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    TwinStar team

Ally / Horde BG Queues on K2?


New Member
Oct 13, 2013
What the BG queue times are like on K2, both as Horde and Ally? I've heard the Horde to Ally ratio is pretty even, but I'd imagine the Horde queues are still longer then Ally. Wondering specifically what they are on average?
So far im only lvl 32, so can not say how it is at higher lvl. But at lvl 10-19 the WSG starts fairly often. But at 20-29 and 30-39 you often have to wait for hrs for a WSG to start as a horde the lack of allience joining this is huge!
Alliance have much longer queues than Horde at 60. If you're rolling with a plan to focus on PvP you should play Horde.
Alliance have much longer queues than Horde at 60. If you're rolling with a plan to focus on PvP you should play Horde.

That is if you want to be crushed by 2 premade Alliance grps, the only reason why Horde has insta invite.

If you want to have fun in BGs roll Ally and use those 10 Minutes of wait time for something nice, and then enjoy your win !
11 min horde WSG instant loose if you dont have premade , get alliance , you join wsg wich has a premade playing and freewin
Its unplayable like this! Pugs are getting camped on the graveyard by premades every single game. Most of the time half of our team leaves instantly and its 5-8 or sth.
They have to reset all ranks / rep / pvp gear and disable the group queue so the noobs will lose all time. They only have ranks because they suck in solo stuff.
+1 to that,actually had few nice matches earlier today before those same ally premades made it horrible again.
Should be premade vs premades only and pugs vs pugs only is the solution imo.

Why isnt that implemented? It would help randoms so much, and the premades get the nice fights that they want.
Everyone would be happy, and WSG on 60 wouldnt be a total disaster for a random.
Always the same 2 non life premade on ally side, no matter what time you queue , they are ready to crush horde pugs over and over until u get cancer. I remember having fun in vanilla when doing BGs, not like this borring 2 minute game, GY camping fest, where you dont even get a single mark 90% of the time thanks to everyone going afk from the horde side.
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