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    TwinStar team

Include a Non-PvP feature to put an end to player molesting...


New Member
Jun 19, 2016
I've joined Kronos II just over a month ago, and with every passing day as I level my first character I notice an ever-increasing rate of player molesting. Yes I'm talking about ganking players who haven't done anything wrong to deserve it.

Its a vicious circle that goes EXACTLY like this:
Step 1.) Player A ganks player B who hasnt done anything wrong, bur rather just because he can gank him
Step 2.) Player B goes to a lower lvl area or calls a higher lvl friend or logs to a higher lvl character
Step 3.) Player B goes to on to gank player C (who hasn't done anything wrong) in order to let loose some steam.
Step 4.) Player C repeats steps 2 and 3 to Player D...
Step 5.) Player D repeats steps 2 and 3 to Player E...
Step 6.) Player E repeats steps 2 and 3 to Player F...

I know this is a PvP server and I acknowledge that those who gank others just because they can deserve to be ganked in return mercilessly and viciously, but there has to be a way to allow innocent players to go about with their leveling without constantly being molested every step of the way.

The main reasoning I always get when I try to talk with players is: "But you belong to the other faction so you deserve it by default... only the strongest survive!!" ... Honestly, that's just stupid, and to make things worse, I play on both factions and the situation is the same on both sides...

I've actually played on a couple of servers who handled the ganking situation quite well... if you don't want to put up with being constantly molested you switch yourself to PvE mode and you're safe. But, if you want to engage PvP you have to switch to PvP mode, and once you switch there's a ONE HOUR cooldown preventing you from going back to PvE to abuse the system. It's a system that worked well on other servers and I strongly recommend for it to be implemented here as well...
Yes it's molesting when you're minding your business and someone comes along to actively gank just because they can. Probably the worst part is when they gank you in the middle of a mob fight, cripple you and leave the final blow to the mob, which lowers the durability of your items. Rinse and repeat several times and your gear is in the red...
No... Just no...

This is a PvP realm and it works as intended.

And the reasoning that people play on the opposite faction is in my opinion a very solid reason for ganking/world pvpi'ng! Think of it as a Counter-Strike game. When playing on the terrorist site you wouldn't wanna spare any lives of the people playing on the CT site, would you?

You need a PvP-competitive"ish" mindset to play on a PvP Server. ;-)
Damn that's quite a welcoming message to new players, basically saying that by default we're expected to put up with being constantly molested by pretty much every passer-by from the opposing faction.

Believe it or not, some of us don't want to be a part of the endless ganking circle, suffering through mental torture due to constant harassment until we manage to levelcap a character of our own in order to harass the subsequent generation of newcoming players, hoping to get some twisted sense of justice out of that.

Fine, I'm willing to accept that ganking is common in contested regions, but it honestly makes NO SENSE it also happens in faction controlled regions, and quite often. May I ask why is this allowed to pass, why are players actually allowed to oneshot lower levels when they gain ABSOLUTELY NO IN-GAME BENEFIT WHATSOEVER?
The people who play this "game of gank" are mere emotionally reactive and a bit unstable emotionally(Insecurity, unsure of how the world works, scars from abuse, loneliness, other things etc) who fester immensly unnormal ideas in their head that everything is personal,
if for example a nobody random lower-wisdom person who is randomly few levels higher than you kills you and apply some retarded gestures, then they "win" something in their own minds, the opposite is actually the reality good sir

People who act like that are the ones who will never become the wise successfull ones, they have sadly given up in their losers philosopy and is now all consumed by it, where it will be a long journey before and if they ever will be able to come into the light, and feel the balance of love and life

Weird destructive emotions, hate and anger will eat you alive, only wisdom and a calm, objective and balanced mind can triumph over the chaos of the unwise

Only the wise will rise above, and justifiedly the unwise must swim in their own makings
This is how the natural balance of nature balances wisdom in favor and unwise behaviour must suffer and rot, good sir

