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Question K1 vs K3 ?


New Member
Mar 29, 2018
Howdy folks,

I apologise in advance if this has been asked before. I read the FAQ about K3 on the main page, and had a quick look on the forums, but don't have time to dig too deep into older posts. I'm still somwewhat at a loss concerning these 2 servers, so it might just be easier to ask.

It's my first time playing on a private server, and Kronos was recommended to me as the best Vanilla server, but I'm unsure in which version to create my character. So maybe someone can clarify a few things for me? :)

1- I understand that K3 will be a "fresh" server with patches coming along gradually, and that there is no cash shop.
But aside from that will there be any real gameplay differences between K1 and K3?

2- Will K1 eventually be shut down or can I keep playing last-patch Vanilla on it indefinitely?
(I saw some people mention that K1 was at "the end of its cycle" but I don't know what that means exactly.)

3- The FAQ mentioned something about Burning Crusade. Does this mean either, or both servers, will enter the expansion eventually?
I'm actually looking for a server that will stay on Vanilla.

Thanks for any clarifications!
1: Stuff like no multiboxing, Q: What quality of life features does Kronos offer?
A: We provide the following features:
  • 5g max respec costs
  • Enter queue for Battlegrounds from anywhere (using commands .join wsg, .join ab etc..)
  • Realistic Line of Sight (ex; can’t shoot through trees)

    more party XP (making leveling together worth it more)

  • The team has been as hyped for the release as you are, we’re happy to announce that:
    • Over 800 monsters have had their damage updated.
    • All monsters in the game have had their armor values adjusted.
    • 1200 quests have had their level requirements adjusted.
    • 3154 quests have had their experience rewards changed.
    • Almost 100 quests have been polished for the Kronos III release, including the notorious Desolace Caravan and Kodo quests – now in perfect shape.
    • Many missing immersion elements like quest end or start scripts, for example, Tower of Arathor defenses, have been added.
    • All upcoming world/holiday events will appear with full improvements and updates.
    • We have populated several remote locations/added missing NPCs just for the completion sake (yes, blizzlike) – have fun exploring!
    • And we have still more progress planned…

      And more
2: probably that in kronos 1 naxx is out and there are no new updates to be released, so the end of the cycle. Just my thoughts.

3: No clue if TBC will come. I guess if it will come you'll be able to chose to stay on a purely vanilla server or to go to the TBC server. Or both (copying character to TBC server and having a separate vanilla server)
Kronos is following a natural life-cycle of vanilla patches. When a realm reaches the last patch it will merge after a while and a new realm opens. Nothing is deleted or lost.

1- I understand that K3 will be a "fresh" server with patches coming along gradually, and that there is no cash shop.
But aside from that will there be any real gameplay differences between K1 and K3?
The only difference I know is that multiboxing will not be allowed other than for trading in cities. This is a good thing!

2- Will K1 eventually be shut down or can I keep playing last-patch Vanilla on it indefinitely?
(I saw some people mention that K1 was at "the end of its cycle" but I don't know what that means exactly.)
Kronos 1 was merged with Kronos 2 when Kronos 2 reached the last patch and was on the same patch as Kronos 1. This is why they release a Kronos 3. K3 will most likely merge with K1/2 a while after it reaches last patch next year and they will probably release a K4 in the future (speculations). They have more or less perfected the life-cycle I think ;)
Timeline: http://www.kronos-wow.com/2018/01/28/kronos-iii-timeline-and-itemization/

3- The FAQ mentioned something about Burning Crusade. Does this mean either, or both servers, will enter the expansion eventually?
I'm actually looking for a server that will stay on Vanilla.
Kronos have announced that they will release a TBC server in the future and that you will be able to copy over your Kronos 1/2/3 character to that server or start from lvl 1 if you choose.
Info: http://www.kronos-wow.com/2017/11/08/naxxramas-updates-kronos-iii-and-kronos-tbc/
Last edited:
Thanks for the answers, folks!

Kronos 1 was merged with Kronos 2 when Kronos 2 reached the last patch and was on the same patch as Kronos 1. This is why they release a Kronos 3.

So it's sort of like ladder/season in Diablo, right?
You either play the new server progressively throughout the patches, or just play K1 in Vanilla's final state.

I don't see any reason why having all patches and content already available would bother me, so might as well just play in K1 I think...

How do you think the population split will be once K3 launches? Will K1 be rather empty or do you think most people will stay there playing their current characters?
1: Stuff like no multiboxing, Q: What quality of life features does Kronos offer?
A: We provide the following features:

Hey there

Thanks for your answers as well.

These features and updates you listed will be live on K3?
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