop than k2 does today. There's a real risk they'd be killing one server while getting nothing in return.

If you want to play on a server that attracts players, reroll. Bring your guild.
Regarding k1 pop:

It's not about to change. This isn't a PTE project, it's a vanilla project. For PvE theres only one tier of raiding left until the server is "done". You'd be mad to start at a server that is already so close to the end of its journey. For PvP population is the only thing that matters. And k2 has better pop, thus will attract more pvpers.

Yes, it's a shame, but its the way its gotta be. Nothing is going to change that at this point.

A merge is an option, but a merge would also rub a LOT of players the wrong way. There's no guarantee that after a couple of months a k1+2 server would have a higher pop than k2 does today. There's a real risk they'd be killing one server while getting nothing in return.

If you want to play on a server that attracts players, reroll. Bring your guild.

Reroll? Thats your answer? I am sorry but this is not a solution. Especially for those who rerolled already from Nost to K1 and invested so much time in their characters.
Rerolling 2 times in 6 months, give me a break.
Davros, I dont speak for amoonir but I know him and I would say that he's not actually upset about response times to c'thun loot. I mean it is perfectly understandable that things like that require investigations and take time. However he pointed out an important issue that many of us K1 players are REALLY upset about.

When you guys created k2, it split the population for good or for bad at the time nobody knew and the server was not very stable. Now for every 10 players that role on Kronos, 9 are choosing k2 over k1 and it is extremely frustrating for people who have invested over a year now into this server to logon and see the population on K2 has surpassed k1.

While I think their is no easy solution to this issue and that you're resistant to a server merge. I ask why not implement at the very least cross realm BG's. I know their is a content/gear gap between players but to be honest pvp is almost all but dead on k1 and every week that warsong q's go over 30 mins to an hour more people leave the server.
Reroll? Thats your answer? I am sorry but this is not a solution. Especially for those who rerolled already from Nost to K1 and invested so much time in their characters.
Rerolling 2 times in 6 months, give me a break.

The server's about to hit naxx and after that your options are rerolling and quitting. If you're planning to quit, by all means go ahead and "play it out". The pop of the server will certainly be high enough for you to do that.

If you intend to keep playing vanilla, you're gonna have to reroll in a few months anyways. You're just putting it off.

In the end fuck "time invested", that's a shitty argument. Play what and where you will enjoy it the most. Journey, not destination. If that's k1, great. Have fun. If not you're welcome to reroll.

But complaining about it makes no sense.
you're resistant to a server merge.
I ask why not implement at the very least cross realm BG's.

Where have we ever said we were resistant to a server merge? the answer is we haven't. As I mentioned in another thread it has not yet come up in our Admin meetings.

Regarding cross realm bgs, that would be great. But we don't at this time have the infrastructure to do this. It could be something that we work on and add in the future (we have a long list of feature requests from players), so I can't give an eta on if/when something like this would happen.
I'm gonna add here that I know you guys are constantly working but Ahlaundoh gives a perfect example of a situation that really should be addressed immediately. Sure you guys are busy and it takes time to address an issue but Ahlaundoh's raid was unable to clear BWL for almost a week. The speed that this was addressed makes players feel that the GMs don't care or don't have time for the players and that's the main point I'm trying to get at. When a whole guild can't raid BWL because of an issue and it doesn't get addressed for almost a week you can't help to feel that way. I felt the same way with C'thun loot it took a long time for our players to get loot for the kill. None of the players understand the sheer amount of tickets that yall need to deal with but keep in mind the longer it takes for something to be addressed the more we feel neglected. When the ticket pertains to just one player it's not a huge deal because it doesn't impact the overall mood of the server but when you have tickets that pertain to entire raids and they aren't responded to in a timely manner that will affect the mood of the server especially when the server isn't filled with 15k players. Just keep in mind that the faster the response the happier we are but the longer the response the more annoyed we get. I remember a time when BWL gates were busted and constantly needed to be addressed and when we needed help with this issue a GM would be there in minutes which really impressed me and lead me to stay on the server because of the GM response time to raid issues like that.

As far as the comments on population just lmao at suggesting to reroll if you want a higher pop. Probably the most ridiculous thing I have heard. Re-rolling does not solve the problem it completely avoids it. I'm indicating a problem with an older server of players. An issue that I predict KII will eventually run into as well if left to never be addressed and re-rolling to the next best thing is the only solution provided. The solution to the problem of course isn't obvious but should be discussed.

