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    TwinStar team

Boss records


Nov 3, 2014
Add boss records (top dps, top hps and fastest kill)

You should also add dispels to the latest boss kills information.
Twinstar Bosskills, and therefore also kronos-logs are bugged/lacking in several ways.

  • DPS tracking is bugged
    DPS is being calculated by taking the damage you dealt, and dividing it by the time you stayed alive, instead of the time of the fight. This means that you can, for example, get a lucky Shadowbolt crit, overaggro, die and get 2500DPS. This makes DPS tracking meaningless.
    I assume the same is true for HPS.
  • Several fights are not recorded at all, or improperly
    It only counts kills of the boss, therefore bosses like Nefarian and Majordomo are not counted at all. Since it only counts damage against the boss Razorgore is also showing the wrong data.
  • It's lacking several important features.
    It doesnt track the length of the entire raid, it doesnt allow filtering per guild, there is overall DPS for entire raids, and those were just a few off the top of my head.

In short, just use Realmplayers Raidstats, other than you needing a custom addon and account to upload it's superior in every way.
Twinstar Bosskills, and therefore also kronos-logs are bugged/lacking in several ways.

  • DPS tracking is bugged
    DPS is being calculated by taking the damage you dealt, and dividing it by the time you stayed alive, instead of the time of the fight. This means that you can, for example, get a lucky Shadowbolt crit, overaggro, die and get 2500DPS. This makes DPS tracking meaningless.
    I assume the same is true for HPS.
  • Several fights are not recorded at all, or improperly
    It only counts kills of the boss, therefore bosses like Nefarian and Majordomo are not counted at all. Since it only counts damage against the boss Razorgore is also showing the wrong data.
  • It's lacking several important features.
    It doesnt track the length of the entire raid, it doesnt allow filtering per guild, there is overall DPS for entire raids, and those were just a few off the top of my head.

In short, just use Realmplayers Raidstats, other than you needing a custom addon and account to upload it's superior in every way.

Kronos-Logs does not use the same DPS/HPS stats as viewed on Twinstar. Go and have a look at the site and you will see for yourself.

I can only assume you're affiliated with realmplayers as you're determined to undermine efforts by others to bring something to the community.

Notes below:
  • DPS is calculated by Damage Done divided by Boss Fight Time. (Same for HPS etc)
  • Only fights where the boss begins as friendly are not recorded. This is currently limited to Domo and Vael. You are correct that it only includes data for the time the boss is active.
  • It can quite easily track the length of a raid from when the first boss kill attempted started to the final boss of day dying. I do not know why you'd want to simply track overall DPS of the entire raid unless what you're actually trying to track is activity on trash etc. This is not best done by DPS. You can filter by guild but this shows you have not looked at the site.
  • I do not intend pointing out bad points of realmplayers but it's very easy to inject false data to spike logs. Kronos-Logs data is taken directly from the server.

I'm sure realmplayers has been around for a while now whereas Kronos-Logs was developed specifically for the realm with data provided by the server, for the server. It was developed by one person who also has a child and management job with little spare time. It takes time to develop a site and new features.

As has been previously mentioned, both can co-exist so there's no need to be so slanderous.
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I can only assume you're affiliated with realmplayers as you're determined to undermine efforts by others to bring something to the community.

Not at all true.

DPS is calculated by Damage Done divided by Boss Fight Time. (Same for HPS etc)

That's nice, I didn't notice that.

Only fights where the boss begins as friendly are not recorded. This is currently limited to Domo and Vael. You are correct that it only includes data for the time the boss is active.

Quite a glaring bug, don't you agree?

It can quite easily track the length of a raid from when the first boss kill attempted started to the final boss of day dying.

But it does not. Or am I missing something?

I do not know why you'd want to simply track overall DPS of the entire raid unless what you're actually trying to track is activity on trash etc.
I want a fast overview of peoples average DPS vs the bosses of a raid without having to click through and manually average every boss kill (and attempt).

You can filter by guild but this shows you have not looked at the site.

You're right. I completely missed that, my bad.

I do not intend pointing out bad points of realmplayers but it's very easy to inject false data to spike logs. Kronos-Logs data is taken directly from the server.

While this is true, injecting false data is extremely rare. Grabbing data from server is an upside for sure, but it doesnt make up for all the many downsides.

It was developed by one person who also has a child and management job with little spare time. It takes time to develop a site and new features.

I never said the dude was doing a bad job, I just said raidstats is better. This doesnt mean kronos-logs cant improve, one day it might excell raidstats. But if you want a raid comparison tool that works well today, raidstats is clearly the best option.

As has been previously mentioned, both can co-exist so there's no need to be so slanderous.

I never claimed they could not, I just said one was better than the other.

It's a nice website, but at the moment it can't really compare to raidstats, since it has so many more features, and less bugs.
Not at all true.

That's nice, I didn't notice that.

Quite a glaring bug, don't you agree?

But it does not. Or am I missing something?

I want a fast overview of peoples average DPS vs the bosses of a raid without having to click through and manually average every boss kill (and attempt).

You're right. I completely missed that, my bad.

While this is true, injecting false data is extremely rare. Grabbing data from server is an upside for sure, but it doesnt make up for all the many downsides.

I never said the dude was doing a bad job, I just said raidstats is better. This doesnt mean kronos-logs cant improve, one day it might excell raidstats. But if you want a raid comparison tool that works well today, raidstats is clearly the best option.

I never claimed they could not, I just said one was better than the other.

