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Fire Vulnerability tracking


Aug 13, 2014
When target is afflicted by Fire Vulnerability (from mage talent Improved Scorch) it correctly reports in combat log as:

"Target" is afflicted by Fire Vulnerability.
"Target" is afflicted by Fire Vulnerability (2).
"Target" is afflicted by Fire Vulnerability (3).
"Target" is afflicted by Fire Vulnerability (4).
"Target" is afflicted by Fire Vulnerability (5).

After reaching the maximum of five stacks there is no more report in the combat log which makes it impossible for addons to track it's reapplication.

Can you change it so that when Fire Vulnerability is reapplied (at 5 stacks) it will be reported in the combat log again by: "Target" is afflicted by Fire Vulnerability (5)? Me and many other mages would appreciate this a lot!

Thanks a lot!
Edit the addon to listen for debuff application OR scorch dmg in combat log. This is the only solution I can come up with atm as there is no notification in the log after the maximum stacks have been reached. In order to work the mages should have 100% vulnerability application.
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Edit the addon to listen for debuff application OR scorch dmg in combat log. This is the only solution I can come up with atm as there is no notification in the log after the maximum stacks have been reached. In order to work the mages should have 100% vulnerability application.
I don't understand addon programming at all but from what I have heard all these vanilla combat addons are relying on just scanning the combat log since they cannot get information from game itself. So how would you listen for debuff application when there is none in the combat log after 5 stacks?

It is true that you could base it solely on scorch hitting the target but as you said, that is only true when all mages have 3/3 in Improved Scorch which is usually not the case if you have 5+ mages since some go for Improved Flamestrike instead for higher AOE dmg. And since all this could be solved by just one extra line in combat log it is kinda clumsy solution.
is there any reason to track this debuff from a mob that is not your target?
Not really but it will be very helpful on bosses where you need to keep the debuff up.

you dont need the combat log to track the debuffs if you have your enemy on target...at least with smart written addons
you dont need the combat log to track the debuffs if you have your enemy on target...at least with smart written addons
I am not sure you understood my previous posts. These "smart addons" use combat log as their source of information.

Let me give you an example. Lets say you use NaturECB, when you start stacking Fire Vulnerability everything is displayed correctly until you reach 5 stacks. Then when you cast Scorch to refresh the debuff the "timer" gets fucked since there was no information in combat log from which the addon can tell that the debuff was refreshed. I guess you can easily edit addon so that it assumes that you have 3/3 Improved Scorch and it resets the timer everytime you cast, but if your fellow mages cast the Scorch (and they have 3/3 Improved Scorch) you will not get the information about the timer reset unless you again assume that they all have 3/3 Improved Scorch but as I said, that is usually not true.
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