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    TwinStar team

Buff/Tune AQ40 for a real challenge

Should AQ40 be buffed/over tuned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 50 51.0%
  • No

    Votes: 48 49.0%

  • Total voters
Please do.

You like it one way, I like the other way.

Im too lazy as a person and i frankly dont care much, but i think i have seen some complaints coming from your guild about how the BWL wasnt challenging at all(i apologize if i remember incorrectly). Its a 11 yo game that millions of ppl played, its challenging only for the mentally challenged people.

Make up your mind, do you wanna be the <Best Performing Guild in Kronos where Single Digit IQ people can Clear content in 1 evening> , or do you want to prove your guild's performance does not rely on overpowering boss mechanics/timers through brute force. That you have better tactics, co-op and teamwork than other guilds. If so, make a suggestion of your own or just support one of the ideas here, man.

PS: this isnt a conspiracy against vanguard.
I complained about ZG being so easy you can clear it in greens.

As stated before in this thread by other people, AQ bosses are different from BWL and MC. I am not saying they are 10 times harder, but they are more difficult and tactics are more important than brute force for some of them. I personally don't mind small tweaks here and there to make it harder, but I absolutely demand that we get warned about it. Don't want another Chromaggus episode where they failed to fix a boss and later tried to make excuses that it was to provide some challenge, while in reality they just had their good old "prove that current state is bugged" mode on despite everyone saying it's a bug. Not to mention that some guilds (not all guilds) have testers who get to see content before it's released so any form of "hidden difficulty increase that players need to figure out for themselves" doesn't work in practice. In case of me and my own guild, that would make the server firsts rush that we are interested in unfair. To be honest, that is one of the biggest reasons I am against changes at this point.

About soulstones... nobody cares. Seriously, nobody cares. 30 min buff? Don't give a damn about it. If it comes down to having to run out and getting it to kill a boss, then we already seriously screwed up in the first place.

About world buffs... different point of views here. Some people think they are stupid, some people love them because they result in bigger numbers. Bigger numbers are a legit thing, same as perfect execution of tactics with low DPS is. So why take one of those away from those who love that style of playing? Full world buffs actually lead to change of tactics. While in some encounters it becomes brute-forcing, in my own guild we sometimes take insane risks that result in raid wipes if we fail one or two steps of it because we are actually relying on that brute force from our gear and buffs. If we don't fail, it results in huge amount of time saved. And we like that kind of playstyle. Want to take that away? Yeah well we don't want you to.
Cthun pre-hotfix was just a ret ard bug fest on phase 2,but i guess myth and legends keep spreading in making it the hardest boss ever. When the tentacles ramdomly spawned in the wall and for some reason kill half your raid or when getting summon inside the stomach you instant die from a tentacle spawn yeeeeee it is a bug. I lost tons of gold/mats there and we didnt have x7 event to get alts for easy gold...

Still, it would be the ultimate troll, because i doubt you could make it with current knowledge whitout exploiting.

The only thing i regret in Kronos is it is 1.12.1 and we didnt start on an earlier patch

Raiding MC with T0 gear (DM/N/W/E not out), 8 debuff slots.
Vaelastraz (stayed 1h) and Nefarian on a 1 day timer if fails in P1 (artificial difficulty but we loved it)

Now people call MC easy, but please for the fun try to check Template of each class before revamp.
The fucking ultimate talent for survival hunters was Rend...
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Some people said that some guilds are progressing bwl , what guilds? Even Bohemia and pugs farm it with 1 hand^^ About small guilds , since when small guilds did same progress as '' Big Tryhard elite''?? Go overtune AQ40 ... I raided bwl from release till this days , since first raid i never used flask again and my spec was hibrid and i never had def cap, but i cant die being MT=) just cant , why? Coz content is blizzlike yeah but is outdated for the experience that everyone have here alrdy. Many people or even big part of them are playing this for some challenge and right now with current content there is no challenge at all , tbh raiding is just boring clusterfuck , everything is freekill and everything is freeloot .
Currently im a GM of small Spanish guild , and i vote with both hands to tune AQ content .
I have been a developer on 2 other realms, I also played on Feenix and because of that I came up with some ideas that prevent the "clever abuse of game mechanics" such as the Warlocks soulstone. Since they are already known why not work against it?

Many guilds on Feenix buffed themselves with a SS on hard bosses in AQ40/Naxx. It does not take much time to get out and back in due to the teleports. Blizzard made "blue post" for all kinds of issues and I bet they would have done it for the SS issues as well. In fact this never happened because people in 05/06 were not smart enough to come up with that idea. So I dont see any problem letting the Guardian of Blizz spawn when people want to abuse this.

Buffing Bosses with HP/Armor/Resistances make the fight longer and only more heal intense.
Buffing Bosses with Damage totally changes fights to a nuke fight due to the amount of rage generated by the higher damage.

