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    TwinStar team

[AddOn] broom (bag/bank cleaner)

A small illustration: [video=youtube;fAFHyU_xi0Q]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAFHyU_xi0Q[/video]

Now works with all locales.
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Personally I've been using JPack, but thanks for the effort.
hm, do you have a very slow pc? It inevitably causes some lag to do lots of bag moves. Also maybe it could've been a bug if you don't have the latest version so try to redownload it.
I downloaded a new version and that seems to have helped. I have a pretty fast PC, so don't think that was the issue. The sorting works pretty well, but not great.

A few notes when sorting my bank:
Cloth doesn't seem to sort into the same bag. I have runecloth and mageweave 4 rows apart in my main bank slot. I have runecloth in a separate bag as well.

Thorium headed arrows ended up in two different bags. I ran the sort again and it moved most of the stacks to the first bag, but left 1 stack in a 2nd bag. Yes, both bags are full, but there are various other item types in them that the extra arrow stack could have replaced.

Star Ruby/Sapphire/Arcanite/Arcane Crystals all ended up together, awesome.

Thorium bars, Mithril Bars, Dense Blasting Powder, etc., all ended up separate from each other.

Enchanting materials ended up in separate bags.

Anyway, the idea for this addon is great, it works ok. I'm hoping this feedback lends to future improvements.

Thanks bit.
It's not meant to put identical items into the same bag, it's meant to sort them over all bags. So for example the last slot of bag 1 and the first slot of bag 2 are treated as if they're directly adjacent to eachother. Ideally you should use it together with onebag/bagnon or something, as shown in the video above. Sorting multiple times shouldn't have any effect, otherwise that's a bug. I think there's something off about the bank sorting, haven't yet had time to figure out why, but the bag sorting should be pretty much perfect now.

edit: bank sorting should be fixed now
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Massive performance improvement. Download the newest version if you're using this.
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