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    TwinStar team

Include a Non-PvP feature to put an end to player molesting...

There's generally 2-3 leveling areas no matter what level you are that have quests or are fairly easy to grind mobs. If 1 of em is infested with gankers head to the other 2. On Nost the issue was there was enough gankers that sometimes all 3 places were camped by 60s, on Kronos this is never the issue.
I play this game for fun, when the only option is a Pvp server which contains continuous and pointless ganking, the leveling process is no longer fun.

When confronting the morons that do said ganking a lot of the responses are: I need the honor.

That my friends is not an excuse for wasting someones time when they're minding their own business, if you need honor... then go do a BG, because ganking people here and there is not going to get you anywhere in the vanilla pvp ranking system.

Now i have a 60 rogue i have him within the area that I am currently leveling my hunter, which makes for some interesting situations. I've had a level 41 gank my level 30 hunter, and when i kill the 41 on my rogue and then kill him a second time to get a point across, i get a message complaining about it...... If you don't like being ganked, then why do it to others.

Lets face it, there is no actual world pvp done on the kronos servers, its literally the pointless killing of low levels for no gain. If you could only attack someone within 3 levels of yourself then yeah, maybe it wouldn't be so aids.

Please make one of the Kronos servers PVE, so those of us that want to enjoy the leveling process can do so without having our time wasted constantly.
I think this thread has gone on for why to long, its warcraft and its free, yes, a lot people would have perfered a PVE server, but its not and i lost count of the mount of times i was rolled unfairly. did you play on a vanilla pvp server? where horde would gather at the lakshire Fp and waste all those who landed? Or when roaming mobs of alli made hillsbrad un-questable?
Dude accept the things you can't change.
stop acting like you are powerless against what other people do to you, if this bothers you that much then you have bigger issues to work through
I have just joined this community.

I have survivors guilt and PTSD (Both certified by a shrink) after levelling through STV and Hillsbrad Foothills on Nostalrius. I cannot wait. Cannot. Wait. C A N N O T W A I T to witness the barbaric slaughter and mindless PvP'ing. It got me aroused and I loved it, being ganked and then revenge ganking oh yes.

I was once driven from STV so I decided to kill everything infront of Stitches and help him take over Darkshire with a party of like minded heroic Horde members.

If you're sick of being ganked go and play like kingdom of hearts or hello kitty island adventure. I hear Club Penguin also has some PvE servers.

This is called a PVE server and thats how they all should be. Alas, somehow they're not. I swear some people seem to think that PVE server absolutely removes your ability to pvp. It does not. You get to do your arena, bg's, duels, everything. It just simple won't allow some random asswipe to gank you in the middle of a quest or farm.
Does it count as being molested if you enjoy it?

Kill everyone in site, everything is fair game and you knew this coming into the server, creating a new server would just spread the resources/player base too thin and if you convert K1 or K2 there would be absolute uproar.

I suggest you man up and get some revenge.
This is called a PVE server and thats how they all should be. Alas, somehow they're not. I swear some people seem to think that PVE server absolutely removes your ability to pvp. It does not. You get to do your arena, bg's, duels, everything. It just simple won't allow some random asswipe to gank you in the middle of a quest or farm.
i dont agree, playing on a pve server for me is like playing a multiplayer fps against bots.

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you know pvp gives us a challenge, you have to beaware of ur surrounings and stuff. on a pve server content is cleared so fast because noone gets interupted while doing there quests and walkinh to instances.

its like making the game even easier.
i for one would never roll a pve server no matter how good it is.

i really dont get why ppl wantt a pve server. but i guess its the ppl that fap to anime(read vieuw) while questing.

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you know pvp gives us a challenge, you have to beaware of ur surrounings and stuff. on a pve server content is cleared so fast because noone gets interupted while doing there quests and walkinh to instances.

its like making the game even easier.
i for one would never roll a pve server no matter how good it is.

i really dont get why ppl wantt a pve server. but i guess its the ppl that fap to anime(read vieuw) while questing.

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Blizz rolled with ~50% PvP and 50% PvE, both were populated (and still are). Some people do not want to be ganked on every corner just because "lol red nametag". How is it even remotely fun to be rolled over by a lvl 60 who just oneshots you and waits in the bushes to strike again? As far as I know, PvE servers let you turn on your alli/horde representing, so you can PvP if other ppl have it on too. As some have said, there is a serious lack of PvE servers of ANY kind on the private server market so it is not a viable option to just "go to a pve server then" when there is no kronos-like pve server on sight.
K2 was supposed to be PvE but was changed to PvP at the last second. Probably to cash in on the Nost people coming in so there's that.
In PvP people can interrupt your gameplay, which some people really don't like. And if a game is not fun, why should they want to play at all? (hint: PvE servers but no viable servers in sight)
but, I leveled to 60 tw ice, yes I got killed. but im here and now im pvping myself. and yeah wow is actually a pvp game, its lore and factionsboth have goood lore in wacraft.
I just dont know I still dont get why ppl want to go on a pve server.

when I started playing in vanilla retail I got killed so many times as a ally but I also got some myself. it really encouraged me to pvp. I mean yeah u can do bgs on a server but no bg beats open world pvp

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After getting DM Trib and DMF buffs on my alt I ported to org to raid log, as I jumped down to the bank and took fall dmg a NE Rogue ganked me. I laughed and thought "Well Played", good plays like that never happen on PvE servers. PvP for life!
The people who play this "game of gank" are mere emotionally reactive and a bit unstable emotionally(Insecurity, unsure of how the world works, scars from abuse, loneliness, other things etc) who fester immensly unnormal ideas in their head that everything is personal,
if for example a nobody random lower-wisdom person who is randomly few levels higher than you kills you and apply some retarded gestures, then they "win" something in their own minds, the opposite is actually the reality good sir

People who act like that are the ones who will never become the wise successfull ones, they have sadly given up in their losers philosopy and is now all consumed by it, where it will be a long journey before and if they ever will be able to come into the light, and feel the balance of love and life

Weird destructive emotions, hate and anger will eat you alive, only wisdom and a calm, objective and balanced mind can triumph over the chaos of the unwise

Only the wise will rise above, and justifiedly the unwise must swim in their own makings
This is how the natural balance of nature balances wisdom in favor and unwise behaviour must suffer and rot, good sir

Choose wisely

Made me laugh 10/10 people like u who think they're smart and asys stupid shit like this. i love you.

i think my fav part was ''who fester immensly unnormal ideas in their head that everything is personal,
if for example a nobody random lower-wisdom person'' so much wat hahahahahhaha
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Would it not be possible to be able to turn off your pvp flag (maybe for a dotation towards server costs) for those of us who have no intrest in pvp at all (and before we get the usual 'go on a pve server' replies , I came here to raid with friends)
Would it not be possible to be able to turn off your pvp flag (maybe for a dotation towards server costs) for those of us who have no intrest in pvp at all
It's P2W when you can pay and avoid being ganked while mining/herbing/killing a rare/a world boss, so no.

Just stay close to the raid of your friends, and you'll hardly ever be killed.
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