Now about the buffs:

Believe it or not but there was a buff limit in classic WoW. Have you ever seen any video of an (alliances) melee class with the amount of buffs people use on Kronos? (Note that not stackable buffs in classic were visual as buffs but did not grant anything unless the one that counted faded) A bit hard to explain without ending up in a wall of text but I guess you will not find a video because that did not work back in retail due to the Buff limits (+ prio list) and the world mechanics. (Note that Crusader also counts as buff) Maybe fix this but you wont find a 100% proof about the number of the actual buff limit slots. So you have to choose a number!

If you are planning to make certain buffs unavailble in raids here is a easy way to do that:

Set a unaura trigger with the spells near to every boss. (Like the dismount trigger.)
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Did I say it was a secret? The buff limite is obviously too high or is everything fine?

Looks fine to me. I have no way to know whether it's blizzlike or not. I'd love to see evidence (proving anything, too high/not too high/correct) just out of curiosity.
It was 8 during early retail. It was changed to 16 later in vanilla (cant recall which patch) and that is the limit here (1.12.1 server)
kinda offtopic, but i havent seen this brought up before so might aswell use this occasion:

A mage equipping his last piece of t2 will see a frost armor buff appear above his character, but there won't be anything shown in his buff-list.
that frost armor icon appears because the player gains an invisible aura from the set. this aura gives him a passive 10% chance to proc netherwind focus after casting some spells.

The point is that this passive aura does not appear in the players buff-list, but will still count towards the 32 aura limit. And there may be several of such passive auras on your character depending on your talents and equipment.
So players should not be able to have 32 visible buffs.
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kinda offtopic, but i havent seen this brought up before so might aswell use this occasion:

A mage equipping his last piece of t2 will see a frost armor buff appear above his character, but there won't be anything shown in his buff-list.
that frost armor icon appears because the player gains an invisible aura from the set. this aura gives him a passive 10% chance to proc netherwind focus after casting some spells.

The point is that this passive aura does not appear in the players buff-list, but will still count towards the 32 aura limit. And there may be several of such passive auras on your character depending on your talents and equipment.
So players should not be able to have 32 visible buffs.

Well, you are right. That are invisible auras on the player. But you know what, all your talents and set bonuses etc. are also such auras (Also your enchants and many more). They do not count towards that cap. If that would be true, you couldn't have any visible buff, because you have way more than 32 invisible auras on you.

And yep, I can pretty safely say, the limit is at 32 buffs.
I don't think tweaking boss stats is particularly smart.

If someone wants a challenge they can just raid with less buffs and worse gear. I for one have done vanilla PvE to death (got to 11/15 Naxx in retail, did tons on Feenix), and everything is so well-known and mapped out by now, that the only sensible challenge that can be added is player made; i.e. less people in raid, raid made up of certain class configurations, non-Warrior tanks etc.

Buffing AQ40 bosses to non-blizzlike levels will just mean that fewer guilds get to kill them and turn things into a "the rich get richer"-scenario that can hardly be any good for the server.
Buffing bosses will mean we have to use more consumables (especially flasks). That will lead to an increased price for black lotus (which will lead to even more spawn camping). Being forced to use more consumables will also divide the community in the elitist part and the non elitist part.

As Levinas already stated: If you want a challenge, raid naked or be creative, but don't change the game to an extent that's not blizzlike any more. Vanilla WAS that easy, just the lack of experience and the missing opportunity of gearing in one raid instance over months made it hard.
I don't think tweaking boss stats is particularly smart.

If someone wants a challenge they can just raid with less buffs and worse gear. I for one have done vanilla PvE to death (got to 11/15 Naxx in retail, did tons on Feenix), and everything is so well-known and mapped out by now, that the only sensible challenge that can be added is player made; i.e. less people in raid, raid made up of certain class configurations, non-Warrior tanks etc.

Buffing AQ40 bosses to non-blizzlike levels will just mean that fewer guilds get to kill them and turn things into a "the rich get richer"-scenario that can hardly be any good for the server.
Wholeheartedly agree. It's not unlikely that people move on with other things, new server running a newer expansion comes out, or in the worst case scenario the server dissapears before most people even get to properly experience raids.

Come on, give us a fighting chance at least.
Challenge modes?

Instance can be set to a higher difficulty (+% dmg +% hp + whatever - no buffs + dot limitations - whatever) but in this new version no loot is awarded. But you know what? You can just as much voluntarily gimp yourself and achieve similar results, no need to add a feature, just remove your gear and some abilities from your bar.

Although yeah, more like something to think about when Naxx is cleared.
Challenge modes?

Instance can be set to a higher difficulty (+% dmg +% hp + whatever - no buffs + dot limitations - whatever) but in this new version no loot is awarded.

No one would do this.

Just release it full of bugs and ability spamming and call it "hard mode" for a month or two.
This is solid 5/5 reckbombs!

We need to make it abit harder for atleast the first few weeks!
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