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    TwinStar team

Alliance Roaming in Stonetalon.


New Member
Jun 9, 2016
Hi, my first post so not 100% sure im in the right place.

For 2 days straight there has been high level alliance ganking the living crap out of me and others in Stonetalon Mountain.
So if any world pvp:ers (hordes) feel like defending weak peons like myself there, I would highly appreciate having some backup while questing.

Have a continued great day.

Best Regards // Hokuspokus (Kronos II)
Because posting stuff like this in forums gives you 10.000XP.

If you're gonna respond to a thread atleast be more serious.

I would guess im not experienced enough to know where, I follow the questline that is given. And since I've faced an issue here I thought id asked for help in these forums.
Any lvl 60 that goes to a lowbie area to gank is a loser. There is no challenge in one shotting a lvl 23. Southpark profiled these guys correctly.

That being said, Stonetalon is awesome for world pvp! I bring my lvl 19 twink out here to fight lvl 24+ horde folks. Most of the fights are fairly balanced which makes it a lot of fun. Much of the time the horde see me and start the fight themselves.

Any lvl 60 can kill a lvl 20 but killing a lvl 30 as a lvl 19 is exceptionally fun and very sporty.
Stonetalon is Horde's equivalent to Alliance's Redridge Mountains which also gets griefed on a constant basis.
Any lvl 60 that goes to a lowbie area to gank is a loser. There is no challenge in one shotting a lvl 23.
Who says hes looking for a challenge? Judging from this thread it seems like he got what he came for.
Making your butt a bit more sore.
This happened very often in Redridge on multiple of my characters. When we did not have a chance even if we would be forming a group I just did a dungeon run. Most of the time it was over when I was back.
The main purpose of this thread was to bring the attention to 60's on horde faction who does world pvp too perhaps take a swing through Stonetalon once in a while and scare or kill those who kill lowbies for fun. That is all.
60s ganking lowies = looser
2 let him gank you for 2 days = not very smart

=> don't feed the guy, quest in another zone or grind cloth dropping mobs somewhere else (you'll propably need gold for lvl 40 mount anyway)
World PvP is awesome--especially while leveling up! But level 60s who go around killing lowbies for lengths of time are likely doing it because they wouldn't stand a chance against people their own level. Usually the worst culprits are low ranked, shitty geared, poorly skilled high levels who will run or fail miserably as soon as someone their own level comes to deal with it.

In any case, just go quest somewhere else in the meantime. No matter where you go though, be prepared to get ganked by other players. It's just a way of life here on PvP servers :)
Don't know why you would assume its just 1 person Chainsaw :pApprox 1-4 alliance players 24/7.Well I myself are finally done there, and I've been started to getting used by getting ganked by "??" pros but as I mentioned the main purpose was just to bring awarness to those who can help out.I agree Lildyo, met people along the way who knows where to go if X is occupied with high lvl gankers so its still fun and terrifying at the same time :)
No one of the people who gank low levels care about ' high quality pvp '. We ( Yes, I include myself ) do it because it's fun to make people corpse-run for 5 minutes just to kill them again.
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