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    TwinStar team

Non-Blizzlike mark distribution


New Member
Jun 16, 2016
Right now, if you lose a BG in under ten minutes, you are not even awarded the "consolation prize" of a single mark of honor that is normally gained for a loss. It's not as much of a problem in AB or AV where even games vs extremely geared premades rarely take less than ten minutes, but on WSG weekend and during the week when people are only queueing WSG it allows the one or two geared premades to completely lock down the BG. Currently on K1 there are two hugely geared Alliance premades running seemingly 24/7 and the average pug game vs them lasts about 8 minutes. Meaning that it is a complete and utter waste of time to even queue because you get no rep, no marks, no honor, and often not even any HKs.

I can't speak for Alliance but queueing WSG as a pug on Horde K1 is currently a complete and utter waste of time, you'd get more honor ganking level 48s in Burning Steppes than struggling to get 3 HKs a game and still not even getting a mark.

Discussing it in IRC, the argument that I heard from a certain GM is as follows:

The current system prevents people getting free honor by preventing people opening empty games for themselves by queueing an opposite faction alt at the same time as their main. If someone were to queue an Alliance character and then alt-tab and queue a Horde character at the same time, they could theoretically open a game for themselves and get free honor in an empty BG. It's easily possible to run the flag back and forth 3 times within 5 minutes, even moreso in a completely empty game.

But this system doesn't actually prevent that, because it's only the loser of a game that lasts under 10 minutes which doesn't get a mark. In the above scenario, the person opening empty games doesn't even care whether the opposite-faction alt gets honor or marks, because the only purpose of that character is to open empty games for the character that they actually want honor and marks for.

And please note, I'm not complaining about premades existing at all. Premades are a major part of pvp and any and every serious ranker runs one. I don't mind losing to a team that's better organized and better geared, that's the way it should be. What I do mind is it being a complete and utter waste of time, due to not even getting the normal single mark for a loss.

we suck, at least let us get our single mark QQ

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