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    TwinStar team

Best pvp class with high(ish) latency.


New Member
May 9, 2016
Hello guys! I'm here to ask you a thing. I was wondering what class I could play with high(ish) latency.
My latency spikes from 100 to 800 and it's really boring... I've tried a bit and I don't have so many problems with ranged classes but, in your opinion, what class would be best for a ' laggy guy ' like me ?
I was thinking about a mage, but I'm worried that the squishiness of the class requires a lot of fast reactions to be countered.
Right now spriest and huntards seem the best best.. any opinions ?
( Obv all meelee classes are excluded, they are unplayable ).
Definitely not hunter. S priest is probably ok but i think mage would be easiest to do ok with at high latency.

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frost mage that is
Definitely not hunter. S priest is probably ok but i think mage would be easiest to do ok with at high latency.

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frost mage that is

Worst possible suggestion.

I would invite anyone willing to try play a mage with high latency where your blinks feel like it has a cast time, you cant even successfully shatter through frostbite or frostnova because everything feels delayed.

You're not gonna have high HP, you're not gonna have the reaction time you need to survive people and you won't have smooth lag to successfully kite and kill things...

Play hunter. It'd be so much easier playing BM and just letting your pet loose while you attack things with instant shots.

Warlock and Spriest would be the next best candidates (and you could find much easier groups with these 2 and level up/gear)
mage is total shit when it's laggy. every enemy can fuck you up with LOS just as he wants. If you're a lock you at least have dots that tick when the enemy LOSes you. I think hunters are the strongest pvp class in general, but I haven't tried paladin or shaman.
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