Choose wisely
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I'm going to go kill a bunch of lowbies today because of this thread. You play a PvP game and get shocked when PvP happens? OMG they inconvenienced you? THOSE MONSTERS HOW COULD THEY?
The people who play this "game of gank" are mere emotionally reactive and a bit unstable emotionally(Insecurity, unsure of how the world works, scars from abuse, loneliness, other things etc) who fester immensly unnormal

wtf dude lol I gank whoever the fk I want because I got a Claymore, not because I'm a little bitch projecting my own insecurities unto others whilst roleplaying as a gayladin....

how does that sound?
some monk bollocks

mate i'm glad you've spent the last few years neck deep in motivational quotes to get you through the gym but if you were wise you wouldn't be here on a vanilla forum, pretending you are

endless ganking circle, suffering through mental torture

suffering through mental torture

through mental torture

mental torture
@Horo To PvP for fun and to reach the goal of the game like you talk about is fine indeed, but to play the "game of gank" as I like to call it, where the goal is to destroy the opponents will to stay in the game and thereby feel "superior and above" and if successful at drowning the opponent in frustration "wins", is something entierly different no?

The first is engaging in the games objectives, the latter is to destroy the community of the game

To me you seem a tad passive-aggressive good sir, maybe my words sparked a flaw in your armor, which is not my fault but your own brother

@perpxgodx Why would I not be here if I was above averagely wise? A riddle for me hard to crack good sir, would you care to indulge me or is it beyond reason to talk about ones reasonability

I also wonder how does one pretend to be wise?
I also never said I was wise at all, I believe I am not really wise, just enough to get by good sir
How wise would you say you are? To mee it seems not enough to even compose yourself good sir
I'm going to go kill a bunch of lowbies today because of this thread. You play a PvP game and get shocked when PvP happens? OMG they inconvenienced you? THOSE MONSTERS HOW COULD THEY?

I am absolutely okay with getting ganked by skulls. It's part of playing on a PvP server. But this behaviour does not deserve to be called PvP.
Don't call me brother you little roleplayer. If you had half a brain you'd realize that people like you who get #TRIGGERED so hard they have to submit an essay thrice a day are the reason why these particular gankers exist.

You can check out my armor here if you want, it's doing great.
To me you seem a tad passive-aggressive good sir, maybe my words sparked a flaw in your armor, which is not my fault but your own brother

irony so thick you can slice through it

i actually can't tell if you're trolling though

full marks for making me question myself
Horo haha :D
Now you are not making any sense at all whatsoever good sir, I will commend your trolling if that is what this is hopefully so, my first post is informative and interesting so I see no need to facepalm it which is indeed a more serious action, I choose to go onwards in trust that you know what you are doing and leave it at that good sir

perpxgodx I believe you are just trying to find something to call me a troll so you can escape adressing my questions about your allegations against me personally

It is below my self-respect to keep responding to this nonsense, I choose to lay this to rest and go forwards in my journey of life as a more expressed individual pointing to my first post
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K2 should have been PvE in the first place. The only reason I play here is because it's pretty much the only viable blizzlike vanilla server around now but I enjoyed nost PvE greatly.

The only people that push PvP are the 60s ganking the lowbies and the 2-man squads killing the soloers. Nobody likes it. Stop pretending you do.

Oh, also, you can't quest in STV which completely fucks up the leveling process inducing way too much grinding.

It's not like battlegrounds don't exist on a PvE server which is where all the real 60's go to PvP anyway.
To be honest I appreciate the fact that there are gankers out there; don't get me wrong, I don't like them very much when they start to gank my ass off! But it's nice when some low level asks for help when let's say Lakeshire is under attack, so you can go there and defend the village and be "the hero of the day" or the "the almost hero of the day who got rekt, but good try anyway".

Or when end game guilds ambush each other on the way to the Blackrock Mountain, to make their rivals lose world buffs, or world PvP in Silithus, or even when you go out of your safe capital city to gather some materials, you need to keep your eyes open for danger, ah so exciting! Keep in mind that playing on a PvE realm also means losing all these things, and all the infinite possibilities that world PvP offers to increase the longevity of the game.

