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Are cloth classes really squishy?


New Member
Jan 26, 2015
I mean.. on paper.. I'm scared to roll a warlock because I feel like I'm going to be one hit by warriors and rogues.
Where is your trust and faith in your owns choices might good sir, go forth and pick your class! Fear blinds the eye to the truth, so have faith in the good! Faith brings victory, fear makes you tremble and despair, DOOM HAS COME

NO! Faith in the good, your trust in that it can work shall overcome, choose, have faith and trust
Where is your trust and faith in your owns choices might good sir, go forth and pick your class! Fear blinds the eye to the truth, so have faith in the good! Faith brings victory, fear makes you tremble and despair, DOOM HAS COME

NO! Faith in the good, your trust in that it can work shall overcome, choose, have faith and trust
I mean.. on paper.. I'm scared to roll a warlock because I feel like I'm going to be one hit by warriors and rogues.

It's very situational

If rogue opens on you with felhunter up, and he is anything decent its pretty much over unless you wanna anti venom and lip or some shit

Same thing with warrior, if he gets charge and interrupts immolate it's most likely rip, unless you manage to deathcoil into 3,5k shadowbolt+shadowburn combo

On the other hand, if you put warrior in combat and death coil his intercept you can win easy

same with rogue, if you find him outside stealth it's much easier
No, they are not that squishy because this is World of Warcraft and cloth stops massive two-handed weapons but plate can't stop fireballs or frostbolts.
Really sucks beeing one of those super squishy SL locks, Frostmages or permanently shielded Priests/sPriests.
I mean.. on paper.. I'm scared to roll a warlock because I feel like I'm going to be one hit by warriors and rogues.

Dot and hide behind some objects and you'll be their worst nightmare. Felhunter helps you to see rogues.
Against Warriors and Rogues:

Mage: Faceroll if you know how to play
Spriest: Faceroll even if you don't know how to play
Warlock: Challenging at 1st. Once you get gear to survive stuns etc. -> Faceroll if you know how to play

It all comes down on how good you can play your class against different opponents.
LoS and 1st hit against melees makes a huge difference aswell.
If youre playing a SPriest under level 40, you may as well as your guild to change the guild tabard to that of wearing a bright red and white bullseye.
while cloth ofc are fragile in melee (cloth armor reduce lets say... 15% physical dmg? they got controls. As warlock you must capitalize them. If you pretend to survive in melee vs rogue/warrior as lock you got some issues... look every pvp video of casters (mage/lock/priest) they ALWAYS put space between em and melee ppl. Succubus is your best firend (drakedog says hi with seduce+nuke combo) and engineering too (stun bombs and golbin helmet).
i personally ALWAYS played caster since november 2004 and enjoyed it. just be in the mindset that you MUST stay far and nuke from behind cover.
I mean.. on paper.. I'm scared to roll a warlock because I feel like I'm going to be one hit by warriors and rogues.
not true. actually locks with demo spec are the thoughest casters out there (30%dmg reduction is a LOT) for example. let's say you are being hit by a 2k hit in melee by a warrior. Cloth armor maximum lets say more or less 15% phys reduction so i (2000*15)/100= 300. You take 1700 dmg. now SL applies (30%of dmg dealt to you is dealt to your pet instead) meaning (1700*30)/100= 510. In total you get 1190 from 2k hit. not that fragile, isnt it?

bt leaving a good starter pvp newbie spec hope you enjoy it! :D

Warlock is one of the best PvP classes and practically unkillable 1v1 in vanilla, with the exception of warriors (fear immunity) and rogues (if they get the jump on you)

Every other class, you just fear -> dot -> keep spamming fear until they're dead. Super easy no-brainer PvP.
SL Warlocks are so boring to play though, you can't do anything to support your team. Not having both Affliction and Destruction range feels like gimping yourself, at least that's my impression. Not having 24m on fear in particular really hurts imo.
Yeah, SL warlock certainly can't juggle various curses, provide utility via felhunter/succubus or with howl of terror/fear. Nah, obviously a SL warlock is only meant for tanking damage with double vw sac while clicking drain life from spellbook. If you really miss grim reach, you can go NF/SL and pick it up, although I do think that SL/burn is a better spec out of the two, unless you're playing AV or something where you constantly have multiple corruptions up.

I do agree that SL is a pretty boring spec to play as I like to play with more burst, and/or coex, but saying that "a SL warlock can't do anything to support their team" might be one of the dumbest things I've read on these forums.
Gotta name all those abilities that favor SL warlock, which are BASE abilities that any other spec also has, TOPKEK
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