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    TwinStar team

Make K1 a permanent x3 server


New Member
May 7, 2016
Or x2, whatever. This is from someone who has been totally against xp boosts in the past. That was when the server was normal, or I thought there was a chance of a merge. Nobody is going to roll on K1 unless they get some kind of incentive. You'd still have to work to level at x3 so it's not crazy like x7 was. What the hell else can be done?
it was obvious K1 would struggle sooner or later if K2 is just a fresher copy of it, because all fresh blood will join K2.
they definitly have to make K1 and K2 have bigger differences, since there wont be a merge so soon anyway

What the hell else can be done?
the real question is "what else can be done before elysium launches" and the answer is "pretty much nothing", imo. the staff has been too slow and sleepy for too long, making too many wrong decisions. now a "new" good competitor arises and everyone panics "sht, what shall we do, we have 4 weeks :w00t:"

however, atleast war effort for k2 is something good.
No please.
There is still chances for a merge soon if they make the aq war effort on K2 blizzlike.
No please.
There is still chances for a merge soon if they make the aq war effort on K2 blizzlike.
The way K1 is going they might as well just close it and focus on K2. By the time K2 finish the War Effort (if they even can with the hit they're about to take) there will be nothing left to merge with.
I don't even care anymore. 11 people in Org right now. This is before the other server has even launched.
Ok then. Please explain why anyone would roll on K1 anymore? Give us your ideas on how to fix it. Current population balance 34-66. That's because there is so few people on. What have we got left to lose?
Ok then. Please explain why anyone would roll on K1 anymore? Give us your ideas on how to fix it. Current population balance 34-66. That's because there is so few people on. What have we got left to lose?

We might lose a possible merge with K2.
I don't think this is a good idea... I'm a new player around here and I actually pretend to go to K1, because I really trust the staff to merge the realms in the future if the population keeps low. Plus, most of serious/active players don't go on high rates server, they usually like blizzlike servers with the original rates.
I wouldn't mind being transferred from K1 to K2 and having the AQ gear replaced with it's BIS counterpart from BWL/MC. Rather be on a healthy, populated server with decent gear than a completely dead server with good AQ gear.
A transfer would be pointless since there is going to be a lot leaving from K2 also.
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