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    TwinStar team

disable deserter on dropping queue on k1

i've been playing good 15 month on kronos and i never seen anyone called labathor in a bg, not sure why you are commenting on this issue

but not, it's not stopping us from dodging premade, it's stopping us from dodging pug, or if some1 leaves and we get another player we can't requeue because last person to drop will get pop because there are maybe 3 spots open in a bg but not 5+ so they get deserter or have to play pug game and we cant play as group with them anymore for 15 more minutes
unfortunately this change has been implemented way way way too late. afaik on K1 there are no ranking premades anymore. because of that this change only affects ppl solo queuing who afk for a few mins and miss queue pop.
dunno about K2.
system should definitely be active if the servers are merged and if there is still enough pop left when this finally happens.
it's stopping us from dodging pug, or if some1 leaves and we get another player we can't requeue because last person to drop will get pop because there are maybe 3 spots open in a bg

and how is that a bad thing?
you would ruin the game for the pugs because your premade members would not join the BG they get the pop for leaving your faction at a massive disadvantage.
i've had too many games were we had to play with 2-3 players less because of this.

if there were enought alliance to fill the missing spots right after one dropped the Q this would be a non issue. however, this has rarely been the case for alliance on kronos.

if anything I wish other servers would adapt this system in the future. without xrealm BGs it seems like a necessary evil
Please Lharts, you have pug v pug game every single day, at every moment.. Premade v premade happens once in a blue moon and because of the fact there's so little of it, PvP on this server never became too serious or good. Premade games always determined quality of PvP on some server, never heard of pugs doing that. If 2 pug games are to be ruined for the price of couple premade games, so be it. There's only pug, pug, pug and pug throughout the week, 2-3 games wouldn't even be noticed. Also, there are players who play only for premade games, I'm not interested in 2 shotting mages in Bloodvine who backpedal 20 meters while clicking their instants.

Yes, this change would be SICK if it was implemented before June, when both sides actually had ranking premades, but ever since then it's pointless.. Noone dodging anyone, only makes it hard for premades on both sides to queue into each other when we set up those games.

Also, Labathor, you clearly never visited PvP forum, so please refrain yourself from commenting in the future, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what are you talking about.
This debuff only hurts an already failing server population. The alliance out number the horde by 20%, and they rarely do any bgs as a straight pug (always some amount premade).

I for one get fed up with trying to pvp in bgs when I wait in que only to run up against a full 10/15 man premade of rank 10-12s that finish the game in 3 minutes.

So yeah I, being horde, would love to still be able to "try" and dodge the majority of alliance premades so I can have a chance at winning and maybe even some fun!

Discouraging the already failing population even MORE in pvp will not help this server at all
Premade v premade happens once in a blue moon
cause only a handful players are actually enjoying prem v prem (me too btw). I know, hard to understand, but its true.

PvP on this server never became too serious or good
thats all a matter of perspective and how your definition for each of these terms is

If 2 pug games are to be ruined for the price of couple premade games, so be it.
yes, cause its obviously more important that you get what you want even at the expense of others

there are players who play only for premade games, I'm not interested in 2 shotting mages in Bloodvine who backpedal 20 meters while clicking their instants.
yes, these players exist. where were they before the Q changes?

Yes, this change would be SICK if it was implemented before June, when both sides actually had ranking premades, but ever since then it's pointless.. Noone dodging anyone, only makes it hard for premades on both sides to queue into each other when we set up those games.
I do agree here. there currently are no dodgemades that you could force into games with this.
on the other hand the system works for pugs aswell. it prevents players from dodging strong lineups.
also, there might be some dodgemades again in the future, who knows.

only makes it hard for premades on both sides to queue into each other when we set up those games.
your friends found ways to force pop Qs early on (Indaco etc.). I bet with enought alts and motivation you guys will manage. it makes it harder, yes, but surely not that hard

Also, Labathor, you clearly never visited PvP forum, so please refrain yourself from commenting in the future, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what are you talking about.
don't even think he visits anything PvP related at all.
Lharts I've played on Kronos for almost a year now, and I've seen you in Warsong Gulch maybe 3 times. Meanwhile you have more Everlook reputation than AB (defilers) reputation. Why do you keep posting on this forum pretending that you care about pug pvp when you obviously don't even play anymore?

E: I also don't think anyone in <War Sole> was in very friendly terms with Indaco. I've been playing this version of WoW with Sarei and a few others for years now, probably tens of thousands worth of common HK's and I've never seen him dodge or queue alts to force games. Instead I've seen him 3-5man queue into countless premades when there was very little chance to win, just to have some fun.
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It's not important for me to get what I want at other players' loss. Although, if people who aren't into premade v premade can have every day of the week to play countless pugs in peace at expense of non-existing premades, I'd like to have just couple of premade games too at expense of 2-3 pug games since that's fun for me, and I'd say atm at least 50 other players too.

Also, I've played with Indaco only few games couple of years ago on Feenix and never really spoke with him so yeah, not exactly my friend xd
you still can drop queue without deserter debuff - just logout when queue pops

use it careful :whistling:
Deserter change effects only the premades, be that a ranker premade (which there are none currently on K1) or the "fun/BG night premades". The change itself is a step forwards to a healthier PvP community, but it doesn't work on the current scenario we have on K1. If a influx of players would happen in the form of merge or the new projects failing, this deserter on que drop is a great thing to have. Atm it's only effecting the 10 guys who wish to premade vs premade every now and then. Imo they can deal with this, or at least should be able, and it's not worth removing this the whole concept just for them.

Anyways the premade vs premade population consists of the same people over and over again. And to be honest no "outsider" will get to enjoy these games. You might call this elitist, but on a server like this there is no real skilled PvP player base. For those playing the games: - Don't drop queues or get DCs and you are fine! :tongue:

Ps: Nice thread Sachi

Pss: I'm salty for no invite
That's reported on Bug Tracker and apparently fixed, it's marked as "Need Retest".
To clarify my view more towards the staff, I do not think this is a bad change in itself. In a situation where both factions have 1 or more premades queuing on a regular basis this would probably achieve its goal.

But as others have said, it is a change that is long overdue. This change would have been useful a year ago when I started pvping and i solo queued into arcanum every game. And afterwards there have been so many incidents of dodging where this kind of fix could have helped.
With no real ranking premades on either side right now (aside from some small groups on occasion), it is a moot change.
Lharts I've played on Kronos for almost a year now, and I've seen you in Warsong Gulch maybe 3 times. Meanwhile you have more Everlook reputation than AB (defilers) reputation.
you haven't seen my warlock in BGs is what you mean I suppose

I've been playing this version of WoW with Sarei and a few others for years now
doesn't mean you have to feel personally offended if someone disagrees with Sarei

I've never seen him dodge or queue alts to force games. Instead I've seen him 3-5man queue into countless premades when there was very little chance to win, just to have some fun.
I've seen him rageafk from BGs just like any other member of <War Sole> who tried pugging. Even from games we could have easily won if he stayed and pushed through.

This change would have been useful a year ago when I started pvping
unfortunately, same as Sarei, you are right.

seems like you were missing the point I was trying to make. As Eywin has noted this change is currently not as effective as it could have been, but on the other hand can make for a better PvP environment.
its not impossible to Q in against other premades if you really want to do it on purpose. you are asking to change it back only so you can have an easier time to set up premade BGs on the odd day where its actually going down - which is bogus imo.
Ok Lharts is trolling since I only ever afk'd out 1 game on Kronos and it was this AB weekend xd
surely son, surely. at least your friends will believe you. if that means anything to you
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