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    TwinStar team

Keyboard remappers allowed?


Jan 11, 2015
Is AutoHotKey allowed at all? does anyone know this?
Warriors have to press 5 keys to shield bash in combat which takes for ever.
So i wondered if it would be legal to remap those keys to 1 key.
Im curious why you think you have to use autohotkey. In vanilla there are nearly no restrictions for Lua to interact with the spell system. With a few conditions you could easily write a macro doing what you want.

If you like you can tell me what you try to achieve exactly and I will try to write it.
no man i tried macro's they don't work in vanilla they worked in wotlk
macros and scirpt both dont work equiping weapons in vanilla
first you would have to go to defensive stance then you equip your sword then you equip your shield then you press blood fury and then finaly you press shield bash.

if something casts a heal or any other annoying spell, you will fail to execute it well during stress and the absoulte necessity. its easier to spam one button that goes to defensive equips the weapons casts bloodfury and shield bash, the fail safe here is if a step is already done or cannot be done the macro will continue regardless. so yea, oh my.
Zzuk said it. Vanilla makros are crazily powerful.
Learn how to use them and you can write 1 button max dps/tps/hpm/hps makros for any class.
yes i know there were less limits.
But i swear equiping weapons is impossible.
first it tried /equip obvious one, doesnt exist so it doesnt work.

then i tried a function that equiped an item on a specific bag slot, you switch between 2 items and then 1 and visevera, while leveling that is a problem becouse you are looting stuff, you cant unequip items to last bag slot in the last bag.

Then i looked for a function to activate an actionbar slot, so i can place my weapon on the actionbar and by pressing the macro to activate those actionbar slots where the items are equiped. doesnt exist. will not work.

blizzard had no mercy on the warrior class not even a slightest, infact they made it as weak and tedious as possible.
its impossible to equip items with a macro properly unless you guys know how its done, or some of the kronos staff confirmes autohotkey is allowed.

:::My fainal question is; is autohotkey allowed or not?:::
For /equip macros you should get SuperMacro 3.14a addon it can be easy find on the internet. Get that addon and read function.txt file in addon dir to get what is all about.

## /equip, /smequip, /eq, /smeq
Equip or use an item. Also works with item links. Alt-click on item to insert item link into macro.

## /equipoff, /smequipoff, /eqoff, /smeqoff
Equip item into off-hand slot. Also works with item links. Alt-click on item to insert item link into macro.

For stances:

## /shift form
Form is number or name of form, stealth, or stance.
Druids: bear=1, aquatic=2, cat=3, travel=4, moonkin=5
Rogues: stealth=1
Warriors: battle=1, defend=2, berzerk=3
Ex. /shift bear
Ex. /shift battle
Ex. /shift stealth
Ex. /shift 1 -- all four commands are equivalent, any of them will shift to battle for warriors, stealth for rogues, bear for druids

Simple paladin one key seal/judgement macro:

/script if ( PlayerFrame.inCombat ) and not buffed("Seal of the Righteousness") then cast("Seal of the Righteousness") end;
/script if buffed("Seal of the Righteousness") then cast("Judgement") end;

I really don't think that you need autosomething if you can cast spells , change stances or check debuffs from macro itself.
interesting i tried supermacro only the version was not specified.
supermacro made my client disconnect even temp ban.
i ll try to find 3.14a.
When someone says time traveling is impossible I can understand. But saying equipping a weapon is impossible :D? Oh come on please )))))

Equipping something specific:

function useTrinkets(trinket1, trinket2)
    if CursorHasItem() then
    if CursorHasItem() then

function pickUpItem(item)
    foundItem = false
    for bag = 0, 4, 1 do 
        for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do 
            link = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); 
            if link then 
                name = gsub(link,'^.*%[(.*)%].*$','%1') 
                if name == item then 
                    PickupContainerItem(bag, slot);
                    foundItem = true; 
        if foundItem == true then break end 


You should also get Zorlen.
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Yes, vanilla macros are much more powerful than TBC+ ones, but they are much less user friendly to use:mellow:
SuperMacro works but only for 1 macro, if i create a new macro everything bugs i cant use anything.

macro 1:
/cast Defensive Stance
/equip Thun'grim's Axe
/equip Welding Shield

macro 2:
/cast Battle Stance
/equip Zhovur Axe

is there anything wrong?
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