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    TwinStar team

Open one way transfers from K2 to K1


New Member
May 2, 2016
Some of us are bored of Blackrock Mountain yo.

Maybe if it isn't immediate but I feel like Naxx is a lot of players' goal, and with the release of Naxx occuring on k1 potentially a year ahead of k2 it would be nice to experience that :)
While I wouldn't be opposed to the idea (my opinion), I don't believe we currently have any framework in place that would allow for such an ability. This would be a feature request which we will discuss in a future admin meeting.
While I wouldn't be opposed to the idea (my opinion), I don't believe we currently have any framework in place that would allow for such an ability. This would be a feature request which we will discuss in a future admin meeting.

Thank you for considering this option! As a relatively new player (playing here since april), so far I've had the impression that you are doing great work, but especially on such hot topics it feels like you come up with a fix after the topic isn't hot any more (e.g. black lotus discussion was already over for some time, then all of a sudden the fix came, when most were already talking about the next big topic, merging servers). While I highly respect and appreciate your work, and honestly personally not care about the merge / transfer so much, I feel like if a possible transfer/merge option would appear in let's say two months from now, the Wow!-effect would be much smaller.

Tldr: I feel like the community would appreciate a faster solution for this topic.

@berniesunders: please stop whispering me shit, folowed by an immediate logout.
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While I wouldn't be opposed to the idea (my opinion), I don't believe we currently have any framework in place that would allow for such an ability. This would be a feature request which we will discuss in a future admin meeting.

Thanks Davros!
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