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[Honor System] My PvP Rank decayed with only 1 HK last week


Feb 22, 2016
Dear Kronos Team,

something with the honor system went horrible wrong last/this week. Because of the downtime and DDOS problems I decided to not do any PvP last week and got only 1 HK while waiting in front of a dungeon. The Vanilla system needed atleast 25 HK to take part in the weekly honor distribution and the 20% decay.
Still, I got the 20% decay and went from 25% r8 to 80% r7.

Is there a way to fix my char?

Thank you in advance!
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Dude, the system works as it should if you dont pvp you always decay each week no matter how many HKs you got. The 25HK limit is only to count you in the pool nothing else.
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Dude, the system works as it should if you dont pvp you always decay each week no matter how many HKs you got. The 25HK limit is only to count you in the pool nothing else.

Really? Are you sure, that it should be like that?

I have to admit, I can't really remember how it was in Retail when I did r11. I only remember my time on Feenix doing r12 and I did keep that rank for quite some weeks without doing PvP.
Damn, seems like I made a fool of myself who had to learn it the hard way :no:

Thank you guys for making it clear. That sucks pretty hard for not knowing it in the first place. Like 20k honor or even less would have saved me. Back to grinding.

Cya in WS
Damn, seems like I made a fool of myself who had to learn it the hard way :no:

Thank you guys for making it clear. That sucks pretty hard for not knowing it in the first place. Like 20k honor or even less would have saved me. Back to grinding.

Cya in WS

Being used to Feenix's system, I also got deranked one week.

the 25Hk limit is to get a standing. You will allways be part of the honor distribution and 20% decay even if you stop pvping
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