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    TwinStar team

Horde, Que AB


New Member
Apr 10, 2016
Time to stop queing WSG guys. Its pathetic......

Every game some druid or mage taking flag and nothing to be done about it.

In AB they actually have to fight to win.....

Que AB! Ofc there will be no BG for awhile, but eventually they will have to join.
Historically, horde is better in wsg and alliance is better in arathi.
Horde has no incentive to queue anything but warsong, albeit bg weekends have a say in that as well.
Just because your a salty warlock who doesn't know how to play, and uses autosilence on pet doesn't mean everyone suck mejt)
I don't know about that Horo. Like Swag (I think) said once:
WSG = Mobility. AB = Fight at flag
Paladins give freedom to FC/warrior in WSG increasing mobility. Which is key in WSG.
In AB horde has totems and the fights (should) take place at the flag. Where mobility is less important and totems can be kept up.

This has been my experience
Freedom will be gone in 2 seconds if you have a shaman on your team.

What you mentioned is correct in theory, but from my humble personal experience, it plays out differently on kronos 1.

During the time when I was ranking, Arathi was - not literally but to put it into perspective - mostly freewins, whilst wsg was more contested.

Besides.. every game i see you in, you defend with 8 people so what you really should do is just stop playing
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Is WSG the only bg played because of the queue system ? I mean AB is only 5 more than WSG, the gap isn't as much as AV. It's kind of boring to only play one type of bg
Freedom will be gone in 2 seconds if you have a shaman on your team.

Casue FCs only have that 1 buff on them, right?

Cause purgers can't get cc'ed, right?

Cause purgers have endless range on that skill, right?
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Casue FCs only have that 1 buff on them, right?

Cause purgers can't get cc'ed, right?

Cause purgers have endless range on that skill, right?

Grounding Totem in combination with 30 meters range on purge should be enough to cast purge. It removes the 2 most recent buffs. Assuming FC has a one person to apply trash buffs as well as a paladin with him it's reasonable to assume the horde also has 3 or more players trying to stop FC. I find it hard to believe that all of these three are being CCd at the same time, to the point where none of them are able to do anything.

Even if that happens, the horde would've lost that game, even if BoF didn't exist. If this is the basis from which you're arguing, yes there is nothing to stop BoF - or the alliance for that matter - from winning the game.

Horde has a direct counter to BoF, if the shaman or priest is unable to remove it, that means they got outplayed.

I find it cute how you trolls try to trigger muh feelings, though fact of the matter is, you're not contributing anything to the topic. :^)
Not trolling at all and I don't care about u neither. Just don't like seeing stuff trivialised as much, BOF is OP - escpecially in Warsong, if u say anything else u'r just plain estupido. Even if it's just for a second, it can leave e.g. a warri helpless when u've just intercepted a e.g. druid/mage. If that guy has some kind of support as well (and with allies being stacked on mages) the shaman or priest or whatever simply won't be able to catch up anymore. Also, your expecting people to be on a decent skill level, which, just as in retail, simply isn't the case. Shamans in pug bgs don't even put down Windfury. If we're talking premade vs premade it's another story, doesn't change the BOF op'ness tho.

Contributing to the thread? lmao mate, read the topic, hard to contribute to a qq thread warsong premades vs pugs, that shit is old and I've got enough aids from this when I actively played/ranked. Only sad thing here is I can't join a few games here and there to have some fun, since it's some scrubby premade every single game.
I never contested your point about BoF being useful.

I agree BoF is super strong, but not uncounterable. Horde has shamans, use them. If you don't use your shamans, then it's your own fault that you lost. If your shamans are preoccupied with different things, then you got outplayed and deserve to lose as well.

On alliance side, only a single class has access to offensive dispells, horde has two. Do you see me crying about free action potions?

Your argument which is based on: "Our shamans are unable to hit a button for windfury totem/purge and that's unfair" - I can't take you serious right now, Maredasan.
And nobody takes u srs neither, but that doesn't rly matter here. "If i don't use my shamans", well that rly goes into premade situations, not like people can control other players in pugs, nobody got outplayed there, just a difference in average skill level. I don't rly need to respond to ur 3rd point, since ur comparing a potion to a 30(?) second cd skill. Cba continuing to argue about this tho, peace.
Alright I'm going to try to put it into as simple words as possible so even somebody like you may finally understand:

If your shamans are literally too retarded to purge blessing of freedom, it's not the blessing's fault that you lost that bg.
Rename thread to 'Forum R14 vs Ingame R14'.

I guess the only way to solve this is a 1v1! :D

Less posting in PvP section, more actual PvP maybe?

Haven't seen Horo in BG since he hit R14. Haven't seen Mare in BG since the last 1v1 tourney.
What happend? You guys playing alts which names I don't know in BG's these days?

I mean I also queue less than compared to back then, but c'mon...would be nice to see some of the old guys.
Rename thread to 'Forum R14 vs Ingame R14'.

I guess the only way to solve this is a 1v1! :D

Less posting in PvP section, more actual PvP maybe?

Haven't seen Horo in BG since he hit R14. Haven't seen Mare in BG since the last 1v1 tourney.
What happend? You guys playing alts which names I don't know in BG's these days?

I mean I also queue less than compared to back then, but c'mon...would be nice to see some of the old guys.

I log in, queue, get a premade, afk and log out again. I would love to premade with u guys to atleast make these shitheads dodge us but I doubt that will ever happen again. Also kinda suxx to play atm with min 4 frostmages on ally teams every single game.

Oh and r14 ally warris don't engage in 1v1's cause it could hurt their precious image if they'd lose.
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Last time ive tryed to make AB pop , got insulted by entire ali and horde faction.. first and last thougth im ali/horde spy who have prem rdy to farm =)))

Sushi all rank 14s on Kronos exept 1 are completely useless , everyone know that.
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