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    TwinStar team

Please do something about the economy


New Member
Oct 6, 2015
This is a suggestion for players as much as for the admins. Currently because of x7, herbs ore and stone are severely undervalued. At this moment there are many stacks of Fadeleaf on the AH for 1.5 gold each. That is not a normal or reasonable price. It should be around 5 or 6. The same is true for most other herbs and ores. The economy is crashing because gold is overvalued. By a lot. The server economy needs a large influx of gold in order for things to stabilize.

I am not sure how this would be accomplished other than through 60s putting a lot of effort into farming, but as a new player trying to level this situation is incredibly frustrating because it's hard enough to be able to pay for skills and a mount as it is without the fruits of my gathering professions being incredibly undervalued. It's getting to the point where I don't feel like it's going to be worth my time to play here, simply because making any kind of cash is such an enormous chore. Please consider the problem that this situation poses. Thank you.
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5-6g for a stack of Fadeleaf? What.
Absolutely normal. 3-4g minimum. 1.5g is a joke for an herb that a class frequently uses for one of their core abilities even at level 60. http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=6510

Meanwhile also at 60, Arcane Crystals are going for 12g and Dreamfoil is going for 5-6 a stack. That is half normal value, and half of what the values were at before x7 started, when I checked these prices a month ago. Pre-x7 the economy on Kronos was very robust and stuff was going for a lot. The economy is in the tank now.
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Huh I guess you're just stupid then. Have fun supporting the death of what could've been a period of growth for this server.
Tweaking with the rates of the game has an influence over the economy ? Who would've known.

Don't worry though, for now it may be undervalued, but when the bulk of the new player reach 60, finish buying their skills and start to catch up with their profession, then all the mat prices will jump through the roof. Just keep your merchandise until then :p
I've never bought a stack of dreamfoil for more than 8g of AH on alliance side (playing since spring last year). 1.5g/fadeleaf stack got my hopes up, but it was 3g in AH.
This post is a joke in itself... basically your assessment comes from your playtime on other servers...

So what influences an economy -> supply and demand

This can be tampered with in several ways, if you play the auction house. But whats more important is the demand... If most players on the server don't need to buy your items because they farm themselves, you will have a hard time demanding high value, and also if many players flood the market, and the demand is low, the prices also drop... and vice versa. Needless to say, anything above vendor price should be considered a better deal than the game offered to you.

My main is a rogue, I pick pocket all humanoids I farm, this provides me with insane amounts of blinding powder... have 200+ on my bank alt, so why would I buy the fadeleaf??? I don't think I'm the only one tbh
I always sold dreamfoil stacks for 5-8G on AH/World/Guild since 9 months back so it has nothing todo with the exp event kronos have now, i also sold black lotuses for 18-19G the last 9-10months.
Icecaps 6-8G per stack to, this is the prices on Kronos, people here knows how to play the game and have ALTs thats doing all there farming, guilds sell inhouse for cheaps so no point to buy on AH or world really.
Meanwhile also at 60, Arcane Crystals are going for 12g and Dreamfoil is going for 5-6 a stack. That is half normal value, and half of what the values were at before x7 started, when I checked these prices a month ago.

Arcane crystals were always around 12 gold though. I bought some for a week regularly 2 months ago. Arcanite bars go for around 20 gold. If you take the standard price for a transmute, which is 5 gold, into account it adds up. Buying just the bars was always more expensive than buying the crystal and the transmute cooldown separately.
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I still miss the point how increased experience rates lower gold value?

If you got a faster car, the oil becomes devalued? Or how should I understand this?
Arcane crystals were always around 12 gold though. I bought some for a week regularly 2 months ago. Arcanite bars go for around 20 gold. If you take the standard price for a transmute, which is 5 gold, into account it adds up. Buying just the bars was always more expensive than buying the crystal and the transmute cooldown separately.

That does seem low compared to both Emerald Dream and N server, where the standard price was always around 25 gold. Not sure what the reason for the difference is (other than the x7 right now). Anyone remember how much they typically went for back in retail?
I still miss the point how increased experience rates lower gold value?

If you got a faster car, the oil becomes devalued? Or how should I understand this?

I am wondering that myself. The only reason i can find is that more players (especially out in the lvling zones and not afk in if/og) mean more supply which lowers the prices. It is totally normal and prices will go up again.
That does seem low compared to both Emerald Dream and N server, where the standard price was always around 25 gold. Not sure what the reason for the difference is (other than the x7 right now). Anyone remember how much they typically went for back in retail?

