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    TwinStar team

Paladin Good evening. Consecration, does it even.


New Member
May 4, 2016
Good day good sirs and fair ladies of the world
I did not myself wish to create a new thread for this perhaps less intruiging question, but it seems a fair topic to discuss abroad

Does Consecration scale properly with 33% of ones attack power and 33% of spell power on this server?
Is this what Consecration is suppsed to scale with in Vanilla?

I currently posess a level 20 dwarf paladin, with Consecration ticking for 64 damage over the full duration, which is what it says on the label of the ability, but my good sir, where does the scaling from my 200 attack power come into play? It seems as the ability only achieves the success of performing label damage alone with no scaling for current attack power additions brother

If Consecration does not scale here, I might be in distress as to its damage, it might be completely neglible, only usable for meagre threat creation or as a standard stealth revealor

May favor be upon your travels (Y)
Gotta love people coming from bugged servers, complaining that bugged mechanics are working as intended here.
Consecration only scales with spelldamage. I did scale with AP on Nost, but that was not correct and made it overpowered.

As it is an AoE it receives 33% of your total spelldamage. There are 8 ticks, so each tick receives 1/8 of that 33% as bonus. I hope that I am correct on that.

So if you had 168 spelldamage, Consecration would receive 56 bonus damage total and it would tick for 7 damage more.

Consecration is indeed mostly used for threat generation and rank 1 for uncovering rogues. Of course retribution paladins use it to increase their DPS also but it consumes a lot of mana. And because the scaling works correctly here downranking the spell isn't as viable here as well (as it was done at Nost).
It never scaled with attack power in vanilla, ever. It only scales with spell damage. (and even then, only a little bit because it's an AoE)

Yes, the AP scaling on Nost was a bug that never got fixed. (like so many other bugs on that server...)
you're definitely playing the right class... you got the pseudo shakespeare down pat
Good sir, thank you for a mighty display of revelation and knowledgable consent between the participants here,
it will benefit me greatly within the efforts of my adventure in this vast world.
You are good, that much is clear, I am sure of the benefits goodness gives on your path forwards brother, good day to you sir and may the sparkle in your eye catch a favor in your path
May your feet be light, and your heals, impervious.

Because the life of a knight of the Light is pretty much impervious healing, my friend.
Consecration only scales with spelldamage. I did scale with AP on Nost, but that was not correct and made it overpowered.

As it is an AoE it receives 33% of your total spelldamage. There are 8 ticks, so each tick receives 1/8 of that 33% as bonus. I hope that I am correct on that.

So if you had 168 spelldamage, Consecration would receive 56 bonus damage total and it would tick for 7 damage more.

Consecration is indeed mostly used for threat generation and rank 1 for uncovering rogues. Of course retribution paladins use it to increase their DPS also but it consumes a lot of mana. And because the scaling works correctly here downranking the spell isn't as viable here as well (as it was done at Nost).

Spell damage/Ironfoe Paladin works on this server, right? Does it only work on Nost/Feenix due to the bugged scaling?
Spell damage/Ironfoe Paladin works on this server, right? Does it only work on Nost/Feenix due to the bugged scaling?

Can you be more specific? I don't know what the relation between spelldamage and Ironfoe is.
Can you be more specific? I don't know what the relation between spelldamage and Ironfoe is.
It's a specific build. You go spell damage and Ironfoe and use Consecration/Seal of Righteousness to deal damage. The spell power buffs the two aforementioned, and Ironfoe just gives you a chance to proc your SoR twice on an attack. I'm just wondering if it's viable on this server or if it only worked on the other two due to the AP scaling.

It's a specific build. You go spell damage and Ironfoe and use Consecration/Seal of Righteousness to deal damage. The spell power buffs the two aforementioned, and Ironfoe just gives you a chance to proc your SoR twice on an attack. I'm just wondering if it's viable on this server or if it only worked on the other two due to the AP scaling.


Well the thread you linked is from the Feenix forums. I don't know whether Consecration scaled with AP there as well. Regarding that build, I don't think that you can actually do more DPS than a retribution paladin that just stacks AP, crit and hit. I mean the white hits of ironfoe are inferior to any 2H weapon even with the extra attack. And even with spelldamage SoR damage is way below the damage SoC, because SoC can crit as well and trigger Vengeance. SoR can only crit with spellcrit when you judge it. And you probably have way less spellcrit than you would have meleecrit.

Spelldamage only increases your SoR damage, where as AP scales with both your whitehits and SoC procs. Consecration deals way more damage though because you focus more on spelldamage on your gear. The question is whether it is enough. Paladins are very gear dependent. Stacking AP, crit and hit is way easier than to get decent spelldamage values which is only possible later in the game, either by aquiring the rare PvP set, Dungeon Set 2 or Tier 2.