Levelling is such a tiny part of this game that choosing a PvE realm just becouse of being ganked while doing so is just a poor choice, becouse you're not considering the true value of a PvP realm, and what it may offers you in the future.

This is also the potential of a PvP realm:

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Mental torture? Yes, it qualifies as mental torture when you return broken and tired from work, fire up your machine to waste 2-3 hours (or sometimes 5) to temporarily detach yourself from the real world, only to end up constantly one-shotted in the same spot by someone who apparently has more time to waste than you do and has nothing better do to than to ruin your experience...

Just like someone pointed out in the previous posts, ganking shouldn't be considered PvP, it's just a way for someone to pass his own frustration to somebody else so they could pass it along further. This act goes more towards actually harming the community than engaging it, (just like someone else also said previously) therefore it can be technically considered an act of active sabotage.

Think about it, what do you actually achieve by constantly one-shotting someone who doesn't have ANY chance or means to fight back? Other than encouraging them to quit, you achieve NOTHING... (edited: well, other than feeding your own ego)

Yes I can accept the fact that there will always be that minority whose only way to get satisfaction is to torture those who cannot fight back, but when pretty much everybody takes part in that activity then it's an obvious sign that there is something wrong with the community as a whole. I have to admit that I've actually met some players from opposing factions who haven't attacked me on sight, and who actually stuck around for a while, but those are WAAAAY to few and far between.

... and may I ask, how does this server intend to motivate new players to stick around when ganking is the main feature? Personally I don't find it appealing having to constantly beg other players for policing or babysitting services every time I go out to level in a contested area, firstly because I find it uncomfortable to drag someone along who has better things to do, and secondly because some players have caught on to this and began demanding actual payment for said service. (Uhum... yes, an underleveled player using his first character DEFINITELY has 5g to casually pay for an hour of ganking protection... yes indeed.)
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"one-shotted in the same spot" So you are getting ganked and continue going back to the same spot? Jesus you are dumb, grow and brain and go level somewhere else for a while. The only class that can 100% camp and ruin your day is a hunter with an epic mount, in that case id spirit rez and head somewhere else.

Seriously you people are braindead, I sympathized a bit on Nost due to the absolutely overwhelming amount of people but on Kronos theres no way you cant level effectively if you use your brain.
"one-shotted in the same spot" So you are getting ganked and continue going back to the same spot? Jesus you are dumb, grow and brain and go level somewhere else for a while. The only class that can 100% camp and ruin your day is a hunter with an epic mount, in that case id spirit rez and head somewhere else.

Seriously you people are braindead, I sympathized a bit on Nost due to the absolutely overwhelming amount of people but on Kronos theres no way you cant level effectively if you use your brain.

First of all, most of the ganking is done in the vicinity of the NPC's you're supposed to turn the quests in, and if those NPC's belong to your faction, they're as good as dead 90% of the time... So, if there's a way to turn the quest in without getting killed in the process I'm certainly willing to hear you out. Also, it doesn't help that the mobs required for the quests are spread over a relatively small area, which makes it virtually impossible to avoid gankers...

Yeah... so much about that vanilla experience everyone keeps talking about, seems the only way to avoid relentless ganking would be to apply the speed-server tactics, focusing strictly on running instances and pretty much ignoring everything else. It's about ten times as slow but at least I don't have to look over my shoulder half the time wondering if some random scumbag is narrowing in on me...
Probably the worst part is when they gank you in the middle of a mob fight, cripple you and leave the final blow to the mob, which lowers the durability of your items
Probably the worst part is when they gank you in the middle of a mob fight, cripple you and leave the final blow to the mob, which lowers the durability of your items

Nah man, that's just fucking hilarious. It happens to everyone and it is part of the game! It's important to soulfire low level opponents, it builds character.
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