Stop thinking there was ONE standard rate for stuff on retail. Prices on retail could fluctuate 50%-200% from server to server, based on faction balance and population and server culture. (some servers became more pvp oriented and some became more pve oriented)

Dreamfoil is cheap here, I agree, but it was equally cheap 6 months ago.. it's not the x7 event.

If you think stuff is too cheap: stop selling it and stockpile it, even buy more. Prices will go up eventually , trust me, I have been playing the economic game on every server I played.

You can also farm other stuff that still fetches a good price. Like elemental earth. raid guild are hoarding big piles of nature protection pots for the AQ raid.
That does seem low compared to both Emerald Dream and N server, where the standard price was always around 25 gold. Not sure what the reason for the difference is (other than the x7 right now). Anyone remember how much they typically went for back in retail?

The increased experience rate can't be the reason because the price is pretty consistent since at least 2 months it seems and I bet even before that. I guess it's the difference in population and maybe just a bigger ratio of players farming that stuff or a smaller amount of players needing those (perhaps because they just farm it for themselves). I think you just can't compare prices between different servers and state that something is wrong.

The only thing I really noticed is that low level blues are rarely bought because those items get outleveled pretty fast now. Thats bitter as I level with the normal rate and need gold for my mount. But I guess I will just save that stuff for later.
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As a player with many gathering professions, I can definitely say that the economy is JUST fine. And I was here before 7x too. Stahp whine. L2economy.
Stop thinking there was ONE standard rate for stuff on retail. Prices on retail could fluctuate 50%-200% from server to server, based on faction balance and population and server culture. (some servers became more pvp oriented and some became more pve oriented)


You can also farm other stuff that still fetches a good price.

Yeah I meant "on average" though. I do think that 12g for AC's is pretty low, just as Dreamfoil is low. But you are right, the smartest thing is to try to find out what people are actually paying good prices for. I think I figured out some angles. And thanks for your specific tip!

The only thing I really noticed is that low level blues are rarely bought because those items get outleveled pretty fast now. Thats bitter as I level with the normal rate and need gold for my mount. But I guess I will just save that stuff for later.

One thing I noticed about the low level blues is that people are trying to sell them for really ridiculous prices. Like 15g for a Gnarled Ash Staff. Or over 20 gold for level 29 blue robes. That's not realistic, and the market seems stalled because you have all these poor players who get a lucky blue drop and then expect they're going to become rich because of it. It would be better for everyone if people would bring the prices down to under 10 gold (or even under 5) for things in the 20s and 30s ranges, as the items would actually sell instead of just sitting there and people would get some nice gear to enjoy leveling up with.
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Wow. I am wondering how this topic has not become a complete troll fest.

I guess you have never had something like Economics 1-0-1, where you would see supply-demand diagrams. It works almost exactly the same in WoW. For example there is limited amount of black lotus you can globally obtain. With increasing number of players on the server wanting the black lotus, the price would logically increase as well. On the other hand fadeleaf is a different story, since the XP event there are more people farming this herb from loot and from nodes, but the amount of people wanting it has not increased, or not as much in terms of relativity. So the price will drop down significantly.

How is this like not super clear? I'd suggest you never start your own business, cuz unless you own a monopoly, you cannot force your customers higher prices for the same product, when they can buy it elsewhere for a fraction of the price. And comparing prices with other servers is like comparing prices with different countries.
I still miss the point how increased experience rates lower gold value?

If you got a faster car, the oil becomes devalued? Or how should I understand this?

They increase gold values. This is because when players level faster, they need to dump more gold into skills while not gaining gold any faster than normal. Needing to dump gold faster while earning gold at the same rate means that players have less gold overall, leading to lower commodity pricing. Lower prices means a single piece of gold goes further means gold value has increased.

This will begin to fade over several months once the experience event ends. Meanwhile, the experience event will have boosted the number of players on the server resulting in a more active auction house and a healthier economy. Nothing needs to be done, it will resolve itself when the experience event ends. Until then, direct gold sources such as looting gold off creatures and vendoring greys will have a higher than normal value while farming and selling commodities on the market will have a lower than normal value.
Well I'm buying 10k worth of Silithid Carapace Fragments @40s per. If you are in need of gold this offer only lasts till I am Neutral. Cheers.
Vanguard popular even when it has nothing to do with them. Give this man a carrot and I'll take your Fragments.
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