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    TwinStar team

Warrior Dungeon order?


New Member
Mar 27, 2015
Hey all, hit 60 on my warrior a few months ago and had to go MIA due to work unfortunately. Anyhow, I'm glad to be back and seeing all these new players from this 7x thing.

My question is about dungeons. When I hit 60 on my warr I never got into any dungeons because I took a break. I wanna say the last thing I tanked was most of Blackrock depths which I remember going smooth.

Anyhow with all these new players I wanna start tanking the good stuff. I'm not awfully geared, as I took blacksmithing and crafted the imperial set, so I think I can handle "the first 60 dungeon" perhaps. With that being said my shield is lacking and most of my trinkets or rings.

Is there an order of progression I should start with? Basically looking from easiest to hardest, so I know what to move onto to collect my BiS gear.

Any help, tank tips in general would be great as its something I'm new at, always played heals or deeps since 2006.
I would recommend look at the pre raid bis gear list in this guide and get some of the crafted items and quest rewards.


A good start would be BRD to get force of will and naglring. Getting a fast weapon for tanking is also a good idea imo. From there on i personally would go strath UD, diremaul (all parts), strath living, LBRS, scholo and UBRS (in that order). With a decent healer you should have much probs even with low gear.
Thanks for the information. Is a fast tanking weapon always preferred? As in even daggers?

Highest dps is prefered because it also gives highest threat per second. Faster weapons are better because the gap between pull and the first hits is shorter. Also you start generating rage faster and misses do not have that big of an impact. So yeah daggers are a good start for tanking weapons.
First get this chest from "In Dreams", bow from "Order Must Be Restored"/"The Scarlet Oracle, Demetria" (easily doable with 5 men), and get a decent shield (any greeny with at least 1.9k armor and 10+ stamina will do). Then you should start farming Blackrock Depths and get the ring, trinket, legs and helm. Also you can get a decent cape while those two shields are not really worth farming.

Then in order of difficulty (from my 6 years experience in vanilla private servers), you can start tanking:

- Stratholme undead side
- Diremaul east
- Scholomance (people would say this is the hardest, but that's becouse they have no clue how to play safe)
- Stratholme living/scarlet side
- Lower Blackrock Spire
- Diremaul west
- Diremaul north (without a good pre-raid gear or a good healer you're gonna get smashed in here)
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- Tier 0.5 summonable bosses

About the weapon speed people would say "get a super fast weapon and spam Heroic Strike!", but that's true mostly for raid encounters and dungeon bosses, where you get most of your rage from the hits you receive. But for dungeon trash mobs you wont get much rage from received damage (especially when you get decent gear), so you need a weapon with a good end damage to generate some extra rage, something like Sword of Zeal or Stormstrike Hammer/Frostbite. This way you'll trade threat (less Heroic Strike spam) with rage, but without rage you can't use any ability anyway so I think it's a good deal :wink:

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