It's a nice website, but at the moment it can't really compare to raidstats, since it has so many more features, and less bugs.

Friendly targets not being logged by the server isn't a bug. It might just be that the devs are not inclined to find a way of recording them.

The site was developed within a few days holiday from my job and rushed to release for BWL. I have not yet had any bug reports, only feature requests (I developed the site).

I made the site for the community to use. It will get better, I promise.

I have a wealth of experience from retail and intend to use on the site (you will still see some of my chars with rank 1 logs in several expansions). I just need time to implement my ideas.
Kronos-Logs does not use the same DPS/HPS stats as viewed on Twinstar. Go and have a look at the site and you will see for yourself.

I can only assume you're affiliated with realmplayers as you're determined to undermine efforts by others to bring something to the community.

Notes below:
  • DPS is calculated by Damage Done divided by Boss Fight Time. (Same for HPS etc)


As has been previously mentioned, both can co-exist so there's no need to be so slanderous.

http://kronos-logs.com/kill_info/kill_id/267683 4000 dps on Razorgore, yeah it's absolutely correct :)

We're not making it up when we say it has issues and realmplayers.com (http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/FightOverview.aspx?Raid=14476&Fight=0) should be more trusted and used, and we are definitely not trying to undermine anyone's efforts. It's just better and more trustworthy, for now at least.
http://kronos-logs.com/kill_info/kill_id/267683 4000 dps on Razorgore, yeah it's absolutely correct :)

We're not making it up when we say it has issues and realmplayers.com (http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/FightOverview.aspx?Raid=14476&Fight=0) should be more trusted and used, and we are definitely not trying to undermine anyone's efforts. It's just better and more trustworthy, for now at least.

The fight length is incorrect but the total damage is for the duration of the fight.

The DPS number will be incorrect but ranks will still be reasonably correct. Close your eyes and pretend the DPS number doesn't exist for this fight.

So you're aware, the site has increased Kronos' organic search visibility tremendously in many countries which was another reason it was developed. Do you want more players on the realm?

I'm not going to continue to defend the site as I've not sat here criticising yours. If you don't want to use it, don't. For those that use the site, I hope you enjoy browsing and I promise more interesting features are imminent.
You shouldn't post your creations publicly if you're unable/unwilling to accept critisicm. Noone says you're doing a bad job, noone claimed your site is worthless. All we're saying is that right now, in this reality, raidstats is superior.
Ehm, you're stupid. If you actually take some time to read you note that the Overall Rankings are done by collecting 5 of best the last 6 boss kills, and it also says "If there are less than 3 encounters for the player in the database or the last attended encounter was more than 1 month ago, the player will not be included in the list." I think you know what this means but I will explain: Players have to attend 3 recorded BWL's to be presented on the list, I don't think there was any guild that did that yet :)

Also, you can cheat the twinhead system easily aswell if you, for example, die mid fight your DPS stays the same and is not calculated for the whole duration of the fight but until you die, so don't be surprised to see people with crazy DPS on twinhead.
Aside from the rest, the VF_WoWLauncher is the best of all launchers I've tried (yes, even better than the Kronos one) because of all its customization options, the possibility to select game settings and/or addon profiles, realm and project to log on without bothering to manually edit realmlists (useful if you're playing on different servers), and other nice features (like the news and patch tracker for all projects of choice).
Ehm, you're stupid. If you actually take some time to read you note that the Overall Rankings are done by collecting 5 of best the last 6 boss kills, and it also says "If there are less than 3 encounters for the player in the database or the last attended encounter was more than 1 month ago, the player will not be included in the list." I think you know what this means but I will explain: Players have to attend 3 recorded BWL's to be presented on the list, I don't think there was any guild that did that yet :)

Also, you can cheat the twinhead system easily aswell if you, for example, die mid fight your DPS stays the same and is not calculated for the whole duration of the fight but until you die, so don't be surprised to see people with crazy DPS on twinhead.

This makes the site worthless for us on Kronos then :)
The realmplayers site is so bad coded in so many ways.

You will see later i guess.
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The realmplayers site is so bad coded in so many ways.

You will see later i guess.

I don't know on what kind of section in the code you are referring to but to me it seems like a good and huge amount of effort that someone put into this site, just to give even an 11 year old game the chance to use such awesome feature. For sure kronos-logs is easier to use and shows more data of Kronos but that does not give you the right to speak so low of an project you probably dont even understand what problems the developer must have gone through.

I think both, kronos-logs and realmplayers can co-exist. Both have their pro and cons and it is up to every individual person which they want to use.

I dont't even see a reason why someone should speak low of an website that is giving out useful information for free. Those two platforms do even give you the opportunity to have an even more detailed log of a raid, server, whatever.
[Kronos-logs] shows more data of Kronos [...]

While I agree with the rest of your post this is not true.
Realmplayers has lots of information that Kronos-logs doesnt, the only features that Kronos-logs has and Realmplayers doesnt (off the top of my head) is the tracking off Silithus stones and estimation of world boss spawns.

Kronos-logs is a nice site, and it keeps improving, one day it might grow to excell Realmplayers in every way. For now we need both sites to track everything though, and it would be nice to get some more guilds from Kronos represented there (hint hint).
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While I agree with the rest of your post this is not true.
Realmplayers has lots of information that Kronos-logs doesnt, the only features that Kronos-logs has and Realmplayers doesnt (off the top of my head) is the tracking off Silithus stones and estimation of world boss spawns.

There's a few more things that were added this week but I'll let you have browse :)
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