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    TwinStar team

Boss records

Realmplayers are far from perfect and really bad coded tbh.
This dont even work, the only feature i want to use on it http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/Ranking.aspx?Bosses=0B0C0D0E0F0G0H0I&realm=KRO&ClassLimit=All

You can also cheat the system if you have any kind of basic knowledge about computers.

Also, starting some trojan launcher everytime, no thanks.

I think you know what I want to say. Lawl. Kek.

Regarding Kronos-Logs - a very nice idea, unfortunately not as good as realmplayers. Maybe cooperate? Or contribute to realmplayer and create something even bigger!
Where did you go scottw? The latest raids of Freefall in MC & BWL are all corrupt and our sweet sweet records arent showing up on the highscores =(
Yeah the site has been jacked since Twinhead started displaying times to a tenth of a second.

You can still see your times on Twinhead. You guys pushing some nice numbers.
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