Anyway thanks for all the responses Davros and Matheson much appreciated.
I think the only thing Kronos truly needs is what Nostalrius had, and that is marketing. Have players stream, blog, social media and talk about the last good x1 vanilla World of Warcraft server. If Blizzard is behind the anonymous DDOS attacks, repay them by promoting their old IP. It's not like Kronos is going to listen to a NTD request anyway, might as well go all the way and gain the power from this.

I only stumbled across vanilla via a random blog. I would have never known about good private servers otherwise, so many shit servers with 50 players total, players playing as Illidan, server admins focused on cash only, etc.. You got a legacy of thousands of ex-Nostalrius players given to you. Yet you do not promote the server enough to maintain influx.

Meanwhile, Legion is drawing players away. K1 is quite progressed, so it needs new blood. Blizzcon is around the corner. Times are tough. Work on Naxxramas, but don't forget to service your guilds and existing bug fixes either.

I hope you will succeed. Because right now, you are the only real remaining motivation for Blizzard to release legacy servers.
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The problem right now with K1 is that indeed all new players go K2. I for one love to do some 5mans or w/e when I'm bored, to boost some ppl to their gear, to help levelers on some elite quests etc. But there's barely anyone around in the world, and if there are people, it's almost always alts whose main is close by should they need any help. It's just become so raidlogger-ry lately that other than getting your precious diremaul buffs and logging out until raid, there's not much else to do since the new influx is starting on the other server and K1 feels dead because of it.

Splitting servers at the time was required, so many players wasn't viable, but right now, it's stopping K1 from getting new blood. You can also see it on the trade page, K2 is booming, I could easily sell off my lvl 30 on K2 (Ye, desolace made me depressed) and trade another char for something else, whereas trade on K1 is a circlejerk of shard, jaffa and me trading some chars around, with no response to full t2 geared chars, neither in trade nor stars.

Last part about warlocks, if we even get any new player, it isn't fair to them to 'make' them level to lvl 45 x1 while the bulk of the server basically got their summoning locks to use as convenience, for free at the x7 event. Wouldn't hurt to revert that change and let them get a lvl 20 lock for a convenient silithus/felwood summoner.
So last night (06/11/2016 uk) we discussed the issues of K1 losing the new players to K2, and it became apparent that this is now a war between k1 and k2 for players while we discussed and spoke about a lot of possible solutions a lot of them had flaws that wouldn't allow us to proceed with the idea, in the end we have agreed on something, im sure you will here about it soon so look forward for that, and as always thank you so much for choosing Kronos and sticking with us through these times as for k1 ticket response time, i take that personally as i have been focusing on k2 and out of game things i apologize, i will be working hard tonight to keep tickets low! :)
So last night (06/11/2016 uk) we discussed the issues of K1 losing the new players to K2, and it became apparent that this is now a war between k1 and k2 for players while we discussed and spoke about a lot of possible solutions a lot of them had flaws that wouldn't allow us to proceed with the idea, in the end we have agreed on something, im sure you will here about it soon so look forward for that, and as always thank you so much for choosing Kronos and sticking with us through these times as for k1 ticket response time, i take that personally as i have been focusing on k2 and out of game things i apologize, i will be working hard tonight to keep tickets low! :)

Yeah, It doesn't make much sense to have 2 servers fighting for population whenever they are both hosted by the same people and eventually accomplish the same content. Hopefully the solution you agreed on is a good balance for k1 and k2 instead of having to teeter totter which one to prioritize.
So last night (06/11/2016 uk) we discussed the issues of K1 losing the new players to K2, and it became apparent that this is now a war between k1 and k2 for players while we discussed and spoke about a lot of possible solutions a lot of them had flaws that wouldn't allow us to proceed with the idea, in the end we have agreed on something, im sure you will here about it soon so look forward for that, and as always thank you so much for choosing Kronos and sticking with us through these times as for k1 ticket response time, i take that personally as i have been focusing on k2 and out of game things i apologize, i will be working hard tonight to keep tickets low! :)

Your solution is horrible: https://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread.php/116615-Kronos-I-Call-of-the-Crusade?p=847893

Please take the announcement down and we'll all pretend it never happened.
Yeah thank you for listening to us and not doing 7x that isn't what I wanted at all
I'm gonna post something positive and say THANK YOU. Thank you for listening to your community. I love this server and the earlier proposed suggestion of 7x would hurt not benefit the server. I hope this was just a panicked reaction. Many people who came here from nost have no intentions of leaving their kronos characters but things like 7x will only hurt the server.
I understand the frustration from K1 players but I'd start playing again if there was another 7x event

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