I did not try it out though. Sounds like a fun alternative to the usual builds and your ability to support might be better because of the higher mana pool and spelldamage that also increases your healing.
I've been told by several diehard rets that stacking spelldmg is the only way to deal damage in vanilla. Shrug.
I've been told by several diehard rets that stacking spelldmg is the only way to deal damage in vanilla. Shrug.

Sure with better gear available later on you can and should stack both. Every retribution paladin will have a ton of AP though as well. And AP is the easiest way to increase your damage as it scales with both your white hits and Seal of Command and is so easy to come by compared to spell power. So if you just hit 60 and start to gear up, I would not worry about it too much. Balancing both out requires gear that is most likely not available to you at this point. I think there are like 4 blue plate pieces with spelldamage and strength that you can get from 5 man instances (not counting Dungeon Set 2 which takes some efford to get).
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Every other Vanilla server incl Vanilla Gaming, Nost (pre blow up), The Rebirth, AussieWoW and Feenix (before it became TBC) all had Consecration, Exorcism and JoC inceased/scale with attack power, for instance on any of those servers and any private test realm, if you cast consercration without blessing of might it ticks for x amount, if you buff yourself with BoM and cast conc, it ticks for x+ap bonus of BoM.
It appears that only Kronos players/forum users want to keep is this way, and thats why I have chosen a different class to play.. problem avoided.
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avoid looking for info through private servers. just because every other private server was doing something it does not mean it was corrrect.
your best bet is to check old wow videos.
for example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxQemupSV50 an r14 paladin (so you pretty much know how much SP and AP he has) is using concecration (random moment around 8:12). He has sanctity up and judging crusader on one target while facing 2-3 opponents.
As you can see consecrate ticks in the range of 60 (in r14 gear). I have a t2 paladin here and it looks similar. On other private servers (the ones you use as example)a green geared paladin without any spell damage gear would have his consecrate tick close to 100.

I think it works correctly here.
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Im just assuming that the settings are like that by default and kronos have specifically nerfed them.
you say you *think* as in in you dont know, i am not certain either, but I do know Palys have a hard enough time with the stigma attached to them as it is, they dont need to be nerfed.
Since when is keeping damage modifiers blizzlike considered a nerf? Just taking into account the gear you see on that paladin and the value Consecration ticks for you can determine that it obviously did not scale with AP.
Im just assuming that the settings are like that by default and kronos have specifically nerfed them.
you say you *think* as in in you dont know, i am not certain either, but I do know Palys have a hard enough time with the stigma attached to them as it is, they dont need to be nerfed.

This was an unwarranted "buff" (bug) on other realms. Why would we want it here as well when most of us know that it really is a bug?

And as other people have been saying, dont compare kronos to other private server projects in case you dont have proof of your claims.
I watched that video, posted by Oitt, any pvp paly will know that in pvp using any other rank than rank 1 or 2 is useless, and as an R14 he would be using rank 1-2, noob palys might use rank 5 during pvp and realise their mana is gone in one cast, but I would be willing to bet my life on the fact the paly in that video is using rank 1 or 2 during pvp, and if its ticking for 60-70 damage in R14 gear, thats the same as my T2 paly on Vanilla Gaming doing 55 per tick unbuffed using rank 2 conc, i think its might be the 100 extra attack power from crusader proc that pushing it up to the 60 damage range. Im guessing the ppl here dont want to accept they have been cheated out of a play style, but on Kronos holy really is the only viable spec for palys, sorry to say. I believe palys are the best class, but ive chosen another class on kronos cause i think that palys already have a hard enough time with the dps stigma attached to them, without missing the 33% coefficient from both attack power and spell power. but thats just my opinion, im not really effected because i play a different class these days.
If you watch the whole video you see that in some fights he is using both rank 1 and max rank Consecration. Rank 1 ticks for 1x damage and max rank for 6x. He is often using max rank to finish off players with when he has both Sanctity Aura and Vengeance up for the +25% damage bonus. If Consecration did scale with both AP and spellpower as you stated he would never have Consecration ticking for only 1x damage with Sanctity Aura up. The video clearly disproves your claim.
If one of classes is unplayable, this is problem of server, not for people. This "bug" made paladin tank and dps is real in Vanilla. Nost team knew that.

It is just how the paladin was designed in Vanilla. You can't just tweak class abilities and damage modifiers because you think something is badly designed. Where would that end? And if you actually change something there would be 1000 different opinions on it. It's just way better to stick to how it was when it comes to that. I am glad many things that bugged me were addressed in TBC. I am really looking forward to it.

Paladin is my favorite class as well but I think Consecration (and other abilities) scaling with both AP and spellpower is just too much.
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