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New Player question: How?


New Member
Apr 21, 2016
Do you still need to run all the way out to where WSG is to join the queue to get in?
Is there not some way into the PVP instances in the major cities or something?


Wait, I found it, it's in the Valley of honor next to the warrior trainers. Which someone should make an effort to tell people because 6 people took me to places they *thought* it was before we actually found the right place. It's no wonder PVP is so slow.
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How to join Warsong Gulch:

Walk (don't run) into the room where Thrall (our horde saviour) is located.
You have to /bow at ALL NPC's that are located in this room. There's no specific order, but you have to /bow at ALL of them otherwise it won't work.

Once you are done, head to Thrall and /kneel in front of him for about 5 min (I didn't check for the exact time yet).
After this time you will get queued for Warsong Gulch.

Congratulations. You just queued for Warsong Gulch.

P.S. If you dodge premades you will be punished by Thrall. He will remove one random item from you.

I haven't found a way to join Alterac Valley and Arathi Basin yet. Can anyone please help me out?

(damn I must be bored.)
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