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    TwinStar team

[K2] @Kronos Staff Question about PvP situation

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Apr 27, 2016
I've been playing on K2 since it's release, i spent a lot of time (54 days logged on my main), 7/8 T2, also i pvped a lot, 26k hk's.

Since i was a fresh 60 pvp is pretty much the same as it's now, 3~4 warsongs running, facing premades 80% of the times, premades dodging other premades.
It's IMPOSSIBLE to pvp on K2, unless you're a masochist or you like to spent your time running with a flag in your back 24/7.
I'm not active as i was sometime ago because there's no reason to log in but to raid, everytime i Q it's a premade and i just leave.
Just like me i can say that MANY players left the server during this situation

I'll not waste my time on forums anymore trying to show how bad PvP is on K2, this is my last post of hope.

I know that premades are a part of vanilla and they are supposed to farm pugs, but pugs shouldnt face premade 80% of the time.

So my question is : Do Kronos staff plain to do something about it ?
Premades are necessary for a healthy PvP environment. It is known.
PvP enviroment ? where ?

The only reason that pvp isnt completely dead at NA times is because chineses players that keep queueing against premades.

K2 is more like a PvE server with PvP flag on
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