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    TwinStar team

Kronos II pvp faction (North American)


Nov 7, 2014
I heard that horde needs more pvpers on K2, is this true during NA hours as well?
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Yes. We on Alliance have long queue times at all hours from a lack of Horde queueing.

I'm Eastern US myself, and I play during both EU and NA times. The queues are significantly longer for Alliance during both times, but tbh if anything the difference is even worse during NA times.
Anyone care to comment on what class/role is needed or preferred, or roll whatever? If it matters I'm thinking some type of Ele/Resto hybrid Shaman or a Priest.
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Lol alliance complaining about queues ? you're winning every 5 mins 5/0 Arathi Basin i'll actually stop queueing this is retarded not a single arathi basin with 15 hordes
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